# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2014 Alexis de Lattre <alexis.delattre@akretion.com> # © 2014 Lorenzo Battistini <lorenzo.battistini@agilebg.com> # © 2016 Pedro M. Baeza <pedro.baeza@serviciosbaeza.com> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from openerp import models, fields, api, _ from openerp.exceptions import UserError import requests import tempfile import StringIO import zipfile import os import logging
try: import unicodecsv except ImportError: unicodecsv = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BetterZipGeonamesImport(models.TransientModel): _name = 'better.zip.geonames.import' _description = 'Import Better Zip from Geonames' _rec_name = 'country_id'
country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country', required=True) title_case = fields.Boolean( string='Title Case', help='Converts retreived city and state names to Title Case.', )
@api.model def transform_city_name(self, city, country): """Override it for transforming city name (if needed)
:param city: Original city name :param country: Country record :return: Transformed city name """
return city
@api.model def _domain_search_better_zip(self, row, country): return [('name', '=', row[1]), ('city', '=', self.transform_city_name(row[2], country)), ('country_id', '=', country.id)]
@api.model def _prepare_better_zip(self, row, country): state = self.select_or_create_state(row, country) vals = { 'name': row[1], 'city': self.transform_city_name(row[2], country), 'state_id': state.id, 'country_id': country.id, } return vals
@api.model def create_better_zip(self, row, country): if row[8] != country.code: raise UserError( _("The country code inside the file (%s) doesn't " "correspond to the selected country (%s).") % (row[8], country.code)) logger.debug('ZIP = %s - City = %s' % (row[1], row[2])) if (self.title_case): row[2] = row[2].title() row[3] = row[3].title() if row[1] and row[2]: zip_model = self.env['res.better.zip'] zips = zip_model.search(self._domain_search_better_zip( row, country)) if zips: return zips[0] else: vals = self._prepare_better_zip(row, country) if vals: return zip_model.create(vals) else: return False
@api.model def select_or_create_state( self, row, country, code_row_index=4, name_row_index=3): states = self.env['res.country.state'].search([ ('country_id', '=', country.id), ('code', '=', row[code_row_index]), ]) if len(states) > 1: raise UserError( _("Too many states with code %s for country %s") % (row[code_row_index], country.code)) if len(states) == 1: return states[0] else: return self.env['res.country.state'].create({ 'name': row[name_row_index], 'code': row[code_row_index], 'country_id': country.id })
@api.multi def run_import(self): self.ensure_one() zip_model = self.env['res.better.zip'] country_code = self.country_id.code config_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param( 'geonames.url', default='http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/%s.zip') url = config_url % country_code logger.info('Starting to download %s' % url) res_request = requests.get(url) if res_request.status_code != requests.codes.ok: raise UserError( _('Got an error %d when trying to download the file %s.') % (res_request.status_code, url)) # Store current record list zips_to_delete = zip_model.search( [('country_id', '=', self.country_id.id)]) f_geonames = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(res_request.content)) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='openerp') f_geonames.extract('%s.txt' % country_code, tempdir) logger.info('The geonames zipfile has been decompressed') data_file = open(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.txt' % country_code), 'r') data_file.seek(0) logger.info('Starting to create the better zip entries') max_import = self.env.context.get('max_import', 0) reader = unicodecsv.reader(data_file, encoding='utf-8', delimiter=' ') for i, row in enumerate(reader): zip_code = self.create_better_zip(row, self.country_id) if zip_code in zips_to_delete: zips_to_delete -= zip_code if max_import and i == max_import: break data_file.close() if zips_to_delete and not max_import: zips_to_delete.unlink() logger.info('%d better zip entries deleted for country %s' % (len(zips_to_delete), self.country_id.name)) logger.info( 'The wizard to create better zip entries from geonames ' 'has been successfully completed.') return True