# Copyright (C) 2019 Open Source Integrators # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). # Simple message import voicent v = voicent.Voicent() phoneno = "6024275632" reqid = v.callText(phoneno, "Hello, This is a test of the autodialer.", "1") status = v.callStatus(reqid) # Using Campaign in 2 steps v = voicent.Voicent() filepath = "/home/mchambreuil/odoo/pvm/voicent.csv" listname = "Test" leadsrc_id = v.importCampaign(listname, filepath) res = v.runCampaign(listname) v.checkStatus(res['leadsrc_id']) # Using Campaign in 1 step with TTS v = voicent.Voicent() filepath = "/home/mchambreuil/odoo/pvm/voicent.csv" res = v.importAndRunCampaign(filepath, "tts", "Hello, This is a test. Bye") status = v.checkStatus(res['camp_id']) # Using Campaign in 1 step with Template v = voicent.Voicent() filepath = "/home/mchambreuil/odoo/pvm/voicent.csv" res = v.importAndRunCampaign(filepath, "template", "Test") status = v.checkStatus(res['camp_id'])