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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2012-2016 Akretion (Alexis de Lattre <>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
class CrmLead(models.Model):
_name = 'crm.lead'
_inherit = ['crm.lead', 'phone.common']
_phone_fields = ['phone', 'mobile', 'fax']
_phone_name_sequence = 20
_country_field = 'country_id'
_partner_field = None
def create(self, vals):
vals_reformated = self._reformat_phonenumbers_create(vals)
return super(CrmLead, self).create(vals_reformated)
def write(self, vals):
vals_reformated = self._reformat_phonenumbers_write(vals)
return super(CrmLead, self).write(vals_reformated)
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
if context.get('callerid'):
res = []
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
for lead in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if lead.partner_name and lead.contact_name:
name = u'%s (%s)' % (lead.contact_name, lead.partner_name)
elif lead.partner_name:
name = lead.partner_name
elif lead.contact_name:
name = lead.contact_name
name =
res.append((, name))
return res
return super(CrmLead, self).name_get(
cr, uid, ids, context=context)
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.users"
# Field name starts with 'context_' to allow modification by the user
# in his preferences, cf server/openerp/addons/base/res/
# in "def write()" of "class res_users(osv.osv)"
context_propose_creation_crm_call = fields.Boolean(
string='Propose to create a call in CRM after a click2dial',
class PhoneCommon(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'phone.common'
def click2dial(self, erp_number):
res = super(PhoneCommon, self).click2dial(erp_number)
if (
self.env.user.context_propose_creation_crm_call and
in ('res.partner', 'crm.lead')):
'action_name': _('Create Call in CRM'),
'action_model': 'wizard.create.crm.phonecall',
return res