privacy_consent: Avoid race condition with mail queue cron
Before this patch, all privacy consent emails were forced to be sent under a context with `mark_consent_sent=True` to track the state change and trigger the attached server action.
When using the automatic mode, if a separate cron job started running the mail queue, it could happen that mails were being sent from that another worker, losing the context key and, as such, being sent without token and without being marked as sent nor executing the attached server action (if any).
To avoid this problem, now the context dependency is removed. After all, the `mail.mail` object is only created when sending in `mass_mail` model, so other kind of notifications or messages are not affected. When a mail of type `mass_mail` is sent, we can assume that it is asking for consent and we can move draft consent requests to sent.
6 years ago |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 Tecnativa - Jairo Llopis # License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import hashlib import hmac
from odoo import api, fields, models
class PrivacyConsent(models.Model): _name = 'privacy.consent' _description = "Consent of data processing" _inherit = "mail.thread" _rec_name = "partner_id" _sql_constraints = [ ("unique_partner_activity", "UNIQUE(partner_id, activity_id)", "Duplicated partner in this data processing activity"), ]
active = fields.Boolean( default=True, index=True, ) accepted = fields.Boolean( track_visibility="onchange", help="Indicates current acceptance status, which can come from " "subject's last answer, or from the default specified in the " "related data processing activity.", ) last_metadata = fields.Text( readonly=True, track_visibility="onchange", help="Metadata from the last acceptance or rejection by the subject", ) partner_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", "Subject", required=True, readonly=True, track_visibility="onchange", help="Subject asked for consent.", ) activity_id = fields.Many2one( "privacy.activity", "Activity", readonly=True, required=True, track_visibility="onchange", ) state = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("draft", "Draft"), ("sent", "Awaiting response"), ("answered", "Answered"), ], default="draft", readonly=True, required=True, track_visibility="onchange", )
def _track_subtype(self, init_values): """Return specific subtypes.""" if self.env.context.get("subject_answering"): return "privacy_consent.mt_consent_acceptance_changed" if "activity_id" in init_values or "partner_id" in init_values: return "privacy_consent.mt_consent_consent_new" if "state" in init_values: return "privacy_consent.mt_consent_state_changed" return super(PrivacyConsent, self)._track_subtype(init_values)
def _token(self): """Secret token to publicly authenticate this record.""" secret = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param( "database.secret") params = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(,,,, ) return secret.encode('utf-8'), params.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha512, ).hexdigest()
def _url(self, accept): """Tokenized URL to let subject decide consent.
:param bool accept: Indicates if you want the acceptance URL, or the rejection one. """
return "/privacy/consent/{}/{}/{}?db={}".format( "accept" if accept else "reject",, self._token(),, )
def _send_consent_notification(self): """Send email notification to subject.""" consents_by_template = {} for one in self.with_context(tpl_force_default_to=True, mail_notify_user_signature=False, mail_auto_subscribe_no_notify=True): # Group consents by template, to send in batch where possible template_id = consents_by_template.setdefault(template_id, one) consents_by_template[template_id] |= one # Send emails for template_id, consents in consents_by_template.items(): consents.message_post_with_template( template_id, # This mode always sends email, regardless of partner's # notification preferences; we use it here because it's very # likely that we are asking authorisation to send emails composition_mode="mass_mail", )
def _run_action(self): """Execute server action defined in data processing activity.""" for one in self: # Always skip draft consents if one.state == "draft": continue action = one.activity_id.server_action_id.with_context(, active_ids=one.ids, active_model=one._name, )
@api.model def create(self, vals): """Run server action on create.""" result = super(PrivacyConsent, self).create(vals) # Sync the default acceptance status result.sudo()._run_action() return result
def write(self, vals): """Run server action on update.""" result = super(PrivacyConsent, self).write(vals) self._run_action() return result
def message_get_suggested_recipients(self): result = super(PrivacyConsent, self) \ .message_get_suggested_recipients() reason = self._fields["partner_id"].string for one in self: one._message_add_suggested_recipient( result, partner=one.partner_id, reason=reason, ) return result
def action_manual_ask(self): """Let user manually ask for consent.""" return { "context": { "default_composition_mode": "mass_mail", "default_model": self._name, "default_res_id":, "default_template_id":, "default_use_template": True, "tpl_force_default_to": True, }, "force_email": True, "res_model": "mail.compose.message", "target": "new", "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "view_mode": "form", }
def action_auto_ask(self): """Automatically ask for consent.""" templated = self.filtered("activity_id.consent_template_id") automated = templated.filtered( lambda one: one.activity_id.consent_required == "auto") automated._send_consent_notification()
def action_answer(self, answer, metadata=False): """Process answer.
:param bool answer: Did the subject accept?
:param str metadata: Metadata from last user acceptance or rejection request. """
self.write({ "state": "answered", "accepted": answer, "last_metadata": metadata, })