language: python sudo: false cache: pip python: - "3.5" addons: postgresql: "9.6" apt: # sources: # Search your sources alias here: # packages: - expect-dev # provides unbuffer utility # Search your packages here: # # For wkhtmltopdf, see the env section below # Sometimes complicated website repos need Compass & SaSS: #before_install: # - rvm install ruby --latest # - gem install bootstrap-sass # - gem install compass --pre env: global: - VERSION="12.0" TESTS="0" LINT_CHECK="0" MAKEPOT="0" # Set this variable to some version existing as linux-generic build on # # if you need to install wkhtmltopdf # - WKHTMLTOPDF_VERSION="0.12.4" # Set the above to install a `wkhtmltopdf` version that is not the one provided # by the `pov-wkhtmltopdf` repo. - PHANTOMJS_VERSION="latest" # The above line controls the PhantomJS version that is used for JS testing. # It is not necessary to include this value unless you are altering the default. # Use `OS` to skip the PhantomJS upgrade & use the system version instead. - WEBSITE_REPO="1" # Use the above line to install dependencies that are required for website repos: # * SASS & Bootstrap-SASS # * Compass matrix: - LINT_CHECK="1" - TESTS="1" ODOO_REPO="OCA/OCB" - TESTS="1" ODOO_REPO="odoo/odoo" MAKEPOT="1" # either use the two lines above or the two below. Don't change the default if # it's not necessary (it is only necessary if modules in your repository can't # be installed in the same database. And you get a huge speed penalty in your # tests) # - TESTS="1.0" ODOO_REPO="OCA/OCB" UNIT_TEST="1" # - TESTS="1.0" ODOO_REPO="odoo/odoo" UNIT_TEST="1" install: - git clone --depth=1 ${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools - export PATH=${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools/travis:${PATH} - travis_install_nightly script: - travis_run_tests after_success: - travis_after_tests_success