# Copyright 2016 Nicolas Bessi, Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner' zip_id = fields.Many2one('res.better.zip', 'ZIP Location')
@api.onchange('city_id') def _onchange_city_id(self): if not self.zip_id: super(ResPartner, self)._onchange_city_id() if self.zip_id and self.city_id != self.zip_id.city_id: self.zip_id = False self.zip = False self.city = False if self.city_id: return { 'domain': { 'zip_id': [('city_id', '=', self.city_id.id)] }, } return {'domain': {'zip_id': []}}
@api.onchange('state_id') def _onchange_state_id(self): if self.zip_id and self.state_id != self.zip_id.state_id: self.zip_id = False self.zip = False self.city = False
@api.onchange('country_id') def _onchange_country_id(self): res = super(ResPartner, self)._onchange_country_id() if self.zip_id and self.zip_id.country_id != self.country_id: self.zip_id = False return res
@api.onchange('zip_id') def _onchange_zip_id(self): if self.zip_id: self.country_id = self.zip_id.country_id if self.country_id.enforce_cities: self.city_id = self.zip_id.city_id self.zip = self.zip_id.name self.state_id = self.zip_id.state_id self.city = self.zip_id.city
@api.constrains('zip_id', 'country_id', 'city_id', 'state_id') def _check_zip(self): for rec in self.filtered('zip_id'): if rec.zip_id.state_id != rec.state_id: raise ValidationError(_( "The state of the partner %s differs from that in " "location %s") % (rec.name, rec.zip_id.name)) if rec.zip_id.country_id != rec.country_id: raise ValidationError(_( "The country of the partner %s differs from that in " "location %s") % (rec.name, rec.zip_id.name)) if rec.zip_id.city_id != rec.city_id: raise ValidationError(_( "The city of partner %s differs from that in " "location %s") % (rec.name, rec.zip_id.name))