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487 lines
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  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * privacy_consent
  4. #
  5. msgid ""
  6. msgstr ""
  7. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 10.0\n"
  8. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  9. "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
  10. "Language-Team: none\n"
  11. "Language: pt\n"
  12. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  13. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  14. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  15. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
  16. #. module: privacy_consent
  17. #: model:mail.template,body_html:privacy_consent.template_consent
  18. msgid "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
  19. "<div style=\"background:#F3F5F6;color:#515166;padding:25px 0px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:14px;\">\n"
  20. " <table style=\"width:600px;margin:5px auto;\">\n"
  21. " <tbody>\n"
  22. " <tr>\n"
  23. " <td>\n"
  24. " <a href=\"/\">\n"
  25. " <img src=\"/logo\" alt=\"${object.activity_id.controller_id.display_name|safe}\" style=\"vertical-align:baseline;max-width:100px;\"/>\n"
  26. " </a>\n"
  27. " </td>\n"
  28. " </tr>\n"
  29. " </tbody>\n"
  30. " </table>\n"
  31. " <table style=\"width:600px;margin:0px auto;background:white;border:1px solid #e1e1e1;\">\n"
  32. " <tbody>\n"
  33. " <tr>\n"
  34. " <td colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding:15px 20px 0px 20px; font-size:16px;\">\n"
  35. " <p>\n"
  36. " Hello, ${|safe}\n"
  37. " </p>\n"
  38. " <p>\n"
  39. " We contacted you to ask you to give us your explicit consent to include your data in a data processing activity called\n"
  40. " <b>${object.activity_id.display_name|safe}</b>, property of\n"
  41. " <i>${object.activity_id.controller_id.display_name|safe}</i>\n"
  42. " </p>\n"
  43. " ${object.description or \"\"}\n"
  44. " <p>\n"
  45. " % if object.state == \"answered\":\n"
  46. " The last time you answered, you\n"
  47. " % elif object.state == \"sent\":\n"
  48. " If you do nothing, we will assume you have\n"
  49. " % endif\n"
  50. "\n"
  51. " % if object.accepted:\n"
  52. " <b>accepted</b>\n"
  53. " % else:\n"
  54. " <b>rejected</b>\n"
  55. " % endif\n"
  56. " such data processing.\n"
  57. " </p>\n"
  58. " <p>\n"
  59. " You can update your preferences below:\n"
  60. " </p>\n"
  61. " </td>\n"
  62. " </tr>\n"
  63. " <tr>\n"
  64. " <td style=\"padding:15px 20px 0px 20px; font-size:16px; text-align:right;\">\n"
  65. " <a href=\"/privacy/consent/accept/\" style=\"background-color: #449d44; padding: 12px; font-weight: 12px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:16px;\">\n"
  66. " Accept\n"
  67. " </a>\n"
  68. " </td>\n"
  69. " <td style=\"padding:15px 20px 0px 20px; font-size:16px; text-align:left;\">\n"
  70. " <a href=\"/privacy/consent/reject/\" style=\"background-color: #d9534f; padding: 12px; font-weight: 12px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:16px;\">\n"
  71. " Reject\n"
  72. " </a>\n"
  73. " </td>\n"
  74. " </tr>\n"
  75. " <tr>\n"
  76. " <td colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding:15px 20px 15px 20px; font-size:16px;\">\n"
  77. " <p>\n"
  78. " If you need further information, please respond to this email and we will attend your request as soon as possible.\n"
  79. " </p>\n"
  80. " <p>\n"
  81. " Thank you!\n"
  82. " </p>\n"
  83. " </td>\n"
  84. " </tr>\n"
  85. " </tbody>\n"
  86. " </table>\n"
  87. " <table style=\"width:600px;margin:0px auto;text-align:center;\">\n"
  88. " <tbody>\n"
  89. " <tr>\n"
  90. " <td style=\"padding-top:10px;font-size: 12px;\">\n"
  91. " <p>\n"
  92. " Sent by\n"
  93. " <a href=\"/\" style=\"color:#717188;\">${object.activity_id.controller_id.display_name|safe}</a>.\n"
  94. " </p>\n"
  95. " </td>\n"
  96. " </tr>\n"
  97. " </tbody>\n"
  98. " </table>\n"
  99. " </div>\n"
  100. " "
  101. msgstr ""
  102. #. module: privacy_consent
  103. #: model:mail.message.subtype,name:privacy_consent.mt_activity_acceptance_changed
  104. msgid "Acceptance Changed"
  105. msgstr ""
  106. #. module: privacy_consent
  107. #: model:mail.message.subtype,name:privacy_consent.mt_consent_acceptance_changed
  108. msgid "Acceptance Changed by Subject"
  109. msgstr ""
  110. #. module: privacy_consent
  111. #: model:mail.message.subtype,description:privacy_consent.mt_consent_acceptance_changed
  112. msgid "Acceptance status updated by subject"
  113. msgstr ""
  114. #. module: privacy_consent
  115. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_accepted
  116. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.consent_search
  117. msgid "Accepted"
  118. msgstr ""
  119. #. module: privacy_consent
  120. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_default_consent
  121. msgid "Accepted by default"
  122. msgstr ""
  123. #. module: privacy_consent
  124. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_active
  125. msgid "Active"
  126. msgstr ""
  127. #. module: privacy_consent
  128. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_activity_id
  129. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.consent_search
  130. msgid "Activity"
  131. msgstr ""
  132. #. module: privacy_consent
  133. #: selection:privacy.consent,state:0
  134. msgid "Answered"
  135. msgstr ""
  136. #. module: privacy_consent
  137. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.consent_search
  138. msgid "Archived"
  139. msgstr ""
  140. #. module: privacy_consent
  141. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.consent_form
  142. msgid "Ask for consent"
  143. msgstr ""
  144. #. module: privacy_consent
  145. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_required
  146. msgid "Ask subjects for consent"
  147. msgstr ""
  148. #. module: privacy_consent
  149. #: selection:privacy.activity,consent_required:0
  150. msgid "Automatically"
  151. msgstr ""
  152. #. module: privacy_consent
  153. #: selection:privacy.consent,state:0
  154. msgid "Awaiting response"
  155. msgstr ""
  156. #. module: privacy_consent
  157. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.activity_form
  158. msgid "Consent"
  159. msgstr ""
  160. #. module: privacy_consent
  161. #: model:ir.model,name:privacy_consent.model_privacy_consent
  162. msgid "Consent of data processing"
  163. msgstr ""
  164. #. module: privacy_consent
  165. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_template_default_body_html
  166. msgid "Consent template default body html"
  167. msgstr ""
  168. #. module: privacy_consent
  169. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_template_default_subject
  170. msgid "Consent template default subject"
  171. msgstr ""
  172. #. module: privacy_consent
  173. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:privacy_consent.consent_action
  174. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_count
  175. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_ids
  176. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_res_partner_privacy_consent_count
  177. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_res_users_privacy_consent_count
  178. #:,name:privacy_consent.menu_privacy_consent
  179. msgid "Consents"
  180. msgstr ""
  181. #. module: privacy_consent
  182. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_create_uid
  183. msgid "Created by"
  184. msgstr ""
  185. #. module: privacy_consent
  186. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_create_date
  187. msgid "Created on"
  188. msgstr ""
  189. #. module: privacy_consent
  190. #: model:ir.model,name:privacy_consent.model_privacy_activity
  191. msgid "Data processing activities"
  192. msgstr ""
  193. #. module: privacy_consent
  194. #: model:mail.template,subject:privacy_consent.template_consent
  195. msgid "Data processing consent request for ${object.activity_id.display_name|safe}"
  196. msgstr ""
  197. #. module: privacy_consent
  198. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_display_name
  199. msgid "Display Name"
  200. msgstr ""
  201. #. module: privacy_consent
  202. #: selection:privacy.consent,state:0
  203. msgid "Draft"
  204. msgstr ""
  205. #. module: privacy_consent
  206. #: sql_constraint:privacy.consent:0
  207. msgid "Duplicated partner in this data processing activity"
  208. msgstr ""
  209. #. module: privacy_consent
  210. #: model:ir.model,name:privacy_consent.model_mail_template
  211. msgid "Email Templates"
  212. msgstr ""
  213. #. module: privacy_consent
  214. #: model:ir.model,name:privacy_consent.model_mail_compose_message
  215. msgid "Email composition wizard"
  216. msgstr ""
  217. #. module: privacy_consent
  218. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_template_id
  219. msgid "Email template"
  220. msgstr ""
  221. #. module: privacy_consent
  222. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_template_id
  223. msgid "Email to be sent to subjects to ask for consent. A good template should include details about the current consent request status, how to change it, and where to get more information."
  224. msgstr ""
  225. #. module: privacy_consent
  226. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_consent_required
  227. msgid "Enable if you need to track any kind of consent from the affected subjects"
  228. msgstr ""
  229. #. module: privacy_consent
  230. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.activity_form
  231. msgid "Generate and send missing consent requests"
  232. msgstr ""
  233. #. module: privacy_consent
  234. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.activity_form
  235. msgid "Generate missing draft consent requests"
  236. msgstr ""
  237. #. module: privacy_consent
  238. #: code:addons/privacy_consent/models/
  239. #, python-format
  240. msgid "Generated consents"
  241. msgstr ""
  242. #. module: privacy_consent
  243. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.consent_search
  244. msgid "Group By"
  245. msgstr ""
  246. #. module: privacy_consent
  247. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  248. msgid "Hello,"
  249. msgstr ""
  250. #. module: privacy_consent
  251. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  252. msgid "I <b>accept</b> this processing of my data"
  253. msgstr ""
  254. #. module: privacy_consent
  255. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  256. msgid "I <b>reject</b> this processing of my data"
  257. msgstr ""
  258. #. module: privacy_consent
  259. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_id
  260. msgid "ID"
  261. msgstr ""
  262. #. module: privacy_consent
  263. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  264. msgid "If it was a mistake, you can undo it here:"
  265. msgstr ""
  266. #. module: privacy_consent
  267. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_accepted
  268. msgid "Indicates current acceptance status, which can come from subject's last answer, or from the default specified in the related data processing activity."
  269. msgstr ""
  270. #. module: privacy_consent
  271. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent___last_update
  272. msgid "Last Modified on"
  273. msgstr ""
  274. #. module: privacy_consent
  275. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_write_uid
  276. msgid "Last Updated by"
  277. msgstr ""
  278. #. module: privacy_consent
  279. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_write_date
  280. msgid "Last Updated on"
  281. msgstr ""
  282. #. module: privacy_consent
  283. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_last_metadata
  284. msgid "Last metadata"
  285. msgstr ""
  286. #. module: privacy_consent
  287. #: selection:privacy.activity,consent_required:0
  288. msgid "Manually"
  289. msgstr ""
  290. #. module: privacy_consent
  291. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_last_metadata
  292. msgid "Metadata from the last acceptance or rejection by the subject"
  293. msgstr ""
  294. #. module: privacy_consent
  295. #: code:addons/privacy_consent/models/
  296. #, python-format
  297. msgid "Missing privacy consent link placeholders. You need at least these two links:\n"
  298. "<a href=\"%s\">Accept</a>\n"
  299. "<a href=\"%s\">Reject</a>"
  300. msgstr ""
  301. #. module: privacy_consent
  302. #: model:mail.message.subtype,name:privacy_consent.mt_activity_consent_new
  303. #: model:mail.message.subtype,name:privacy_consent.mt_consent_consent_new
  304. msgid "New Consent"
  305. msgstr ""
  306. #. module: privacy_consent
  307. #: model:ir.model,name:privacy_consent.model_mail_mail
  308. msgid "Outgoing Mails"
  309. msgstr ""
  310. #. module: privacy_consent
  311. #: model:ir.model,name:privacy_consent.model_res_partner
  312. msgid "Partner"
  313. msgstr ""
  314. #. module: privacy_consent
  315. #: model:mail.message.subtype,description:privacy_consent.mt_activity_acceptance_changed
  316. msgid "Privacy consent request acceptance status changed"
  317. msgstr ""
  318. #. module: privacy_consent
  319. #: model:mail.message.subtype,description:privacy_consent.mt_activity_consent_new
  320. #: model:mail.message.subtype,description:privacy_consent.mt_consent_consent_new
  321. msgid "Privacy consent request created"
  322. msgstr ""
  323. #. module: privacy_consent
  324. #: model:mail.message.subtype,description:privacy_consent.mt_activity_state_changed
  325. #: model:mail.message.subtype,description:privacy_consent.mt_consent_state_changed
  326. msgid "Privacy consent request state changed"
  327. msgstr ""
  328. #. module: privacy_consent
  329. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_res_partner_privacy_consent_count
  330. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_res_users_privacy_consent_count
  331. msgid "Privacy consent requests amount"
  332. msgstr ""
  333. #. module: privacy_consent
  334. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_res_partner_privacy_consent_ids
  335. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_res_users_privacy_consent_ids
  336. msgid "Privacy consents"
  337. msgstr ""
  338. #. module: privacy_consent
  339. #: code:addons/privacy_consent/models/
  340. #, python-format
  341. msgid "Require consent is available only for subjects in current database."
  342. msgstr ""
  343. #. module: privacy_consent
  344. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_server_action_id
  345. msgid "Run this action when a new consent request is created or its acceptance status is updated."
  346. msgstr ""
  347. #. module: privacy_consent
  348. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_server_action_id
  349. msgid "Server action"
  350. msgstr ""
  351. #. module: privacy_consent
  352. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_activity_default_consent
  353. msgid "Should we assume the subject has accepted if we receive no response?"
  354. msgstr ""
  355. #. module: privacy_consent
  356. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  357. msgid "Sincerely,<br/>"
  358. msgstr ""
  359. #. module: privacy_consent
  360. #: code:addons/privacy_consent/models/
  361. #, python-format
  362. msgid "Specify a mail template to ask automated consent."
  363. msgstr ""
  364. #. module: privacy_consent
  365. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_state
  366. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.consent_search
  367. msgid "State"
  368. msgstr ""
  369. #. module: privacy_consent
  370. #: model:mail.message.subtype,name:privacy_consent.mt_activity_state_changed
  371. #: model:mail.message.subtype,name:privacy_consent.mt_consent_state_changed
  372. msgid "State Changed"
  373. msgstr ""
  374. #. module: privacy_consent
  375. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_partner_id
  376. msgid "Subject"
  377. msgstr ""
  378. #. module: privacy_consent
  379. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:privacy_consent.field_privacy_consent_partner_id
  380. msgid "Subject asked for consent."
  381. msgstr ""
  382. #. module: privacy_consent
  383. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  384. msgid "Thank you!"
  385. msgstr ""
  386. #. module: privacy_consent
  387. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  388. msgid "Thanks for your response."
  389. msgstr ""
  390. #. module: privacy_consent
  391. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.activity_form
  392. msgid "This could send many consent emails, are you sure to proceed?"
  393. msgstr ""
  394. #. module: privacy_consent
  395. #: model:ir.actions.server,name:privacy_consent.update_opt_out
  396. msgid "Update partner's opt out"
  397. msgstr ""
  398. #. module: privacy_consent
  399. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  400. msgid "We asked you to authorize us to process your data in this data processing activity:"
  401. msgstr ""
  402. #. module: privacy_consent
  403. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  404. msgid "We have recorded this action on your side."
  405. msgstr ""
  406. #. module: privacy_consent
  407. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  408. msgid "You have <b class=\"text-danger\">rejected</b> such processing."
  409. msgstr ""
  410. #. module: privacy_consent
  411. #: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:privacy_consent.form
  412. msgid "You have <b class=\"text-success\">accepted</b> such processing."
  413. msgstr ""