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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. #
  3. #
  4. # Authors: Guewen Baconnier
  5. # Copyright 2015 Camptocamp SA
  6. #
  7. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8. # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
  9. # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
  10. # License, or (at your option) any later version.
  11. #
  12. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  13. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  15. # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  16. #
  17. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  18. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  19. #
  20. #
  21. from itertools import groupby
  22. from lxml import etree
  23. from operator import attrgetter
  24. from openerp import models, fields, api, exceptions, _
  25. from openerp.osv.orm import setup_modifiers
  26. # sentinel object to be sure that no empty value was passed to
  27. # ResPartnerChangesetChange._value_for_changeset
  28. _NO_VALUE = object()
  29. class ResPartnerChangeset(models.Model):
  30. _name = 'res.partner.changeset'
  31. _description = 'Partner Changeset'
  32. _order = 'date desc'
  33. _rec_name = 'date'
  34. partner_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.partner',
  35. string='Partner',
  36. select=True,
  37. required=True,
  38. readonly=True)
  39. change_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='res.partner.changeset.change',
  40. inverse_name='changeset_id',
  41. string='Changes',
  42. readonly=True)
  43. date = fields.Datetime(,
  44. select=True,
  45. readonly=True)
  46. state = fields.Selection(
  47. compute='_compute_state',
  48. selection=[('draft', 'Pending'),
  49. ('done', 'Done')],
  50. string='State',
  51. store=True,
  52. )
  53. note = fields.Text()
  54. source = fields.Reference(
  55. string='Source of the change',
  56. selection='_reference_models',
  57. readonly=True,
  58. )
  59. @api.model
  60. def _reference_models(self):
  61. models = self.env['ir.model'].search([])
  62. return [(model.model, for model in models]
  64. @api.depends('change_ids', 'change_ids.state')
  65. def _compute_state(self):
  66. if all(change.state in ('done', 'cancel') for change
  67. in self.mapped('change_ids')):
  68. self.state = 'done'
  69. else:
  70. self.state = 'draft'
  71. @api.multi
  72. def apply(self):
  73. self.mapped('change_ids').apply()
  74. @api.multi
  75. def cancel(self):
  76. self.mapped('change_ids').cancel()
  77. @api.multi
  78. def add_changeset(self, record, values):
  79. """ Add a changeset on a partner
  80. By default, when a partner is modified by a user or by the
  81. system, the the changeset will follow the rules configured for
  82. the 'Users' / global rules.
  83. A caller should pass the following keys in the context:
  84. * ``__changeset_rules_source_model``: name of the model which
  85. asks for the change
  86. * ``__changeset_rules_source_id``: id of the record which asks
  87. for the change
  88. When the source model and id are not defined, the current user
  89. is considered as the origin of the change.
  90. Should be called before the execution of ``write`` on the record
  91. so we can keep track of the existing value and also because the
  92. returned values should be used for ``write`` as some of the
  93. values may have been removed.
  94. :param values: the values being written on the partner
  95. :type values: dict
  96. :returns: dict of values that should be wrote on the partner
  97. (fields with a 'Validate' or 'Never' rule are excluded)
  98. """
  99. record.ensure_one()
  100. source_model = self.env.context.get('__changeset_rules_source_model')
  101. source_id = self.env.context.get('__changeset_rules_source_id')
  102. if not source_model:
  103. # if the changes source is not defined, log the user who
  104. # made the change
  105. source_model = 'res.users'
  106. if not source_id:
  107. source_id = self.env.uid
  108. if source_model and source_id:
  109. source = '%s,%s' % (source_model, source_id)
  110. else:
  111. source = False
  112. change_model = self.env['res.partner.changeset.change']
  113. write_values = values.copy()
  114. changes = []
  115. rules = self.env['changeset.field.rule'].get_rules(
  116. source_model_name=source_model,
  117. )
  118. for field in values:
  119. rule = rules.get(field)
  120. if not rule:
  121. continue
  122. if field in values:
  123. if not change_model._has_field_changed(record, field,
  124. values[field]):
  125. continue
  126. change, pop_value = change_model._prepare_changeset_change(
  127. record, rule, field, values[field]
  128. )
  129. if pop_value:
  130. write_values.pop(field)
  131. changes.append(change)
  132. if changes:
  133. self.env['res.partner.changeset'].create({
  134. 'partner_id':,
  135. 'change_ids': [(0, 0, vals) for vals in changes],
  136. 'date':,
  137. 'source': source,
  138. })
  139. return write_values
  140. class ResPartnerChangesetChange(models.Model):
  141. """ Store the change of one field for one changeset on one partner
  142. This model is composed of 3 sets of fields:
  143. * 'origin'
  144. * 'old'
  145. * 'new'
  146. The 'new' fields contain the value that needs to be validated.
  147. The 'old' field copies the actual value of the partner when the
  148. change is either applied either canceled. This field is used as a storage
  149. place but never shown by itself.
  150. The 'origin' fields is a related field towards the actual values of
  151. the partner until the change is either applied either canceled, past
  152. that it shows the 'old' value.
  153. The reason behind this is that the values may change on a partner between
  154. the moment when the changeset is created and when it is applied.
  155. On the views, we show the origin fields which represent the actual
  156. partner values or the old values and we show the new fields.
  157. The 'origin' and 'new_value_display' are displayed on
  158. the tree view where we need a unique of field, the other fields are
  159. displayed on the form view so we benefit from their widgets.
  160. """
  161. _name = 'res.partner.changeset.change'
  162. _description = 'Partner Changeset Change'
  163. _rec_name = 'field_id'
  164. changeset_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.partner.changeset',
  165. required=True,
  166. string='Changeset',
  167. ondelete='cascade',
  168. readonly=True)
  169. field_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='ir.model.fields',
  170. string='Field',
  171. required=True,
  172. readonly=True)
  173. field_type = fields.Selection(related='field_id.ttype',
  174. string='Field Type',
  175. readonly=True)
  176. origin_value_display = fields.Char(
  177. string='Previous',
  178. compute='_compute_value_display',
  179. )
  180. new_value_display = fields.Char(
  181. string='New',
  182. compute='_compute_value_display',
  183. )
  184. # Fields showing the origin partner's value or the 'old' value if
  185. # the change is applied or canceled.
  186. origin_value_char = fields.Char(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  187. string='Previous',
  188. readonly=True)
  189. origin_value_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  190. string='Previous',
  191. readonly=True)
  192. origin_value_datetime = fields.Datetime(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  193. string='Previous',
  194. readonly=True)
  195. origin_value_float = fields.Float(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  196. string='Previous',
  197. readonly=True)
  198. origin_value_integer = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  199. string='Previous',
  200. readonly=True)
  201. origin_value_text = fields.Text(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  202. string='Previous',
  203. readonly=True)
  204. origin_value_boolean = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_origin_values',
  205. string='Previous',
  206. readonly=True)
  207. origin_value_reference = fields.Reference(
  208. compute='_compute_origin_values',
  209. string='Previous',
  210. selection='_reference_models',
  211. readonly=True,
  212. )
  213. # Fields storing the previous partner's values (saved when the
  214. # changeset is applied)
  215. old_value_char = fields.Char(string='Old',
  216. readonly=True)
  217. old_value_date = fields.Date(string='Old',
  218. readonly=True)
  219. old_value_datetime = fields.Datetime(string='Old',
  220. readonly=True)
  221. old_value_float = fields.Float(string='Old',
  222. readonly=True)
  223. old_value_integer = fields.Integer(string='Old',
  224. readonly=True)
  225. old_value_text = fields.Text(string='Old',
  226. readonly=True)
  227. old_value_boolean = fields.Boolean(string='Old',
  228. readonly=True)
  229. old_value_reference = fields.Reference(string='Old',
  230. selection='_reference_models',
  231. readonly=True)
  232. # Fields storing the value applied on the partner
  233. new_value_char = fields.Char(string='New',
  234. readonly=True)
  235. new_value_date = fields.Date(string='New',
  236. readonly=True)
  237. new_value_datetime = fields.Datetime(string='New',
  238. readonly=True)
  239. new_value_float = fields.Float(string='New',
  240. readonly=True)
  241. new_value_integer = fields.Integer(string='New',
  242. readonly=True)
  243. new_value_text = fields.Text(string='New',
  244. readonly=True)
  245. new_value_boolean = fields.Boolean(string='New',
  246. readonly=True)
  247. new_value_reference = fields.Reference(string='New',
  248. selection='_reference_models',
  249. readonly=True)
  250. state = fields.Selection(
  251. selection=[('draft', 'Pending'),
  252. ('done', 'Accepted'),
  253. ('cancel', 'Rejected'),
  254. ],
  255. required=True,
  256. default='draft',
  257. readonly=True,
  258. )
  259. @api.model
  260. def _reference_models(self):
  261. models = self.env['ir.model'].search([])
  262. return [(model.model, for model in models]
  263. _suffix_to_types = {
  264. 'char': ('char', 'selection'),
  265. 'date': ('date',),
  266. 'datetime': ('datetime',),
  267. 'float': ('float',),
  268. 'integer': ('integer',),
  269. 'text': ('text',),
  270. 'boolean': ('boolean',),
  271. 'reference': ('many2one',),
  272. }
  273. _type_to_suffix = {ftype: suffix
  274. for suffix, ftypes in _suffix_to_types.iteritems()
  275. for ftype in ftypes}
  276. _origin_value_fields = ['origin_value_%s' % suffix
  277. for suffix in _suffix_to_types]
  278. _old_value_fields = ['old_value_%s' % suffix
  279. for suffix in _suffix_to_types]
  280. _new_value_fields = ['new_value_%s' % suffix
  281. for suffix in _suffix_to_types]
  282. _value_fields = (_origin_value_fields +
  283. _old_value_fields +
  284. _new_value_fields)
  286. @api.depends('changeset_id.partner_id.*')
  287. def _compute_origin_values(self):
  288. field_name = self.get_field_for_type(self.field_id, 'origin')
  289. if self.state == 'draft':
  290. value = self.changeset_id.partner_id[]
  291. else:
  292. old_field = self.get_field_for_type(self.field_id, 'old')
  293. value = self[old_field]
  294. setattr(self, field_name, value)
  296. @api.depends(lambda self: self._value_fields)
  297. def _compute_value_display(self):
  298. for prefix in ('origin', 'new'):
  299. value = getattr(self, 'get_%s_value' % prefix)()
  300. if self.field_id.ttype == 'many2one' and value:
  301. value = value.display_name
  302. setattr(self, '%s_value_display' % prefix, value)
  303. @api.model
  304. def get_field_for_type(self, field, prefix):
  305. assert prefix in ('origin', 'old', 'new')
  306. field_type = self._type_to_suffix.get(field.ttype)
  307. if not field_type:
  308. raise NotImplementedError(
  309. 'field type %s is not supported' % field_type
  310. )
  311. return '%s_value_%s' % (prefix, field_type)
  312. @api.multi
  313. def get_origin_value(self):
  314. self.ensure_one()
  315. field_name = self.get_field_for_type(self.field_id, 'origin')
  316. return self[field_name]
  317. @api.multi
  318. def get_new_value(self):
  319. self.ensure_one()
  320. field_name = self.get_field_for_type(self.field_id, 'new')
  321. return self[field_name]
  322. @api.multi
  323. def set_old_value(self):
  324. """ Copy the value of the partner to the 'old' field """
  325. for change in self:
  326. # copy the existing partner's value for the history
  327. old_value_for_write = self._value_for_changeset(
  328. change.changeset_id.partner_id,
  330. )
  331. old_field_name = self.get_field_for_type(change.field_id, 'old')
  332. change.write({old_field_name: old_value_for_write})
  333. @api.multi
  334. def apply(self):
  335. """ Apply the change on the changeset's partner
  336. It is optimized thus that it makes only one write on the partner
  337. per changeset if many changes are applied at once.
  338. """
  339. changes_ok = self.browse()
  340. key = attrgetter('changeset_id')
  341. for changeset, changes in groupby(self.sorted(key=key), key=key):
  342. values = {}
  343. partner = changeset.partner_id
  344. for change in changes:
  345. if change.state in ('cancel', 'done'):
  346. continue
  347. field = change.field_id
  348. value_for_write = change._convert_value_for_write(
  349. change.get_new_value()
  350. )
  351. values[] = value_for_write
  352. change.set_old_value()
  353. changes_ok |= change
  354. if not values:
  355. continue
  356. previous_changesets = self.env['res.partner.changeset'].search(
  357. [('date', '<',,
  358. ('state', '=', 'draft'),
  359. ('partner_id', '=',,
  360. ],
  361. limit=1,
  362. )
  363. if previous_changesets:
  364. raise exceptions.Warning(
  365. _('This change cannot be applied because a previous '
  366. 'changeset for the same partner is pending.\n'
  367. 'Apply all the anterior changesets before applying '
  368. 'this one.')
  369. )
  370. partner.with_context(__no_changeset=True).write(values)
  371. changes_ok.write({'state': 'done'})
  372. @api.multi
  373. def cancel(self):
  374. """ Reject the change """
  375. if any(change.state == 'done' for change in self):
  376. raise exceptions.Warning(
  377. _('This change has already be applied.')
  378. )
  379. self.set_old_value()
  380. self.write({'state': 'cancel'})
  381. @api.model
  382. def _has_field_changed(self, record, field, value):
  383. field_def = record._fields[field]
  384. return field_def.convert_to_write(record[field]) != value
  385. @api.multi
  386. def _convert_value_for_write(self, value):
  387. if not value:
  388. return value
  389. model = self.env[self.field_id.model_id.model]
  390. model_field_def = model._fields[]
  391. return model_field_def.convert_to_write(value)
  392. @api.model
  393. def _value_for_changeset(self, record, field_name, value=_NO_VALUE):
  394. """ Return a value from the record ready to write in a changeset field
  395. :param record: modified record
  396. :param field_name: name of the modified field
  397. :param value: if no value is given, it is read from the record
  398. """
  399. field_def = record._fields[field_name]
  400. if value is _NO_VALUE:
  401. # when the value is read from the record, we need to prepare
  402. # it for the write (e.g. extract .id from a many2one record)
  403. value = field_def.convert_to_write(record[field_name])
  404. if field_def.type == 'many2one':
  405. # store as 'reference'
  406. comodel = field_def.comodel_name
  407. return "%s,%s" % (comodel, value) if value else False
  408. else:
  409. return value
  410. @api.multi
  411. def _prepare_changeset_change(self, record, rule, field_name, value):
  412. """ Prepare data for a changeset change
  413. It returns a dict of the values to write on the changeset change
  414. and a boolean that indicates if the value should be popped out
  415. of the values to write on the model.
  416. :returns: dict of values, boolean
  417. """
  418. new_field_name = self.get_field_for_type(rule.field_id, 'new')
  419. new_value = self._value_for_changeset(record, field_name, value=value)
  420. change = {
  421. new_field_name: new_value,
  422. 'field_id':,
  423. }
  424. if rule.action == 'auto':
  425. change['state'] = 'done'
  426. pop_value = False
  427. elif rule.action == 'validate':
  428. change['state'] = 'draft'
  429. pop_value = True # change to apply manually
  430. elif rule.action == 'never':
  431. change['state'] = 'cancel'
  432. pop_value = True # change never applied
  433. if change['state'] in ('cancel', 'done'):
  434. # Normally the 'old' value is set when we use the 'apply'
  435. # button, but since we short circuit the 'apply', we
  436. # directly set the 'old' value here
  437. old_field_name = self.get_field_for_type(rule.field_id, 'old')
  438. # get values ready to write as expected by the changeset
  439. # (for instance, a many2one is written in a reference
  440. # field)
  441. origin_value = self._value_for_changeset(record, field_name)
  442. change[old_field_name] = origin_value
  443. return change, pop_value
  444. def fields_view_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
  445. _super = super(ResPartnerChangesetChange, self)
  446. result = _super.fields_view_get(*args, **kwargs)
  447. if result['type'] != 'form':
  448. return
  449. doc = etree.XML(result['arch'])
  450. for suffix, ftypes in self._suffix_to_types.iteritems():
  451. for prefix in ('origin', 'old', 'new'):
  452. field_name = '%s_value_%s' % (prefix, suffix)
  453. field_nodes = doc.xpath("//field[@name='%s']" % field_name)
  454. for node in field_nodes:
  455. node.set(
  456. 'attrs',
  457. "{'invisible': "
  458. "[('field_type', 'not in', %s)]}" % (ftypes,)
  459. )
  460. setup_modifiers(node)
  461. result['arch'] = etree.tostring(doc)
  462. return result