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Don't set readonly fields in the "open calling partner" wizard, to avoid calling default_get twice (and thus connect to asterisk twice)

Make "open calling partner" work with Asterisk 1.4 (or it is IAX trunk ?)
Alexis de Lattre 13 years ago
  1. 19


@ -317,8 +317,9 @@ class asterisk_server(osv.osv):
calling_party_number = False
status_answer_split = status_answer.split('\r\n\r\n')
for event in status_answer_split:
string_match = 'BridgedChannel: ' + user.asterisk_chan_type + '/' + user.internal_number
if not string_match in event:
string_bridge_match = 'BridgedChannel: ' + user.asterisk_chan_type + '/' + user.internal_number
string_link_match = 'Link: ' + user.asterisk_chan_type + '/' + user.internal_number # Asterisk 1.4 ? Or is it related to the fact that it's an IAX trunk ?
if not string_bridge_match in event and not string_link_match in event:
event_split = event.split('\r\n')
for event_line in event_split:
@ -483,12 +484,15 @@ class wizard_open_calling_partner(osv.osv_memory):
_description = "Open calling partner"
_columns = {
'calling_number': fields.char('Calling number', size=30, readonly=True, help="Phone number of calling party that has been obtained from Asterisk."),
'partner_address_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Contact name', readonly=True, help="Partner contact related to the calling number"),
'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner', readonly=True, help="Partner related to the calling number"),
# I can't set any field to readonly, because otherwize it would call
# default_get (and thus connect to Asterisk) a second time when the user
# clicks on one of the buttons
'calling_number': fields.char('Calling number', size=30, help="Phone number of calling party that has been obtained from Asterisk."),
'partner_address_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Contact name', help="Partner contact related to the calling number. If there is none and you want to update an existing partner"),
'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner', help="Partner related to the calling number."),
'to_update_partner_address_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Contact to update', help="Partner contact on which the phone or mobile number will be written"),
'current_phone': fields.related('to_update_partner_address_id', 'phone', type='char', relation='res.partner.address', string='Current phone', readonly=True),
'current_mobile': fields.related('to_update_partner_address_id', 'mobile', type='char', relation='res.partner.address', string='Current mobile', readonly=True),
'current_phone': fields.related('to_update_partner_address_id', 'phone', type='char', relation='res.partner.address', string='Current phone'),
'current_mobile': fields.related('to_update_partner_address_id', 'mobile', type='char', relation='res.partner.address', string='Current mobile'),
@ -513,6 +517,7 @@ class wizard_open_calling_partner(osv.osv_memory):
res['partner_id'] = False
res['partner_address_id'] = False
res['to_update_partner_address_id'] = False
_logger.debug("Could not get the calling number from Asterisk.")
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error :'), _("Could not get the calling number from Asterisk. Are you currently on the phone ? If yes, check your setup and look at the OpenERP debug logs."))
