# Copyright 2017 LasLabs Inc. # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta from odoo import api, fields, models, _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Contract(models.Model): _inherit = 'contract.contract' payment_token_id = fields.Many2one( string='Payment Token', comodel_name='payment.token', domain="[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]", context="{'default_partner_id': partner_id}", help='This is the payment token that will be used to automatically ' 'reconcile debts against this account. If none is set, the ' 'bill to partner\'s default token will be used.', ) @api.multi @api.onchange('partner_id') def _onchange_partner_id_payment_token(self): """ Clear the payment token when the partner is changed. """ self.payment_token_id = self.env['payment.token'] @api.model def cron_retry_auto_pay(self): """ Retry automatic payments for appropriate invoices. """ invoice_lines = self.env['account.invoice.line'].search([ ('invoice_id.state', '=', 'open'), ('invoice_id.auto_pay_attempts', '>', 0), ('contract_line_id.contract_id.is_auto_pay', '=', True), ]) now = datetime.now() for invoice_line in invoice_lines: contract = invoice_line.contract_line_id.contract_id invoice = invoice_line.invoice_id fail_time = invoice.auto_pay_failed retry_delta = timedelta(hours=contract.auto_pay_retry_hours) retry_time = fail_time + retry_delta if retry_time < now: contract._do_auto_pay(invoice) @api.multi def _recurring_create_invoice(self): """ If automatic payment is enabled, perform auto pay actions. """ invoice = super(Contract, self)._recurring_create_invoice() if not self.is_auto_pay: return invoice self._do_auto_pay(invoice) return invoice @api.multi def _do_auto_pay(self, invoice): """ Perform all automatic payment operations on open invoices. """ self.ensure_one() invoice.ensure_one() invoice.action_invoice_open() self._send_invoice_message(invoice) self._pay_invoice(invoice) @api.multi def _pay_invoice(self, invoice): """ Pay the invoice using the account or partner token. """ if invoice.state != 'open': _logger.info('Cannot pay an invoice that is not in open state.') return if not invoice.residual: _logger.debug('Cannot pay an invoice with no balance.') return token = self.payment_token_id or self.partner_id.payment_token_id if not token: _logger.debug( 'Cannot pay an invoice without defining a payment token', ) return transaction = self.env['payment.transaction'].create( self._get_tx_vals(invoice, token), ) valid_states = ['authorized', 'done'] try: result = transaction.s2s_do_transaction() if not result or transaction.state not in valid_states: _logger.debug( 'Payment transaction failed (%s)', transaction.state_message, ) else: # Success return True except Exception: _logger.exception( 'Payment transaction (%s) generated a gateway error.', transaction.id, ) transaction.state = 'error' invoice.write({ 'auto_pay_attempts': invoice.auto_pay_attempts + 1, 'auto_pay_failed': fields.Datetime.now(), }) if invoice.auto_pay_attempts >= self.auto_pay_retries: template = self.pay_fail_mail_template_id self.write({ 'is_auto_pay': False, 'payment_token_id': False, }) if token == self.partner_id.payment_token_id: self.partner_id.payment_token_id = False else: template = self.pay_retry_mail_template_id if template: template.send_mail(invoice.id) return @api.multi def _get_tx_vals(self, invoice, token): """ Return values for create of payment.transaction for invoice.""" amount_due = invoice.residual partner = token.partner_id reference = self.env['payment.transaction']._compute_reference() return { 'reference': '%s' % reference, 'acquirer_id': token.acquirer_id.id, 'payment_token_id': token.id, 'amount': amount_due, 'state': 'draft', 'currency_id': invoice.currency_id.id, 'partner_id': partner.id, 'partner_country_id': partner.country_id.id, 'partner_city': partner.city, 'partner_zip': partner.zip, 'partner_email': partner.email, } @api.multi def _send_invoice_message(self, invoice): """ Send the appropriate emails for the invoices if needed. """ if invoice.sent: return if not self.invoice_mail_template_id: return _logger.info('Sending invoice %s, %s (template %s)', invoice, invoice.number, self.invoice_mail_template_id) mail_id = self.invoice_mail_template_id.send_mail(invoice.id) invoice.with_context(mail_post_autofollow=True) invoice.sent = True invoice.message_post(body=_("Invoice sent")) return self.env['mail.mail'].browse(mail_id)