I create the wizard
!record {model: better.zip.geonames.import, id: import_wizard_1, view: better_zip_geonames_import_form}:
country_id: base.it
I run the import
!python {model: better.zip.geonames.import}: |
self.run_import(cr, uid, [ref('import_wizard_1')], context=context)
I check the data
!python {model: res.better.zip}: |
state_obj = self.pool['res.country.state']
state_ids = state_obj.search(cr, uid, [
('code', '=', 'LG'),
('country_id', '=', ref('base.it')),
], context=context)
assert len(state_ids) == 1, "There must be 1 LG"
zip_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [
('name', '=', '16017'),
('city', '=', 'Isola Del Cantone'),
('state_id', '=', state_ids[0]),
('country_id', '=', ref('base.it'))
], context=context)
assert len(zip_ids) == 1, "There must be 1 'Isola Del Cantone'"