# Copyright 2017 LasLabs Inc. # Copyright 2017 ACSONE SA/NV. # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class SaleOrderLine(models.Model): _inherit = 'sale.order.line'
is_contract = fields.Boolean( string='Is a contract', related="product_id.is_contract" ) contract_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.analytic.account', string='Contract', copy=False ) contract_template_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.analytic.contract', string='Contract Template', related='product_id.product_tmpl_id.contract_template_id', readonly=True, ) recurring_rule_type = fields.Selection( [ ('daily', 'Day(s)'), ('weekly', 'Week(s)'), ('monthly', 'Month(s)'), ('monthlylastday', 'Month(s) last day'), ('yearly', 'Year(s)'), ], default='monthly', string='Invoice Every', copy=False, ) recurring_invoicing_type = fields.Selection( [('pre-paid', 'Pre-paid'), ('post-paid', 'Post-paid')], default='pre-paid', string='Invoicing type', help="Specify if process date is 'from' or 'to' invoicing date", copy=False, ) date_start = fields.Date(string='Date Start') date_end = fields.Date(string='Date End')
contract_line_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.analytic.invoice.line", string="Contract Line to replace", required=False, copy=False, )
@api.multi def _get_auto_renew_rule_type(self): """monthly last day don't make sense for auto_renew_rule_type""" self.ensure_one() if self.recurring_rule_type == "monthlylastday": return "monthly" return self.recurring_rule_type
@api.onchange('product_id') def onchange_product(self): contract_line_env = self.env['account.analytic.invoice.line'] for rec in self: if rec.product_id.is_contract: rec.product_uom_qty = rec.product_id.default_qty rec.recurring_rule_type = rec.product_id.recurring_rule_type rec.recurring_invoicing_type = ( rec.product_id.recurring_invoicing_type ) rec.date_start = rec.date_start or fields.Date.today()
rec.date_end = ( rec.date_start + contract_line_env.get_relative_delta( rec._get_auto_renew_rule_type(), int(rec.product_uom_qty), ) - relativedelta(days=1) )
@api.onchange('date_start', 'product_uom_qty', 'recurring_rule_type') def onchange_date_start(self): contract_line_env = self.env['account.analytic.invoice.line'] for rec in self.filtered('product_id.is_contract'): if not rec.date_start: rec.date_end = False else: rec.date_end = ( rec.date_start + contract_line_env.get_relative_delta( rec._get_auto_renew_rule_type(), int(rec.product_uom_qty), ) - relativedelta(days=1) )
@api.multi def _prepare_contract_line_values( self, contract, predecessor_contract_line_id=False ): """
:param contract: related contract :param predecessor_contract_line_id: contract line to replace id :return: new contract line dict """
self.ensure_one() recurring_next_date = self.env[ 'account.analytic.invoice.line' ]._compute_first_recurring_next_date( self.date_start or fields.Date.today(), self.recurring_invoicing_type, self.recurring_rule_type, 1, ) termination_notice_interval = ( self.product_id.termination_notice_interval ) termination_notice_rule_type = ( self.product_id.termination_notice_rule_type ) return { 'sequence': self.sequence, 'product_id': self.product_id.id, 'name': self.name, # The quantity on the generated contract line is 1, as it # correspond to the most common use cases: # - quantity on the SO line = number of periods sold and unit # price the price of one period, so the # total amount of the SO corresponds to the planned value # of the contract; in this case the quantity on the contract # line must be 1 # - quantity on the SO line = number of hours sold, # automatic invoicing of the actual hours through a variable # quantity formula, in which case the quantity on the contract # line is not used # Other use cases are easy to implement by overriding this method. 'quantity': 1.0, 'uom_id': self.product_uom.id, 'price_unit': self.price_unit, 'discount': self.discount, 'date_end': self.date_end, 'date_start': self.date_start or fields.Date.today(), 'recurring_next_date': recurring_next_date, 'recurring_interval': 1, 'recurring_invoicing_type': self.recurring_invoicing_type, 'recurring_rule_type': self.recurring_rule_type, 'is_auto_renew': self.product_id.is_auto_renew, 'auto_renew_interval': self.product_uom_qty, 'auto_renew_rule_type': self._get_auto_renew_rule_type(), 'termination_notice_interval': termination_notice_interval, 'termination_notice_rule_type': termination_notice_rule_type, 'contract_id': contract.id, 'sale_order_line_id': self.id, 'predecessor_contract_line_id': predecessor_contract_line_id, }
@api.multi def create_contract_line(self, contract): contract_line_env = self.env['account.analytic.invoice.line'] contract_line = self.env['account.analytic.invoice.line'] predecessor_contract_line = False for rec in self: if rec.contract_line_id: # If the upsell/downsell line start at the same date or before # the contract line to replace supposed to start, we cancel # the one to be replaced. Otherwise we stop it. if rec.date_start <= rec.contract_line_id.date_start: # The contract will handel the contract line integrity # An exception will be raised if we try to cancel an # invoiced contract line rec.contract_line_id.cancel() elif ( not rec.contract_line_id.date_end or rec.date_start <= rec.contract_line_id.date_end ): rec.contract_line_id.stop( rec.date_start - relativedelta(days=1) ) predecessor_contract_line = rec.contract_line_id if predecessor_contract_line: new_contract_line = contract_line_env.create( rec._prepare_contract_line_values( contract, predecessor_contract_line.id ) ) predecessor_contract_line.successor_contract_line_id = ( new_contract_line ) else: new_contract_line = contract_line_env.create( rec._prepare_contract_line_values(contract) ) contract_line |= new_contract_line return contract_line
@api.constrains('contract_id') def _check_contract_sale_partner(self): for rec in self: if rec.contract_id: if rec.order_id.partner_id != rec.contract_id.partner_id: raise ValidationError( _( "Sale Order and contract should be " "linked to the same partner" ) )
@api.constrains('product_id', 'contract_id') def _check_contract_sale_contract_template(self): for rec in self: if rec.contract_id: if ( rec.contract_id.contract_template_id and rec.contract_template_id != rec.contract_id.contract_template_id ): raise ValidationError( _("Contract product has different contract template") )
def _compute_invoice_status(self): super(SaleOrderLine, self)._compute_invoice_status() for line in self.filtered('contract_id'): line.invoice_status = 'no'
@api.multi def invoice_line_create(self, invoice_id, qty): return super( SaleOrderLine, self.filtered(lambda l: not l.contract_id) ).invoice_line_create(invoice_id, qty)