# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # For copyright and license notices, see __openerp__.py file in root directory ##############################################################################
from openerp import models, fields, api from openerp.tools.translate import _
class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner'
region_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.partner.nuts', "Region", oldname="region") substate_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.partner.nuts', "Substate", oldname="substate") lbl_region = fields.Char( default=_("Region"), compute='_labels_get') lbl_substate = fields.Char( default=_("Substate"), compute='_labels_get')
@api.multi @api.depends('country_id') def _labels_get(self): for s in self: s.lbl_region = s.country_id.region_label or _('Region') s.lbl_substate = s.country_id.substate_label or _('Substate')
@api.multi @api.onchange("substate_id") def _onchange_substate_id(self): if self.substate_id.country_id: self.country_id = self.substate_id.country_id return dict()
@api.multi @api.onchange("region_id") def _onchange_region_id(self): if self.region_id.country_id: self.country_id = self.region_id.country_id return dict()
@api.multi @api.onchange("country_id") def _onchange_country_id(self): """Sensible values and domains for related fields.""" fields = {"state", "region", "substate"} country_domain = ([("country_id", "=", self.country_id.id)] if self.country_id else [])
domain = dict() for field in fields: field += "_id" if self.country_id and self[field].country_id != self.country_id: self[field] = False domain[field] = list(country_domain) # Using list() to copy
fields.remove("state") for field in fields: level = self.country_id["%s_level" % field] field += "_id" if level: domain[field].append(("level", "=", level))
return { "domain": domain, }