# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 Carlos Dauden <carlos.dauden@tecnativa.com> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import api, fields, models
class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner'
move_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='account.move.line', inverse_name='partner_id', string='Account Moves' ) risk_invoice_draft_include = fields.Boolean( string='Include Draft Invoices', help='Full risk computation') risk_invoice_draft_limit = fields.Monetary( string='Limit In Draft Invoices', help='Set 0 if it is not locked') risk_invoice_draft = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_risk_invoice', store=True, string='Total Draft Invoices', help='Total amount of invoices in Draft or Pro-forma state') risk_invoice_open_include = fields.Boolean( string='Include Open Invoices/Principal Balance', help='Full risk computation.\n' 'Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_invoice_open_limit = fields.Monetary( string='Limit In Open Invoices/Principal Balance', help='Set 0 if it is not locked', ) risk_invoice_open = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_risk_account_amount', store=True, string='Total Open Invoices/Principal Balance', help='Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_invoice_unpaid_include = fields.Boolean( string='Include Unpaid Invoices/Principal Balance', help='Full risk computation.\n' 'Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_invoice_unpaid_limit = fields.Monetary( string='Limit In Unpaid Invoices/Principal Balance', help='Set 0 if it is not locked', ) risk_invoice_unpaid = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_risk_account_amount', store=True, string='Total Unpaid Invoices/Principal Balance', help='Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_account_amount_include = fields.Boolean( string='Include Other Account Open Amount', help='Full risk computation.\n' 'Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_account_amount_limit = fields.Monetary( string='Limit Other Account Open Amount', help='Set 0 if it is not locked', ) risk_account_amount = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_risk_account_amount', store=True, string='Total Other Account Open Amount', help='Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_account_amount_unpaid_include = fields.Boolean( string='Include Other Account Unpaid Amount', help='Full risk computation.\n' 'Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_account_amount_unpaid_limit = fields.Monetary( string='Limit Other Account Unpaid Amount', help='Set 0 if it is not locked', ) risk_account_amount_unpaid = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_risk_account_amount', store=True, string='Total Other Account Unpaid Amount', help='Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct ' 'account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity ' 'exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings.', ) risk_total = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_risk_exception', string='Total Risk', help='Sum of total risk included') risk_exception = fields.Boolean( compute='_compute_risk_exception', string='Risk Exception', help='It Indicate if partner risk exceeded', store=True) credit_policy = fields.Char() risk_allow_edit = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_risk_allow_edit') credit_limit = fields.Float(track_visibility='onchange')
@api.multi def _compute_risk_allow_edit(self): is_editable = self.env.user.has_group('account.group_account_manager') for partner in self.filtered('customer'): partner.risk_allow_edit = is_editable
@api.multi @api.depends( 'customer', 'invoice_ids', 'invoice_ids.state', 'invoice_ids.amount_total', 'child_ids.invoice_ids', 'child_ids.invoice_ids.state', 'child_ids.invoice_ids.amount_total') def _compute_risk_invoice(self): all_partners_and_children = {} all_partner_ids = [] for partner in self.filtered('customer'): if not partner.id: continue all_partners_and_children[partner] = self.with_context( active_test=False).search([('id', 'child_of', partner.id)]).ids all_partner_ids += all_partners_and_children[partner] if not all_partner_ids: return total_group = self.env['account.invoice'].sudo().read_group( [('type', 'in', ['out_invoice', 'out_refund']), ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'proforma', 'proforma2']), ('partner_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['partner_id', 'amount_total'], ['partner_id']) for partner, child_ids in all_partners_and_children.items(): partner.risk_invoice_draft = sum( x['amount_total'] for x in total_group if x['partner_id'][0] in child_ids)
@api.model def _risk_account_groups(self): max_date = self._max_risk_date_due() return { 'open': { 'domain': [('reconciled', '=', False), ('account_id.internal_type', '=', 'receivable'), ('date_maturity', '>=', max_date)], 'fields': ['partner_id', 'account_id', 'amount_residual'], 'group_by': ['partner_id', 'account_id'] }, 'unpaid': { 'domain': [('reconciled', '=', False), ('account_id.internal_type', '=', 'receivable'), ('date_maturity', '<', max_date)], 'fields': ['partner_id', 'account_id', 'amount_residual'], 'group_by': ['partner_id', 'account_id'] } }
@api.multi @api.depends('move_line_ids.amount_residual', 'move_line_ids.date_maturity', 'company_id.invoice_unpaid_margin') def _compute_risk_account_amount(self): AccountMoveLine = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo() customers = self.filtered(lambda x: x.customer and not x.parent_id) if not customers: return groups = self._risk_account_groups() for key, group in groups.iteritems(): group['read_group'] = AccountMoveLine.read_group( group['domain'] + [('partner_id', 'in', customers.ids)], group['fields'], group['group_by'], lazy=False, ) for partner in customers: partner.update(partner._prepare_risk_account_vals(groups))
@api.multi def _prepare_risk_account_vals(self, groups): vals = { 'risk_invoice_open': 0.0, 'risk_invoice_unpaid': 0.0, 'risk_account_amount': 0.0, 'risk_account_amount_unpaid': 0.0, } for reg in groups['open']['read_group']: if reg['partner_id'][0] != self.id: continue if self.property_account_receivable_id.id == reg['account_id'][0]: vals['risk_invoice_open'] += reg['amount_residual'] else: vals['risk_account_amount'] += reg['amount_residual'] for reg in groups['unpaid']['read_group']: if reg['partner_id'][0] != self.id: continue # pragma: no cover if self.property_account_receivable_id.id == reg['account_id'][0]: vals['risk_invoice_unpaid'] += reg['amount_residual'] else: vals['risk_account_amount_unpaid'] += reg['amount_residual'] return vals
@api.multi @api.depends(lambda x: x._get_depends_compute_risk_exception()) def _compute_risk_exception(self): risk_field_list = self._risk_field_list() for partner in self.filtered('customer'): amount = 0.0 for risk_field in risk_field_list: field_value = getattr(partner, risk_field[0], 0.0) max_value = getattr(partner, risk_field[1], 0.0) if max_value and field_value > max_value: partner.risk_exception = True if getattr(partner, risk_field[2], False): amount += field_value partner.risk_total = amount if partner.credit_limit and amount > partner.credit_limit: partner.risk_exception = True
@api.model def _max_risk_date_due(self): return fields.Date.to_string(datetime.today().date() - relativedelta( days=self.env.user.company_id.invoice_unpaid_margin))
@api.model def _risk_field_list(self): return [ ('risk_invoice_draft', 'risk_invoice_draft_limit', 'risk_invoice_draft_include'), ('risk_invoice_open', 'risk_invoice_open_limit', 'risk_invoice_open_include'), ('risk_invoice_unpaid', 'risk_invoice_unpaid_limit', 'risk_invoice_unpaid_include'), ('risk_account_amount', 'risk_account_amount_limit', 'risk_account_amount_include'), ('risk_account_amount_unpaid', 'risk_account_amount_unpaid_limit', 'risk_account_amount_unpaid_include'), ]
@api.model def _get_depends_compute_risk_exception(self): res = [] for x in self._risk_field_list(): res.extend((x[0], x[1], x[2], 'child_ids.%s' % x[0], 'child_ids.%s' % x[1], 'child_ids.%s' % x[2])) res.extend(('credit_limit', 'child_ids.credit_limit')) return res
@api.model def process_unpaid_invoices(self): max_date = self._max_risk_date_due() ConfigParameter = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] last_check = ConfigParameter.get_param( 'partner_financial_risk.last_check', default='2016-01-01') groups = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().read_group( [('reconciled', '=', False), ('partner_id', '!=', False), ('account_id.internal_type', '=', 'receivable'), ('date_maturity', '>=', last_check), ('date_maturity', '<', max_date)], ['company_id', 'partner_id'], ['company_id', 'partner_id'], lazy=False, ) group_dic = defaultdict(list) for group in groups: group_dic[group['company_id'][0]].append(group['partner_id'][0]) for company_id, partner_ids in group_dic.iteritems(): partners = self.browse(partner_ids) partners.with_context( force_company=company_id, )._compute_risk_account_amount() ConfigParameter.set_param( 'partner_financial_risk.last_check', max_date) return True