/* Compiled Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 7:33pm America/New_York Version: libphonenumber r574 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (C) Alan Beebe (alan.beebe@gmail.com). Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Usage... This is the same type of code used by cell phones when you enter a phone number into your dialer app. Your phone already knows what country you are a subscriber in, so it assumes you are entering a local number, unless of course you prefix the number with a +, or in the USA you could also prefix the number with 011 to indicate you wish to dial internationally. This code functions the same way. Lets assume your in the United States and you enter the following phone number: 8646978257 formatE164("US", "8646978257"); Returns: +18646978257 countryForE164Number("US", "+18646978257"); Returns: US formatInternational("US", "8646978257"); Returns: (864) 697-8257 Info: This is the format you use if you are displaying this number to users outside the US formatLocal("US", "8646978257"); Returns: (864) 697-8257 Info: This is the format you use if you are displaying this number to users inside the US (In certain countries, this format will be different then the international format) countryCodeToName("US"); Returns: United States */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function countryForE164Number(phone) { /* Return the country code for an e164 formatted number phone (String) phone number in e164 format to return the country code for */ try { var phone = cleanPhone(phone); var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); var number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(phone); var output = new goog.string.StringBuffer(); output = phoneUtil.getRegionCodeForNumber(number); return output.toString(); } catch (e) { return ""; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function formatNumberForMobileDialing(country, phone) { /* Returns a number formatted in such a way that it can be dialed from a mobile phone in a specific region. If the number cannot be reached from the region (e.g. some countries block toll-free numbers from being called outside of the country), the method returns an empty string. */ try { var phone = cleanPhone(phone); var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); var number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(phone, country); var output = new goog.string.StringBuffer(); output = phoneUtil.formatNumberForMobileDialing(number, country, true); return output.toString(); } catch (e) { return ""; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isValidNumber(phone) { /* Tests whether a phone number matches a valid pattern. Note this doesn't verify the number is actually in use, which is impossible to tell by just looking at a number itself. */ try { var phone = cleanPhone(phone); var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); var number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(phone, ""); return phoneUtil.isValidNumber(number); } catch (e) { return false; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function formatE164(country, phone) { /* Return the phone number in e164 format country (String) 2 digit country code phone (String) phone number to format */ try { var phone = cleanPhone(phone); var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); var number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(phone, country); var PNF = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat; var output = new goog.string.StringBuffer(); output = phoneUtil.format(number, PNF.E164); return output.toString(); } catch (e) { return phone } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function formatInternational(country, phone) { /* Return the phone number in international format country (String) 2 digit country code phone (String) phone number to format */ try { var phone = cleanPhone(phone); var formatter = new i18n.phonenumbers.AsYouTypeFormatter(country); var output = new goog.string.StringBuffer(); for (var i = 0; i < phone.length; ++i) { var inputChar = phone.charAt(i); output = (formatter.inputDigit(inputChar)); } return output.toString(); } catch (e) { return phone; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function formatLocal(country, phone) { /* Return the phone number in the format local to the user country (String) 2 digit country code phone (String) phone number to format */ try { var phone = cleanPhone(phone); var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); var number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(phone, country); if (phoneUtil.isValidNumberForRegion(number, country)) { var PNF = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat; var output = new goog.string.StringBuffer(); output = phoneUtil.format(number, PNF.NATIONAL); return output.toString(); } else { return formatInternational(country, phone); } } catch (e) { return formatInternational(country, phone); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cleanPhone(phone) { /* Remove any non numeric characters from the phone number but leave any plus sign at the beginning phone (String) phone number to clean */ phone = phone.replace(/[^\d\+]/g,''); if (phone.substr(0, 1) == "+") { phone = "+" + phone.replace(/[^\d]/g,''); } else { phone = phone.replace(/[^\d]/g,''); } return phone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function countryCodeToName(countryCode) { /* Convert the country code to a name country (String) 2 digit country code */ var arrCountry = new Array(); arrCountry['AF'] = "Afghanistan"; arrCountry['AL'] = "Albania"; arrCountry['DZ'] = "Algeria"; arrCountry['AS'] = "American Samoa"; arrCountry['AD'] = "Andorra"; arrCountry['AO'] = "Angola"; arrCountry['AI'] = "Anguilla"; arrCountry['AQ'] = "Antarctica"; arrCountry['AG'] = "Antigua And Barbuda"; arrCountry['AR'] = "Argentina"; arrCountry['AM'] = "Armenia"; arrCountry['AW'] = "Aruba"; arrCountry['AU'] = "Australia"; arrCountry['AT'] = "Austria"; arrCountry['AZ'] = "Azerbaijan"; arrCountry['BS'] = "Bahamas"; arrCountry['BH'] = "Bahrain"; arrCountry['BD'] = "Bangladesh"; arrCountry['BB'] = "Barbados"; arrCountry['BY'] = "Belarus"; arrCountry['BE'] = "Belgium"; arrCountry['BZ'] = "Belize"; arrCountry['BJ'] = "Benin"; arrCountry['BM'] = "Bermuda"; arrCountry['BT'] = "Bhutan"; arrCountry['BO'] = "Bolivia"; arrCountry['BA'] = "Bosnia And Herzegovina"; arrCountry['BW'] = "Botswana"; arrCountry['BV'] = "Bouvet Island"; arrCountry['BR'] = "Brazil"; arrCountry['IO'] = "British Indian Ocean Territory"; arrCountry['BN'] = "Brunei"; arrCountry['BG'] = "Bulgaria"; arrCountry['BF'] = "Burkina Faso"; arrCountry['BI'] = "Burundi"; arrCountry['KH'] = "Cambodia"; arrCountry['CM'] = "Cameroon"; arrCountry['CA'] = "Canada"; arrCountry['CV'] = "Cape Verde"; arrCountry['KY'] = "Cayman Islands"; arrCountry['CF'] = "Central African Republic"; arrCountry['TD'] = "Chad"; arrCountry['CL'] = "Chile"; arrCountry['CN'] = "China"; arrCountry['CX'] = "Christmas Island"; arrCountry['CC'] = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"; arrCountry['CO'] = "Columbia"; arrCountry['KM'] = "Comoros"; arrCountry['CG'] = "Congo"; arrCountry['CK'] = "Cook Islands"; arrCountry['CR'] = "Costa Rica"; arrCountry['CI'] = "Cote D'Ivorie (Ivory Coast)"; arrCountry['HR'] = "Croatia (Hrvatska)"; arrCountry['CU'] = "Cuba"; arrCountry['CY'] = "Cyprus"; arrCountry['CZ'] = "Czech Republic"; arrCountry['CD'] = "Democratic Republic Of Congo (Zaire)"; arrCountry['DK'] = "Denmark"; arrCountry['DJ'] = "Djibouti"; arrCountry['DM'] = "Dominica"; arrCountry['DO'] = "Dominican Republic"; arrCountry['TP'] = "East Timor"; arrCountry['EC'] = "Ecuador"; arrCountry['EG'] = "Egypt"; arrCountry['SV'] = "El Salvador"; arrCountry['GQ'] = "Equatorial Guinea"; arrCountry['ER'] = "Eritrea"; arrCountry['EE'] = "Estonia"; arrCountry['ET'] = "Ethiopia"; arrCountry['FK'] = "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"; arrCountry['FO'] = "Faroe Islands"; arrCountry['FJ'] = "Fiji"; arrCountry['FI'] = "Finland"; arrCountry['FR'] = "France"; arrCountry['FX'] = "France, Metropolitan"; arrCountry['GF'] = "French Guinea"; arrCountry['PF'] = "French Polynesia"; arrCountry['TF'] = "French Southern Territories"; arrCountry['GA'] = "Gabon"; arrCountry['GM'] = "Gambia"; arrCountry['GE'] = "Georgia"; arrCountry['DE'] = "Germany"; arrCountry['GH'] = "Ghana"; arrCountry['GI'] = "Gibraltar"; arrCountry['GR'] = "Greece"; arrCountry['GL'] = "Greenland"; arrCountry['GD'] = "Grenada"; arrCountry['GP'] = "Guadeloupe"; arrCountry['GU'] = "Guam"; arrCountry['GT'] = "Guatemala"; arrCountry['GN'] = "Guinea"; arrCountry['GW'] = "Guinea-Bissau"; arrCountry['GY'] = "Guyana"; arrCountry['HT'] = "Haiti"; arrCountry['HM'] = "Heard And McDonald Islands"; arrCountry['HN'] = "Honduras"; arrCountry['HK'] = "Hong Kong"; arrCountry['HU'] = "Hungary"; arrCountry['IS'] = "Iceland"; arrCountry['IN'] = "India"; arrCountry['ID'] = "Indonesia"; arrCountry['IR'] = "Iran"; arrCountry['IQ'] = "Iraq"; arrCountry['IE'] = "Ireland"; arrCountry['IM'] = "Isle of Man"; arrCountry['IL'] = "Israel"; arrCountry['IT'] = "Italy"; arrCountry['JM'] = "Jamaica"; arrCountry['JP'] = "Japan"; arrCountry['JO'] = "Jordan"; arrCountry['KZ'] = "Kazakhstan"; arrCountry['KE'] = "Kenya"; arrCountry['KI'] = "Kiribati"; arrCountry['KW'] = "Kuwait"; arrCountry['KG'] = "Kyrgyzstan"; arrCountry['LA'] = "Laos"; arrCountry['LV'] = "Latvia"; arrCountry['LB'] = "Lebanon"; arrCountry['LS'] = "Lesotho"; arrCountry['LR'] = "Liberia"; arrCountry['LY'] = "Libya"; arrCountry['LI'] = "Liechtenstein"; arrCountry['LT'] = "Lithuania"; arrCountry['LU'] = "Luxembourg"; arrCountry['MO'] = "Macau"; arrCountry['MK'] = "Macedonia"; arrCountry['MG'] = "Madagascar"; arrCountry['MW'] = "Malawi"; arrCountry['MY'] = "Malaysia"; arrCountry['MV'] = "Maldives"; arrCountry['ML'] = "Mali"; arrCountry['MT'] = "Malta"; arrCountry['MH'] = "Marshall Islands"; arrCountry['MQ'] = "Martinique"; arrCountry['MR'] = "Mauritania"; arrCountry['MU'] = "Mauritius"; arrCountry['YT'] = "Mayotte"; arrCountry['MX'] = "Mexico"; arrCountry['FM'] = "Micronesia"; arrCountry['MD'] = "Moldova"; arrCountry['MC'] = "Monaco"; arrCountry['MN'] = "Mongolia"; arrCountry['MS'] = "Montserrat"; arrCountry['MA'] = "Morocco"; arrCountry['MZ'] = "Mozambique"; arrCountry['MM'] = "Myanmar (Burma)"; arrCountry['NA'] = "Namibia"; arrCountry['NR'] = "Nauru"; arrCountry['NP'] = "Nepal"; arrCountry['NL'] = "Netherlands"; arrCountry['AN'] = "Netherlands Antilles"; arrCountry['NC'] = "New Caledonia"; arrCountry['NZ'] = "New Zealand"; arrCountry['NI'] = "Nicaragua"; arrCountry['NE'] = "Niger"; arrCountry['NG'] = "Nigeria"; arrCountry['NU'] = "Niue"; arrCountry['NF'] = "Norfolk Island"; arrCountry['KP'] = "North Korea"; arrCountry['MP'] = "Northern Mariana Islands"; arrCountry['NO'] = "Norway"; arrCountry['OM'] = "Oman"; arrCountry['PK'] = "Pakistan"; arrCountry['PW'] = "Palau"; arrCountry['PA'] = "Panama"; arrCountry['PG'] = "Papua New Guinea"; arrCountry['PY'] = "Paraguay"; arrCountry['PE'] = "Peru"; arrCountry['PH'] = "Philippines"; arrCountry['PN'] = "Pitcairn"; arrCountry['PL'] = "Poland"; arrCountry['PT'] = "Portugal"; arrCountry['PR'] = "Puerto Rico"; arrCountry['QA'] = "Qatar"; arrCountry['RE'] = "Reunion"; arrCountry['RO'] = "Romania"; arrCountry['RU'] = "Russia"; arrCountry['RW'] = "Rwanda"; arrCountry['SH'] = "Saint Helena"; arrCountry['KN'] = "Saint Kitts And Nevis"; arrCountry['LC'] = "Saint Lucia"; arrCountry['PM'] = "Saint Pierre And Miquelon"; arrCountry['VC'] = "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines"; arrCountry['SM'] = "San Marino"; arrCountry['ST'] = "Sao Tome And Principe"; arrCountry['SA'] = "Saudi Arabia"; arrCountry['SN'] = "Senegal"; arrCountry['SC'] = "Seychelles"; arrCountry['SL'] = "Sierra Leone"; arrCountry['SG'] = "Singapore"; arrCountry['SK'] = "Slovak Republic"; arrCountry['SI'] = "Slovenia"; arrCountry['SB'] = "Solomon Islands"; arrCountry['SO'] = "Somalia"; arrCountry['ZA'] = "South Africa"; arrCountry['GS'] = "South Georgia And South Sandwich Islands"; arrCountry['KR'] = "South Korea"; arrCountry['ES'] = "Spain"; arrCountry['LK'] = "Sri Lanka"; arrCountry['SD'] = "Sudan"; arrCountry['SR'] = "Suriname"; arrCountry['SJ'] = "Svalbard And Jan Mayen"; arrCountry['SZ'] = "Swaziland"; arrCountry['SE'] = "Sweden"; arrCountry['CH'] = "Switzerland"; arrCountry['SY'] = "Syria"; arrCountry['TW'] = "Taiwan"; arrCountry['TJ'] = "Tajikistan"; arrCountry['TZ'] = "Tanzania"; arrCountry['TH'] = "Thailand"; arrCountry['TG'] = "Togo"; arrCountry['TK'] = "Tokelau"; arrCountry['TO'] = "Tonga"; arrCountry['TT'] = "Trinidad And Tobago"; arrCountry['TN'] = "Tunisia"; arrCountry['TR'] = "Turkey"; arrCountry['TM'] = "Turkmenistan"; arrCountry['TC'] = "Turks And Caicos Islands"; arrCountry['TV'] = "Tuvalu"; arrCountry['UG'] = "Uganda"; arrCountry['UA'] = "Ukraine"; arrCountry['AE'] = "United Arab Emirates"; arrCountry['GB'] = "United Kingdom"; arrCountry['US'] = "United States"; arrCountry['UM'] = "United States Minor Outlying Islands"; arrCountry['UY'] = "Uruguay"; arrCountry['UZ'] = "Uzbekistan"; arrCountry['VU'] = "Vanuatu"; arrCountry['VA'] = "Vatican City (Holy See)"; arrCountry['VE'] = "Venezuela"; arrCountry['VN'] = "Vietnam"; arrCountry['VG'] = "Virgin Islands (British)"; arrCountry['VI'] = "Virgin Islands (US)"; arrCountry['WF'] = "Wallis And Futuna Islands"; arrCountry['EH'] = "Western Sahara"; arrCountry['WS'] = "Western Samoa"; arrCountry['YE'] = "Yemen"; arrCountry['YU'] = "Yugoslavia"; arrCountry['ZM'] = "Zambia"; arrCountry['ZW'] = "Zimbabwe"; var name = arrCountry[countryCode.toUpperCase()]; if (name === undefined) { return ""; } else { return name; } } var COMPILED=!0,goog=goog||{};goog.global=this;goog.DEBUG=!0;goog.LOCALE="en";goog.provide=function(a){if(!COMPILED){if(goog.isProvided_(a))throw Error('Namespace "'+a+'" already declared.');delete goog.implicitNamespaces_[a];for(var b=a;(b=b.substring(0,b.lastIndexOf(".")))&&!goog.getObjectByName(b);)goog.implicitNamespaces_[b]=!0}goog.exportPath_(a)};goog.setTestOnly=function(a){if(COMPILED&&!goog.DEBUG)throw a=a||"",Error("Importing test-only code into non-debug environment"+a?": "+a:".");}; 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