# Copyright 2014 Nemry Jonathan (Acsone SA/NV) (http://www.acsone.eu) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
from .. import exceptions as ex
class MailInstalled: def mail_installed(self): """Check if ``mail`` module is installed.``""" return ( self.env["ir.module.module"].search([("name", "=", "mail")]).state == "installed" )
class BaseCase(TransactionCase, MailInstalled): def setUp(self): super(BaseCase, self).setUp() self.check_fields = True self.expect("Núñez", "Fernán") self.create_original()
def create_original(self): self.original = self.env["res.partner"].create( {"firstname": self.firstname, "lastname": self.lastname} )
def expect(self, lastname, firstname, name=None): """Define what is expected in each field when ending.""" self.lastname = lastname self.firstname = firstname self.name = name or "{} {}".format(firstname, lastname)
def tearDown(self): if self.check_fields: if not hasattr(self, "changed"): self.changed = self.original
for field in ("name", "lastname", "firstname"): self.assertEqual( getattr(self.changed, field), getattr(self, field), "Test failed with wrong %s" % field, )
super(BaseCase, self).tearDown()
def test_copy(self): """Copy the partner and compare the result.""" self.expect("%s (copy)" % self.lastname, self.firstname) self.changed = self.original.with_context(copy=True, lang="en_US").copy()
def test_one_name(self): """Test what happens when only one name is given.""" name = "Mönty" self.expect(name, False, name) self.original.name = name
def test_no_names(self): """Test that you cannot set a partner/user without names.""" self.check_fields = False with self.assertRaises(ex.EmptyNamesError): self.original.firstname = self.original.lastname = False
class OnChangeCase(TransactionCase): is_company = False
def new_partner(self): """Create an empty partner. Ensure it is (or not) a company.""" new = self.env["res.partner"].new() new.is_company = self.is_company return new