/* Base phone module for Odoo Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Alexis de Lattre The licence is in the file __openerp__.py */ odoo.define('base_phone.phone_widget', function (require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var formwidgets = require('web.form_widgets'); var web_client = require('web.web_client'); var _t = core._t; var FieldPhone = formwidgets.FieldChar.extend({ template: 'FieldPhone', initialize_content: function() { this._super(); var $button = this.$el.find('button'); $button.click(this.on_button_clicked); this.setupFocus($button); }, render_value: function() { if (!this.get('effective_readonly')) { this._super(); } else { var self = this; var phone_num = this.get('value'); // console.log('BASE_PHONE phone_num = %s', phone_num); var href = '#'; var href_text = ''; if (phone_num) { href = 'tel:' + phone_num; href_text = formatInternational('', phone_num) || ''; } if (href_text) { this.$el.find('a.oe_form_uri').attr('href', href).text(href_text); this.$el.find('span.oe_form_char_content').text(''); } else { this.$el.find('a.oe_form_uri').attr('href', '').text(''); this.$el.find('span.oe_form_char_content').text(phone_num || ''); } var click2dial_text = ''; if (href_text && !this.options.dial_button_invisible) { click2dial_text = _t('Dial'); } this.$el.find('#click2dial').off('click'); this.$el.find('#click2dial') .text(click2dial_text) .on('click', function(ev) { self.do_notify( _t('Click2dial started'), _t('Unhook your ringing phone')); var arg = { 'phone_number': phone_num, 'click2dial_model': self.view.dataset.model, 'click2dial_id': self.view.datarecord.id}; self.rpc('/base_phone/click2dial', arg).done(function(r) { // console.log('Click2dial r=%s', JSON.stringify(r)); if (r === false) { self.do_warn("Click2dial failed"); } else if (typeof r === 'object') { self.do_notify( _t('Click2dial successfull'), _t('Number dialed:') + ' ' + r.dialed_number); if (r.action_model) { var context = { 'click2dial_model': self.view.dataset.model, 'click2dial_id': self.view.datarecord.id, 'phone_number': phone_num, }; var action = { name: r.action_name, type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: r.action_model, view_mode: 'form', views: [[false, 'form']], target: 'new', context: context, }; web_client.action_manager.do_action(action); } } }); }); } }, on_button_clicked: function() { location.href = 'tel:' + this.get('value'); } }); var FieldFax = formwidgets.FieldChar.extend({ template: 'FieldFax', initialize_content: function() { this._super(); var $button = this.$el.find('button'); $button.click(this.on_button_clicked); this.setupFocus($button); }, render_value: function() { if (!this.get('effective_readonly')) { this._super(); } else { var fax_num = this.get('value'); // console.log('BASE_PHONE fax_num = %s', fax_num); var href = '#'; var href_text = ''; if (fax_num) { href = 'fax:' + fax_num; href_text = formatInternational('', fax_num) || ''; } if (href_text) { this.$el.find('a.oe_form_uri').attr('href', href).text(href_text); this.$el.find('span.oe_form_char_content').text(''); } else { this.$el.find('a.oe_form_uri').attr('href', '').text(''); this.$el.find('span.oe_form_char_content').text(fax_num || ''); } } }, on_button_clicked: function() { location.href = 'fax:' + this.get('value'); } }); // To avoid conflicts, we check that widgets do not exist before using if(!core.form_widget_registry.get('fax')){ core.form_widget_registry.add('fax', FieldFax); } if(!core.form_widget_registry.get('phone')){ core.form_widget_registry.add('phone', FieldPhone); } /* var Column = require('web.ListView'); var ColumnPhone = Column.extend({ // ability to add widget="phone" in TREE view _format: function(row_data, options) { console.log('row_data=' + row_data); console.log('options='); console.log(options); var value = row_data[this.id].value; if (value) { readable_space = formatInternational('', value); readable_no_break_space = readable_space.replace(/\s/g, ' '); console('special return'); return readable_no_break_space; } console.log('return normal'); return this._super(row_data, options); } }); if (!core.list_widget_registry.get('phone')) { core.list_widget_registry.add('field.phone', ColumnPhone); // a mon avis, il y a une mauvaise compréhension : fields.phone signifiera fields.Phone dans le python } */ });