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  1. In partner form you will see another tab called 'ID Numbers'. You can add
  2. any IDs to this partner, defining:
  3. Category:
  4. ID type defined in configuration. For example, Driver License
  5. ID Number:
  6. The ID itself. For example, Driver License number of this person
  7. Issued by:
  8. Another partner, who issued this ID. For example, Traffic National Institution
  9. Place of Issuance:
  10. The place where the ID has been issued. For example the country for passports and visa
  11. Valid from:
  12. Issued date. For example, date when person approved his driving exam, 21/10/2009
  13. Valid until:
  14. Expiration date. For example, date when person needs to renew his driver license, 21/10/2019
  15. Status:
  16. ID status. For example new/to renew/expired
  17. Notes:
  18. Any further information related with this ID. For example, vehicle types this person can drive