You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
205 lines
6.3 KiB
205 lines
6.3 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2018 Voicent
# Copyright (C) 2019 Open Source Integrators
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
# Documentation available at
import ast
import csv
import ntpath
import os
import requests
class Voicent():
def __init__(self, host="localhost", port="8155", callerid="000000000",
self.host_ = host
self.port_ = port
self.callerid_ = callerid
self.line_ = line
def postToGateway(self, urlstr, params, files=None):
url = "http://" + self.host_ + ":" + self.port_ + urlstr
res =, params, files=files)
return res.text
def getReqId(self, rcstr):
index1 = rcstr.find("[ReqId=")
if index1 == -1:
return ""
index1 += 7
index2 = rcstr.find("]", index1)
if index2 == -1:
return ""
return rcstr[index1:index2]
def callText(self, phoneno, text, selfdelete):
urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp"
params = {
'info': 'simple text call',
'phoneno': phoneno,
'firstocc': 10,
'txt': text,
'selfdelete': selfdelete
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return self.getReqId(res)
def callAudio(self, phoneno, filename, selfdelete):
urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp"
params = {
'info': 'simple audio call',
'phoneno': phoneno,
'firstocc': 10,
'audiofile': filename,
'selfdelete': selfdelete
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return self.getReqId(res)
def callIvr(self, phoneno, appname, selfdelete):
urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp"
params = {
'info': 'simple text call',
'phoneno': phoneno,
'firstocc': 10,
'startapp': appname,
'selfdelete': selfdelete
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return self.getReqId(res)
def callStatus(self, reqid):
urlstr = "/ocall/callstatusHandler.jsp"
params = {'reqid': reqid}
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return self.getReqId(res)
def callRemove(self, reqId):
urlstr = "/ocall/callremoveHandler.jsp"
params = {'reqid': reqId}
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return self.getReqId(res)
def callTillConfirm(self, vcastexe, vocfile, wavfile, ccode):
urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp"
cmdline = "\""
cmdline += vocfile
cmdline += "\""
cmdline += " -startnow"
cmdline += " -confirmcode "
cmdline += ccode
cmdline += " -wavfile "
cmdline += "\""
cmdline += wavfile
cmdline += "\""
params = {
'info': 'Simple Call till Confirm',
'phoneno': '1111111',
'firstocc': 10,
'selfdelete': 0,
'startexec': vcastexe,
'cmdline': cmdline
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return self.getReqId(res)
def importCampaign(self, listname, filepath):
urlstr = "/ocall/campapi"
params = {
'action': 'import',
'importfile': ntpath.basename(filepath),
'importfilepath': filepath,
'profile': 'Test',
'mod': 'cus',
'fieldsep': ',',
'row1': 1,
'mergeopt': 'empty',
'leadsrcname': listname
files = {
'file': (ntpath.basename(filepath), open(filepath, 'rb'))
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params, files)
return ast.literal_eval(res)
def runCampaign(self, listname):
urlstr = "/ocall/campapi"
params = {
'action': 'bbp',
'CAMP_NAME': 'Test',
'listname': listname,
'phonecols': 'Phone',
'lines': self.line_,
'calldisps': '',
'callerid': self.callerid_,
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return ast.literal_eval(res)
def importAndRunCampaign(self, filepath, msgtype, msginfo):
urlstr = "/ocall/campapi"
params = {
'action': 'bbp',
# Parameters for importing the campaign
'importfile': ntpath.basename(filepath),
'importfilepath': filepath,
'mergeopt': 'skip',
# 'profile': 'Test',
'mod': 'cus',
'row1': 1,
'leadsrcname': 'Odoo Voicent Connector',
# Parameters for running the campaign
'CAMP_NAME': 'Odoo Voicent Connector',
'phonecols': 'Phone',
'lines': self.line_,
'calldisps': '',
'callerid': self.callerid_,
# Parameters for Autodialer
'msgtype': msgtype,
'msginfo': msginfo,
files = {
'file': (ntpath.basename(filepath), open(filepath, 'rb'))
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params, files)
return ast.literal_eval(res)
def checkStatus(self, camp_id):
urlstr = "/ocall/campapi"
params = {
'action': 'campstats',
'camp_id': camp_id
res = self.postToGateway(urlstr, params)
return ast.literal_eval(res)
def exportResult(self, camp_id, filename, extracols=None):
urlstr = "/ocall/campapi"
params = {
'action': 'exportcamp',
'camp_id': camp_id,
'f': 'webapps/ROOT/assets/global/' + filename,
'extracols': extracols
res = ast.literal_eval(self.postToGateway(urlstr, params))
if res.get('status') == 'OK':
url = 'http://' + self.host_ + ':' + self.port_ + \
'/assets/global/' + filename
res2 = requests.get(url)
with open(filename, 'wb') as local_file:
reader = csv.DictReader(open(filename, 'r'))
for row in reader:
return row
return res