You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
3.9 KiB

  1. language: python
  2. sudo: false
  3. cache:
  4. apt: true
  5. directories:
  6. - $HOME/.cache/pip
  7. python:
  8. - "2.7"
  9. addons:
  10. postgresql: "9.6"
  11. apt:
  12. # sources:
  13. # Search your sources alias here:
  14. #
  15. packages:
  16. - expect-dev # provides unbuffer utility
  17. - python-lxml # because pip installation is slow
  18. - python-simplejson
  19. - python-serial
  20. - python-yaml
  21. # Search your packages here:
  22. #
  23. # For wkhtmltopdf, see the env section below
  24. # Sometimes complicated website repos need Compass & SaSS:
  25. #before_install:
  26. # - rvm install ruby --latest
  27. # - gem install bootstrap-sass
  28. # - gem install compass --pre
  29. env:
  30. global:
  31. - VERSION="10.0" TESTS="0" LINT_CHECK="0" TRANSIFEX="0"
  32. # Set this variable to some version existing as linux-generic build on
  33. #
  34. # if you need to install wkhtmltopdf
  35. # - WKHTMLTOPDF_VERSION="0.12.4"
  36. # Set the above to install a `wkhtmltopdf` version that is not the one provided
  37. # by the `pov-wkhtmltopdf` repo.
  38. - PHANTOMJS_VERSION="latest"
  39. # The above line controls the PhantomJS version that is used for JS testing.
  40. # It is not necessary to include this value unless you are altering the default.
  41. # Use `OS` to skip the PhantomJS upgrade & use the system version instead.
  42. - WEBSITE_REPO="1"
  43. # Use the above line to install dependencies that are required for website repos:
  44. # * SASS & Bootstrap-SASS
  45. # * Compass
  47. # This line contains the encrypted transifex password
  48. # To encrypt transifex password, install travis ruby utils with:
  49. # $ gem install travis --user-install
  50. # and use:
  51. # $ travis encrypt TRANSIFEX_PASSWORD=your-password -r owner/project
  52. # Secure list for current OCA projects is in
  53. - secure: 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
  54. # Use the following lines if you need to manually change the transifex project slug or/and the transifex organization.
  55. # The default project slug is owner-repo_name-version (with dash in the version string).
  56. # The default organization is the owner of the repo.
  57. # The default fill up resources (TM) is True.
  58. # The default team is 23907.
  63. matrix:
  64. - LINT_CHECK="1"
  65. - TRANSIFEX="1"
  67. - TESTS="1" ODOO_REPO="odoo/odoo"
  68. # either use the two lines above or the two below. Don't change the default if
  69. # it's not necessary (it is only necessary if modules in your repository can't
  70. # be installed in the same database. And you get a huge speed penalty in your
  71. # tests)
  72. # - TESTS="1.0" ODOO_REPO="OCA/OCB" UNIT_TEST="1"
  73. # - TESTS="1.0" ODOO_REPO="odoo/odoo" UNIT_TEST="1"
  74. virtualenv:
  75. system_site_packages: true
  76. install:
  77. - git clone --depth=1 ${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools
  78. - export PATH=${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools/travis:${PATH}
  79. - travis_install_nightly
  80. script:
  81. - travis_run_tests
  82. after_success:
  83. - travis_after_tests_success