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- Send CallerID to Asterisk as UTF-8 by default

Accoring to my tests and the info I got, SIP phones support UTF-8 fine
- Create a command line option to convert the name from UTF-8 to ASCII (-a)
- add default parameter to the help message
Alexis de Lattre 14 years ago
  1. 56


@ -64,13 +64,24 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
default_cid_name = "Not in OpenERP"
# Define command line options
option_server = {'names': ('-s', '--server'), 'dest': 'server', 'type': 'string', 'help': 'DNS or IP address of the OpenERP server', 'action': 'store', 'default':'localhost'}
option_port = {'names': ('-p', '--port'), 'dest': 'port', 'type': 'int', 'help': "Port of OpenERP's XML-RPC interface", 'action': 'store', 'default': 8069}
option_database = {'names': ('-d', '--database'), 'dest': 'database', 'type': 'string', 'help': "OpenERP database name", 'action': 'store', 'default': 'openerp'}
option_user = {'names': ('-u', '--user-id'), 'dest': 'user', 'type': 'int', 'help': "OpenERP user ID to use when connecting to OpenERP", 'action': 'store', 'default': 2}
option_password = {'names': ('-w', '--password'), 'dest': 'password', 'type': 'string', 'help': "Password of the OpenERP user", 'action': 'store', 'default': 'demo'}
option_server = {'names': ('-s', '--server'), 'dest': 'server', 'type': 'string', 'help': 'DNS or IP address of the OpenERP server. Default = localhost', 'action': 'store', 'default':'localhost'}
option_port = {'names': ('-p', '--port'), 'dest': 'port', 'type': 'int', 'help': "Port of OpenERP's XML-RPC interface. Default = 8069", 'action': 'store', 'default': 8069}
option_database = {'names': ('-d', '--database'), 'dest': 'database', 'type': 'string', 'help': "OpenERP database name. Default = openerp", 'action': 'store', 'default': 'openerp'}
option_user = {'names': ('-u', '--user-id'), 'dest': 'user', 'type': 'int', 'help': "OpenERP user ID to use when connecting to OpenERP. Default = 2", 'action': 'store', 'default': 2}
option_password = {'names': ('-w', '--password'), 'dest': 'password', 'type': 'string', 'help': "Password of the OpenERP user. Default = demo", 'action': 'store', 'default': 'demo'}
option_ascii = {'names': ('-a', '--ascii'), 'dest': 'ascii', 'help': "Convert name from UTF-8 to ASCII. Default = no, keep UTF-8", 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}
options = [option_server, option_port, option_database, option_user, option_password, option_ascii]
def stdout_write(string):
'''Wrapper on sys.stdout.write'''
sys.stdout.write(string.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace'))
options = [option_server, option_port, option_database, option_user, option_password]
def stderr_write(string):
'''Wrapper on sys.stderr.write'''
sys.stderr.write(string.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace'))
def reformat_phone_number_before_query_openerp(number):
@ -104,33 +115,32 @@ def main(options, arguments):
variable, value = input_line.split(':') # TODO à protéger !
if variable[:4] != 'agi_': # All AGI parameters start with 'agi_'
sys.stderr.write("Bad stdin variable : %s\n" % variable)
stderr_write("bad stdin variable : %s\n" % variable)
variable = variable.strip()
value = value.strip()
if variable != '':
stdinput[variable] = value
sys.stderr.write("Full AGI environnement :\n")
stderr_write("full AGI environnement :\n")
for variable in stdinput.keys():
sys.stderr.write("%s = %s\n" % (variable, stdinput[variable]))
stderr_write("%s = %s\n" % (variable, stdinput[variable]))
input_cid_number = stdinput.get('agi_callerid', False)
stderr_write('stdout encoding = %s\n' % sys.stdout.encoding)
if not isinstance(input_cid_number, str):
# Match for particular cases and anonymous phone calls
# To test anonymous call in France, dial 3651 + number
if not input_cid_number.isdigit():
sys.stdout.write('VERBOSE "CallerID number (%s) is not a digit"\n' % input_cid_number)
stdout_write('VERBOSE "CallerID number (%s) is not a digit"\n' % input_cid_number)
sys.stdout.write('VERBOSE "CallerID number = %s"\n' % input_cid_number)
stdout_write('VERBOSE "CallerID number = %s"\n' % input_cid_number)
query_number = reformat_phone_number_before_query_openerp(input_cid_number)
sys.stderr.write("phone number sent to OpenERP = %s\n" % query_number)
stderr_write("phone number sent to OpenERP = %s\n" % query_number)
sys.stdout.write('VERBOSE "Starting XML-RPC request on OpenERP %s:%s"\n' % (options.server, str(options.port)))
stdout_write('VERBOSE "Starting XML-RPC request on OpenERP %s:%s"\n' % (options.server, str(options.port)))
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s/xmlrpc/object' % (options.server, str(options.port)))
@ -139,8 +149,7 @@ def main(options, arguments):
#import time
sys.stdout.write('VERBOSE "End of XML-RPC request on OpenERP"\n')
stdout_write('VERBOSE "End of XML-RPC request on OpenERP"\n')
# Function to limit the size of the CID name to 40 chars
if res:
@ -150,14 +159,13 @@ def main(options, arguments):
# if the number is not found in OpenERP, we put 'default_cid_name' as CID Name
res = default_cid_name
# I am not sure how SIP and IP phones manage non-ASCII caracters, so I prefer
# to replace all non-ASCII caracters in the name
res_ascii = convert_to_ascii(res)
# All SIP phones should support UTF-8... but in case you have analog phones over TDM
# or buggy phones, you should use the command line option --ascii
if options.ascii:
res = convert_to_ascii(res)
sys.stdout.write('VERBOSE "CallerID Name = %s"\n' % res_ascii)
sys.stdout.write('SET CALLERID "%s"<%s>\n' % (res_ascii, input_cid_number))
stdout_write('VERBOSE "CallerID Name = %s"\n' % res)
stdout_write('SET CALLERID "%s"<%s>\n' % (res, input_cid_number))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = OptionParser()
