diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/__init__.py b/contact_search_form/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/__init__.py
rename to contact_search_form/__init__.py
diff --git a/contact_search_form/__manifest__.py b/contact_search_form/__manifest__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d0bf61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contact_search_form/__manifest__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# IT IS AG, software solutions
+# Copyright (C) 2015-TODAY IT IS AG ().
+# The software works in conjunction with other software distributed from
+# other parties which is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License (LGPL).
+# Those pieces are not owned by IT IS AG and therefore not under the terms
+# of the IT IS EULA, and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with IT IS Odoo Textblock. If not, see
+ 'name': "Contact Search Form",
+ 'summary': """
+ View for Data Protection Officer (DPO) to look up Customer Data. Odoo models can be searched for specified string.
+ """,
+ 'description': """
+ View for Data Protection Officer (DPO) to look up Customer Data. Odoo models can be searched for specified string.
+ To access contact search in contacts view, user must activate 'Data Protection Officer' checkbox in Technical Settings.
+ """,
+ 'author': "IT IS AG, Odoo Community Association (OCA)",
+ 'website': "https://github.com/OCA/data-protection",
+ # Categories can be used to filter modules in modules listing
+ # Check https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/master/openerp/addons/base/module/module_data.xml
+ # for the full list
+ 'version': '',
+ 'category': 'Contacts',
+ 'depends': ['base',
+ 'contacts',
+ #'website_crm',
+ ],
+ 'data': [
+ 'security/gdpr_security.xml',
+ 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
+ 'views/contact_search.xml',
+ ],
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contact_search_form/i18n/de.po b/contact_search_form/i18n/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f60a20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contact_search_form/i18n/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Translation of Odoo Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+# * contact_search_form
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 11.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 12:16+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 14:16+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: de_DE\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:contact_search_form.menu_customer_info
+msgid "Contact Search"
+msgstr "Kontakt Suche"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:contact_search_form.action_dpo_view_itis
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.view_dpo_form_view_itis
+msgid "Customer Info"
+msgstr "Kundeninformation"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:res.groups,name:contact_search_form.group_dpo
+msgid "Data Protection Officer"
+msgstr "Data Protection Officer"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.view_dpo_form_view_itis
+msgid "SEARCH"
+msgstr "Suche"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.dpo_view_tree
+msgid "Search Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt Suchen"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.search_line_tree_view_itis
+msgid "Search Results"
+msgstr "Suchergebnisse"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.view_dpo_form_view_itis
+msgid "Search Terms"
+msgstr "Suchbegriffe"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.search_line_tree_view_itis
+msgid "VIEW RECORD"
+msgstr "VIEW RECORD"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.model,name:contact_search_form.model_dpo_view
+msgid "dpo.view"
+msgstr "dpo.view"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.model,name:contact_search_form.model_search_line
+msgid "search.line"
+msgstr "search.line"
diff --git a/contact_search_form/i18n/en_US.po b/contact_search_form/i18n/en_US.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d10846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contact_search_form/i18n/en_US.po
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Translation of Odoo Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+# * contact_search_form
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 11.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 12:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 12:15+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:contact_search_form.menu_customer_info
+msgid "Contact Search"
+msgstr "Contact Search"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:contact_search_form.action_dpo_view_itis
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.view_dpo_form_view_itis
+msgid "Customer Info"
+msgstr "Customer Info"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:res.groups,name:contact_search_form.group_dpo
+msgid "Data Protection Officer"
+msgstr "Data Protection Officer"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.view_dpo_form_view_itis
+msgid "SEARCH"
+msgstr "SEARCH"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.dpo_view_tree
+msgid "Search Contact"
+msgstr "Search Contact"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.search_line_tree_view_itis
+msgid "Search Results"
+msgstr "Search Results"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.view_dpo_form_view_itis
+msgid "Search Terms"
+msgstr "Search Terms"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:contact_search_form.search_line_tree_view_itis
+msgid "VIEW RECORD"
+msgstr "VIEW RECORD"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.model,name:contact_search_form.model_dpo_view
+msgid "dpo.view"
+msgstr "dpo.view"
+#. module: contact_search_form
+#: model:ir.model,name:contact_search_form.model_search_line
+msgid "search.line"
+msgstr "search.line"
diff --git a/contact_search_form/models/__init__.py b/contact_search_form/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c2573e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contact_search_form/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from . import contact_search
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/models/models.py b/contact_search_form/models/contact_search.py
similarity index 88%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/models/models.py
rename to contact_search_form/models/contact_search.py
index 8879122..7e8666d 100755
--- a/itis_gdpr_extension/models/models.py
+++ b/contact_search_form/models/contact_search.py
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ class ItisDpoView(models.Model):
raise UserError(_("No record found with "+self.name+"."))
- def _search_tables(self):
- user_id = self.env['res.users'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
- # field user_info could be an array containg the fields we want to display...
- partner_id = self.env['res.partner'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
- crm_id = self.env['crm.lead'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
- mm_id = self.env['mail.mass_mailing'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # def _search_tables(self):
+ # user_id = self.env['res.users'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
+ # # field user_info could be an array containg the fields we want to display...
+ # partner_id = self.env['res.partner'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
+ # crm_id = self.env['crm.lead'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
+ # mm_id = self.env['mail.mass_mailing'].browse('email', '=', self.email)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/security/gdpr_security.xml b/contact_search_form/security/gdpr_security.xml
similarity index 50%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/security/gdpr_security.xml
rename to contact_search_form/security/gdpr_security.xml
index 591d923..ccffe8e 100755
--- a/itis_gdpr_extension/security/gdpr_security.xml
+++ b/contact_search_form/security/gdpr_security.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- Data Protection Officers
+ Data Protection Officer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/security/ir.model.access.csv b/contact_search_form/security/ir.model.access.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/security/ir.model.access.csv
rename to contact_search_form/security/ir.model.access.csv
diff --git a/contact_search_form/static/description/index.html b/contact_search_form/static/description/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7babf7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contact_search_form/static/description/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ Schulung
+ customer related information in any odoo model
Search for customer data & report
+ installing the module the user is able to
+ see sub menu in Contacts→ Configuration → Contact Search section like below screen shot.
When user opens the Contact Search form then there are
+ two fields available to define the value to search for and the model where the search should be performed. Results will be displayed with according
+ record ID and model name.
For more information you can see below screen shot.
The according record can be opened from the list view.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/views/views.xml b/contact_search_form/views/contact_search.xml
similarity index 56%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/views/views.xml
rename to contact_search_form/views/contact_search.xml
index d3761c5..5bfcd62 100755
--- a/itis_gdpr_extension/views/views.xml
+++ b/contact_search_form/views/contact_search.xml
@@ -30,29 +30,6 @@
- search.line.tree.view.itis
- search.line
DPO Tree viewdpo.view
@@ -66,7 +43,7 @@
+ Customer Infoir.actions.act_windowdpo.view
@@ -78,51 +55,25 @@
- Email verification link
- mail verification link
- ${(not object.partner_id and object.email_from)|safe}
- % if object.partner_id
- Dear ${object.partner_id.name},
- % endif
- % if not object.partner_id
- Dear ${object.email_from},
- % endif
- Please click on below link to verify your email address ${object.email_link}.
- Thank you.
- ]]>
- Email confirmation
- Verified Email
- ${user.email|safe}
- Dear ${user.partner_id.name},
- This email address ${object.email} has been verified by user.
- Thank you.
- ]]>
+ parent="contacts.res_partner_menu_config" sequence="3" groups="contact_search_form.group_dpo"/>
+ search.line.tree.view.itis
+ search.line
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website_contact_extend/__init__.py b/website_contact_extend/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..511a0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website_contact_extend/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from . import controllers
+from . import models
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/__manifest__.py b/website_contact_extend/__manifest__.py
similarity index 70%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/__manifest__.py
rename to website_contact_extend/__manifest__.py
index f4352a2..9c526ba 100755
--- a/itis_gdpr_extension/__manifest__.py
+++ b/website_contact_extend/__manifest__.py
@@ -20,42 +20,42 @@
- 'name': "IT IS GDPR Extension",
+ 'name': "Website Contact Form Extend",
'summary': """
Extended Website Contact View to give Customer the option on how to be contacted.
- View for DPO to look up Customer Data.
- Newletter Double Opt-In and -Out extending the Odoo mass_mailing module.
'description': """
Extended Website Contact View to give Customer the option on how to be contacted.
- View for DPO to look up Customer Data.
- Newletter Double Opt-In and -Out extending the Odoo mass_mailing module.
+ Customer can verifiy his email address with a verification link. Following that the mode of future contact can be chosen and
+ a GDPR information request can be submitted.
- 'author': "IT IS AG",
- 'website': "http://www.itis-odoo.de",
+ 'author': "IT IS AG, Odoo Community Association (OCA)",
+ 'website': "https://github.com/OCA/data-protection",
# Categories can be used to filter modules in modules listing
# Check https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/master/openerp/addons/base/module/module_data.xml
# for the full list
- 'version': '0.1',
+ 'version': '',
'category': 'Website',
'depends': ['base',
- 'website',
- 'mass_mailing',
+ #'website',
'data': [
- 'views/contact_view.xml',
- 'security/gdpr_security.xml',
- 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
- 'views/views.xml',
+ 'views/website_contact.xml',
+ 'views/res_partner.xml',
+ 'data/email_templates.xml',
- 'icon': "/itis_gdpr_extension/static/src/img/itisag.png",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website_contact_extend/controllers/__init__.py b/website_contact_extend/controllers/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35ae73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website_contact_extend/controllers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from . import myfilter
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/models/contact_model.py b/website_contact_extend/controllers/myfilter.py
similarity index 77%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/models/contact_model.py
rename to website_contact_extend/controllers/myfilter.py
index 255dc69..1b4e8ef 100755
--- a/itis_gdpr_extension/models/contact_model.py
+++ b/website_contact_extend/controllers/myfilter.py
@@ -8,28 +8,6 @@ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from psycopg2 import IntegrityError
import base64
-class CrmLead(models.Model):
- _inherit = "crm.lead"
- email_link = fields.Char("Email verification link")
-class ResContacts(models.Model):
- _inherit = "res.partner"
- contact_type = fields.Selection(
- [('no_contact', 'I do not want to be contacted.'),
- ('email_contact', 'I only want to be contacted by Email.'),
- ('phone_contact', 'I only want to be contacted by Phone.'),
- ('email_phone_contact', 'You can contact me by Email or Phone.')
- ], string='Contact Type',
- default='email_contact',
- help="Which way user want to be contacted.")
- letter_contact = fields.Boolean("Letter Contact")
- phone_contact = fields.Boolean("Phone Contact")
- email_contact = fields.Boolean("Email Contact")
- is_verified = fields.Boolean("Verified Email")
- last_updated = fields.Datetime("Letzte Aktualisierung")
class VerifyController(http.Controller):
@http.route('/verify_email', type='http', auth="public", methods=['GET'], website=True)
@@ -48,7 +26,7 @@ class VerifyController(http.Controller):
link = datetime.datetime.strptime(link_date,"%Y%m%d").date()
diff = today - link
if diff.days > 5 or diff.days < 0:
- return "
Der link ist leider nicht gültig. Der von Ihnen eingegebene Link ist nicht gültig, oder ist abgelaufen. Bitte fordern Sie einen neuen Link an.
+ return "
Not valid! The link you entered is either not valid or expired. Please request a new link.
partner = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().search([('email','=',email),('name','=',contact_name)])
if partner:
for part in partner:
@@ -66,10 +44,10 @@ class VerifyController(http.Controller):
part.letter_contact = True
part.letter_contact = False
- template = request.env.ref('itis_gdpr_extension.confirmation_email_template').sudo().send_mail(part.id)
- return "
Vielen Dank! Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde verifiziert!
+" Dear ${user.partner_id.name}, \n"
+" This email address ${object.email} has been verified by user. \n"
+" Thank you.\n"
+" \n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" Dear ${user.partner_id.name}, \n"
+" This email address ${object.email} has been verified by user. \n"
+" Thank you.\n"
+" \n"
+" "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "(2) □ Die personenbezogene Daten werden nicht an ein Drittland oder an eine internationale Organisation übermittelt"
+msgstr "(2) □ Die personenbezogene Daten werden nicht an ein Drittland oder an eine internationale Organisation übermittelt"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "(3) Der Verantwortliche stellt eine Kopie der personenbezogenen Daten, die Gegenstand der Verarbeitung sind, zur Verfügung:"
+msgstr "(3) Der Verantwortliche stellt eine Kopie der personenbezogenen Daten, die Gegenstand der Verarbeitung sind, zur Verfügung:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "(4) Das Recht auf Erhalt einer Kopie gemäß Absatz 3 darf die Rechte und Freiheiten anderer Personen nicht beeinträchtigen."
+msgstr "(4) Das Recht auf Erhalt einer Kopie gemäß Absatz 3 darf die Rechte und Freiheiten anderer Personen nicht beeinträchtigen."
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid " □ bis zum __. __. ____□ Bis zu ____ Jahre □ Gesetzl. Aufbewahrungfrist"
+msgstr " □ bis zum __. __. ____□ Bis zu ____ Jahre □ Gesetzl. Aufbewahrungfrist"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "oder □ Widerspruchsrecht gegen diese Verarbeitung besteht;"
+msgstr "oder □ Widerspruchsrecht gegen diese Verarbeitung besteht;"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "□ Wenn doch: Die Daten werden nach folgender Art ausgewertet und gruppiert _______________ "
+msgstr "□ Wenn doch: Die Daten werden nach folgender Art ausgewertet und gruppiert _______________ "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Grund□ Kontakt ____ mal nicht erreicht □ Systemwechsel "
+msgstr "Grund□ Kontakt ____ mal nicht erreicht □ Systemwechsel "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Adresse:"
+msgstr "Adresse:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Auskunft für:"
+msgstr "Auskunft für:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Auskunft nach Artikel 15 DS-GVO"
+msgstr "Auskunft nach Artikel 15 DS-GVO"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Auskunftsgeber:"
+msgstr "Auskunftsgeber:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model,name:website_contact_extend.model_res_partner
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.actions.report,name:website_contact_extend.report_contact
+msgid "Contact Report"
+msgstr "Kontakt Report"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_contact_type
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_users_contact_type
+msgid "Contact Type"
+msgstr "Art des Kontakts"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.contactus_form_inherited
+msgid "Contact by E-Mail"
+msgstr "Kontakt per E-Mail"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.contactus_form_inherited
+msgid "Contact by Letter"
+msgstr "Kontakt per Post"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.contactus_form_inherited
+msgid "Contact by Phone"
+msgstr "Kontakt per Telefon"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Die betroffene Person hat das Recht, von dem Verantwortlichen eine Bestätigung darüber zu verlangen, ob sie betreffende personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet werden; ist dies der Fall, so hat sie ein Recht auf Auskunft über diese personenbezogenen Daten und auf folgende Informationen:"
+msgstr "Die betroffene Person hat das Recht, von dem Verantwortlichen eine Bestätigung darüber zu verlangen, ob sie betreffende personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet werden; ist dies der Fall, so hat sie ein Recht auf Auskunft über diese personenbezogenen Daten und auf folgende Informationen:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_email_contact
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_users_email_contact
+msgid "Email Contact"
+msgstr "Email Kontakt"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_crm_lead_email_link
+msgid "Email verification link"
+msgstr "Email verifikations Link"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-Mail:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: selection:res.partner,contact_type:0
+msgid "I do not want to be contacted."
+msgstr "Ich möchte nicht kontaktiert werden."
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: selection:res.partner,contact_type:0
+msgid "I only want to be contacted by Email."
+msgstr "Ich möchte nur per Email kontaktiert werden."
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: selection:res.partner,contact_type:0
+msgid "I only want to be contacted by Phone."
+msgstr "Ich möchte nur per Telefon kontaktiert werden."
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.contactus_form_inherited
+msgid "In the future I want to be contacted by"
+msgstr "In Zukunft möchte ich nur kontaktiert werden durch:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.contactus_form_inherited
+msgid "Information request concerning data about the personally"
+msgstr "Persönliche Informationsauskunft:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model,name:website_contact_extend.model_crm_lead
+msgid "Lead/Opportunity"
+msgstr "Interessent / Chance"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_letter_contact
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_users_letter_contact
+msgid "Letter Contact"
+msgstr "Brief Kontakt"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_last_updated
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_users_last_updated
+msgid "Letzte Aktualisierung"
+msgstr "Letzte Aktualisierung"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_phone_contact
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_users_phone_contact
+msgid "Phone Contact"
+msgstr "Telefon Kontakt"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "Phone:"
+msgstr "Telefon:"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_is_verified
+#: model:mail.template,subject:website_contact_extend.confirmation_email_template
+msgid "Verified Email"
+msgstr "Verifizierte Email"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.model.fields,help:website_contact_extend.field_res_partner_contact_type
+#: model:ir.model.fields,help:website_contact_extend.field_res_users_contact_type
+msgid "Which way user want to be contacted."
+msgstr "Art der Kontaktierung"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: selection:res.partner,contact_type:0
+msgid "You can contact me by Email or Phone."
+msgstr "Ich kann per Email oder Telefon kontaktiert werden."
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "a) die Verarbeitungszwecke:□ Kontaktaufnahme; □ Geschäftsvorgänge; □ Sonstiges; "
+msgstr "a) die Verarbeitungszwecke:□ Kontaktaufnahme; □ Geschäftsvorgänge; □ Sonstiges; "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "b) die Kategorien personenbezogener Daten, die verarbeitet werden: □ Kundendaten, □ Lieferantendaten, □ Interessentendaten, □ Personaldaten"
+msgstr "b) die Kategorien personenbezogener Daten, die verarbeitet werden: □ Kundendaten, □ Lieferantendaten, □ Interessentendaten, □ Personaldaten"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "c) die Empfänger oder Kategorien von Empfängern, gegenüber denen die personenbezogenen Daten offengelegt worden sind oder noch offengelegt werden, insbesondere bei Empfängern in Drittländern oder bei internationalen Organisationen: □ _______________________________ oder□ keine Offenlegung gegenüber Dritten beabsichtigt, □ Nicht bekannt"
+msgstr "c) die Empfänger oder Kategorien von Empfängern, gegenüber denen die personenbezogenen Daten offengelegt worden sind oder noch offengelegt werden, insbesondere bei Empfängern in Drittländern oder bei internationalen Organisationen: □ _______________________________ oder□ keine Offenlegung gegenüber Dritten beabsichtigt, □ Nicht bekannt"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "d) geplante Dauer, für die die personenbezogenen Daten gespeichert werden: "
+msgstr "d) geplante Dauer, für die die personenbezogenen Daten gespeichert werden: "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "e) □ Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung der betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten besteht oder □ Einschränkung der Verarbeitung durch den Verantwortlichen "
+msgstr "e) □ Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung der betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten besteht oder □ Einschränkung der Verarbeitung durch den Verantwortlichen "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "f) □ das Bestehen eines Beschwerderechts bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde besteht"
+msgstr "f) □ das Bestehen eines Beschwerderechts bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde besteht"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "g) die Herkunft der Daten ist von □ eigener Recherche, □ Auskunftei"
+msgstr "g) die Herkunft der Daten ist von □ eigener Recherche, □ Auskunftei"
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_contact_extend.report_contact_document
+msgid "h) □ eine automatisierte Entscheidungsfindung mit diesen Daten findet nicht statt. "
+msgstr "h) □ eine automatisierte Entscheidungsfindung mit diesen Daten findet nicht statt. "
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:mail.template,subject:website_contact_extend.verification_email_template
+msgid "mail verification link"
+msgstr "mail verification link"
diff --git a/itis_gdpr_extension/i18n/en_US.po b/website_contact_extend/i18n/en_US.po
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 51%
rename from itis_gdpr_extension/i18n/en_US.po
rename to website_contact_extend/i18n/en_US.po
index cac3888..d8a734e
--- a/itis_gdpr_extension/i18n/en_US.po
+++ b/website_contact_extend/i18n/en_US.po
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-# * itis_gdpr_extension
+# * website_contact_extend
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 11.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-22 12:53+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-22 15:22+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 12:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 14:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: en_US\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"
+"Language: en_US\n"
-#. module: itis_gdpr_extension
-#: model:mail.template,body_html:itis_gdpr_extension.verification_email_template
+#. module: website_contact_extend
+#: model:mail.template,body_html:website_contact_extend.verification_email_template
msgid ""