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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2010-2016 Akretion (Alexis de Lattre <>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
import logging
from pprint import pformat
# pip install py-Asterisk
from Asterisk import Manager
except ImportError:
Manager = None
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AsteriskServer(models.Model):
'''Asterisk server object, stores the parameters of the Asterisk IPBXs'''
_name = "asterisk.server"
_description = "Asterisk Servers"
name = fields.Char(string='Asterisk Server Name', required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(
string='Active', default=True)
ip_address = fields.Char(
string='Asterisk IP address or DNS', required=True)
port = fields.Integer(
string='Port', required=True, default=5038,
help="TCP port on which the Asterisk Manager Interface listens. "
"Defined in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on Asterisk.")
out_prefix = fields.Char(
string='Out Prefix', size=4, help="Prefix to dial to make outgoing "
"calls. If you don't use a prefix to make outgoing calls, "
"leave empty.")
login = fields.Char(
string='AMI Login', required=True,
help="Login that Odoo will use to communicate with the "
"Asterisk Manager Interface. Refer to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf "
"on your Asterisk server.")
password = fields.Char(
string='AMI Password', required=True,
help="Password that Odoo will use to communicate with the "
"Asterisk Manager Interface. Refer to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf "
"on your Asterisk server.")
context = fields.Char(
string='Dialplan Context', required=True,
help="Asterisk dialplan context from which the calls will be "
"made. Refer to /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf on your Asterisk "
wait_time = fields.Integer(
string='Wait Time', required=True, default=15,
help="Amount of time (in seconds) Asterisk will try to reach "
"the user's phone before hanging up.")
extension_priority = fields.Integer(
string='Extension Priority', required=True, default=1,
help="Priority of the extension in the Asterisk dialplan. Refer "
"to /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf on your Asterisk server.")
alert_info = fields.Char(
string='Alert-Info SIP Header',
help="Set Alert-Info header in SIP request to user's IP Phone "
"for the click2dial feature. If empty, the Alert-Info header "
"will not be added. You can use it to have a special ring tone "
"for click2dial (a silent one !) or to activate auto-answer "
"for example.")
company_id = fields.Many2one(
'', string='Company',
default=lambda self: self.env['']._company_default_get(
help="Company who uses the Asterisk server.")
'out_prefix', 'wait_time', 'extension_priority', 'port',
'context', 'alert_info', 'login', 'password')
def _check_validity(self):
for server in self:
out_prefix = ('Out prefix', server.out_prefix)
dialplan_context = ('Dialplan context', server.context)
alert_info = ('Alert-Info SIP header', server.alert_info)
login = ('AMI login', server.login)
password = ('AMI password', server.password)
if out_prefix[1] and not out_prefix[1].isdigit():
raise ValidationError(
_("Only use digits for the '%s' on the Asterisk server "
"'%s'" % (out_prefix[0],
if server.wait_time < 1 or server.wait_time > 120:
raise ValidationError(
_("You should set a 'Wait time' value between 1 and 120 "
"seconds for the Asterisk server '%s'" %
if server.extension_priority < 1:
raise ValidationError(
_("The 'extension priority' must be a positive value for "
"the Asterisk server '%s'" %
if server.port > 65535 or server.port < 1:
raise ValidationError(
_("You should set a TCP port between 1 and 65535 for the "
"Asterisk server '%s'" %
for check_str in [dialplan_context, alert_info, login, password]:
if check_str[1]:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise ValidationError(
_("The '%s' should only have ASCII caracters for "
"the Asterisk server '%s'"
% (check_str[0],
def _connect_to_asterisk(self):
Open the connection to the Asterisk Manager
Returns an instance of the Asterisk Manager
user = self.env.user
ast_server = user.get_asterisk_server_from_user()
# We check if the current user has a chan type
if not user.asterisk_chan_type:
raise UserError(
_('No channel type configured for the current user.'))
# We check if the current user has an internal number
if not user.resource:
raise UserError(
_('No resource name configured for the current user'))
"User's phone: %s/%s", user.asterisk_chan_type, user.resource)
"Asterisk server: %s:%d", ast_server.ip_address, ast_server.port)
# Connect to the Asterisk Manager Interface
ast_manager = Manager.Manager(
(ast_server.ip_address, ast_server.port),
ast_server.login, ast_server.password)
except Exception, e:
"Error in the request to the Asterisk Manager Interface %s",
_logger.error("Here is the error message: %s", e)
raise UserError(
_("Problem in the request from Odoo to Asterisk. "
"Here is the error message: %s" % e))
return (user, ast_server, ast_manager)
def test_ami_connection(self):
ast_manager = False
ast_manager = Manager.Manager(
(self.ip_address, self.port),
except Exception, e:
raise UserError(
_("Connection Test Failed! The error message is: %s" % e))
if ast_manager:
raise UserError(_(
"Connection Test Successfull! Odoo can successfully login to "
"the Asterisk Manager Interface."))
def _get_calling_number_from_channel(self, chan, user):
'''Method designed to be inherited to work with
very old or very new versions of Asterisk'''
sip_account = user.asterisk_chan_type + '/' + user.resource
internal_number = user.internal_number
# 4 = Ring
# 6 = Up
if (
chan.get('ChannelState') in ('4', '6') and (
chan.get('ConnectedLineNum') == internal_number or
chan.get('EffectiveConnectedLineNum') == internal_number or
sip_account in chan.get('BridgedChannel', ''))):
"Found a matching Event with channelstate = %s",
return chan.get('CallerIDNum')
# Compatibility with Asterisk 1.4
if (
chan.get('State') == 'Up' and
sip_account in chan.get('Link', '')):
_logger.debug("Found a matching Event in 'Up' state")
return chan.get('CallerIDNum')
return False
def _get_calling_number(self):
user, ast_server, ast_manager = self._connect_to_asterisk()
calling_party_number = False
list_chan = ast_manager.Status()
# from pprint import pprint
# pprint(list_chan)
_logger.debug("Result of Status AMI request:")
for chan in list_chan.values():
calling_party_number = self._get_calling_number_from_channel(
chan, user)
if calling_party_number:
except Exception, e:
"Error in the Status request to Asterisk server %s",
"Here are the details of the error: '%s'", unicode(e))
raise UserError(
_("Can't get calling number from Asterisk.\nHere is the "
"error: '%s'" % unicode(e)))
_logger.debug("Calling party number: '%s'", calling_party_number)
return calling_party_number
def get_record_from_my_channel(self):
calling_number = self.env['asterisk.server']._get_calling_number()
# calling_number = "0641981246"
if calling_number:
record = self.env['phone.common'].get_record_from_phone_number(
if record:
return record
return calling_number
return False
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.users"
internal_number = fields.Char(
string='Internal Number', copy=False,
help="User's internal phone number.")
dial_suffix = fields.Char(
string='User-specific Dial Suffix',
help="User-specific dial suffix such as aa=2wb for SCCP auto answer.")
callerid = fields.Char(
string='Caller ID', copy=False,
help="Caller ID used for the calls initiated by this user.")
# You'd probably think: Asterisk should reuse the callerID of sip.conf!
# But it cannot, cf
# 2012-January/269787.html
cdraccount = fields.Char(
string='CDR Account',
help="Call Detail Record (CDR) account used for billing this user.")
asterisk_chan_type = fields.Selection([
('SIP', 'SIP'),
('IAX2', 'IAX2'),
('Zap', 'Zap'),
('Skinny', 'Skinny'),
('MGCP', 'MGCP'),
('mISDN', 'mISDN'),
('H323', 'H323'),
('SCCP', 'SCCP'),
# Local works for click2dial, but it won't work in
# _get_calling_number() when trying to identify the
# channel of the user, so it's better not to propose it
# ('Local', 'Local'),
], string='Asterisk Channel Type', default='SIP',
help="Asterisk channel type, as used in the Asterisk dialplan. "
"If the user has a regular IP phone, the channel type is 'SIP'.")
resource = fields.Char(
string='Resource Name', copy=False,
help="Resource name for the channel type selected. For example, "
"if you use 'Dial(SIP/phone1)' in your Asterisk dialplan to ring "
"the SIP phone of this user, then the resource name for this user "
"is 'phone1'. For a SIP phone, the phone number is often used as "
"resource name, but not always.")
alert_info = fields.Char(
string='User-specific Alert-Info SIP Header',
help="Set a user-specific Alert-Info header in SIP request to "
"user's IP Phone for the click2dial feature. If empty, the "
"Alert-Info header will not be added. You can use it to have a "
"special ring tone for click2dial (a silent one !) or to "
"activate auto-answer for example.")
variable = fields.Char(
string='User-specific Variable',
help="Set a user-specific 'Variable' field in the Asterisk "
"Manager Interface 'originate' request for the click2dial "
"feature. If you want to have several variable headers, separate "
"them with '|'.")
asterisk_server_id = fields.Many2one(
'asterisk.server', string='Asterisk Server',
help="Asterisk server on which the user's phone is connected. "
"If you leave this field empty, it will use the first Asterisk "
"server of the user's company.")
@api.constrains('resource', 'internal_number', 'callerid')
def _check_validity(self):
for user in self:
strings_to_check = [
(_('Resource Name'), user.resource),
(_('Internal Number'), user.internal_number),
(_('Caller ID'), user.callerid),
for check_string in strings_to_check:
if check_string[1]:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise ValidationError(_(
"The '%s' for the user '%s' should only have "
"ASCII caracters")
% (check_string[0],
def get_asterisk_server_from_user(self):
'''Returns an asterisk.server recordset'''
# We check if the user has an Asterisk server configured
if self.asterisk_server_id:
ast_server = self.asterisk_server_id
asterisk_servers = self.env['asterisk.server'].search(
[('company_id', '=',])
# If the user doesn't have an asterisk server,
# we take the first one of the user's company
if not asterisk_servers:
raise UserError(
_("No Asterisk server configured for the company '%s'.")
ast_server = asterisk_servers[0]
return ast_server
class PhoneCommon(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'phone.common'
def click2dial(self, erp_number):
res = super(PhoneCommon, self).click2dial(erp_number)
if not erp_number:
raise UserError(_('Missing phone number'))
user, ast_server, ast_manager = \
ast_number = self.convert_to_dial_number(erp_number)
# Add 'out prefix'
if ast_server.out_prefix:
_logger.debug('Out prefix = %s', ast_server.out_prefix)
ast_number = '%s%s' % (ast_server.out_prefix, ast_number)
_logger.debug('Number to be sent to Asterisk = %s', ast_number)
# The user should have a CallerID
if not user.callerid:
raise UserError(_('No callerID configured for the current user'))
variable = []
if user.asterisk_chan_type == 'SIP':
# We can only have one alert-info header in a SIP request
if user.alert_info:
'SIPAddHeader=Alert-Info: %s' % user.alert_info)
elif ast_server.alert_info:
'SIPAddHeader=Alert-Info: %s' % ast_server.alert_info)
if user.variable:
for user_variable in user.variable.split('|'):
channel = '%s/%s' % (user.asterisk_chan_type, user.resource)
if user.dial_suffix:
channel += '/%s' % user.dial_suffix
timeout=unicode(ast_server.wait_time * 1000),
except Exception, e:
"Error in the Originate request to Asterisk server %s",
"Here are the details of the error: '%s'", unicode(e))
raise UserError(
_("Click to dial with Asterisk failed.\nHere is the error: "
% unicode(e))
res['dialed_number'] = ast_number
return res