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[UPD] Update base_location_nuts.pot

oca-travis 7 years ago
  1. 248
  2. 21
  3. 24
  4. 10
  5. 21
  6. 21
  7. 25


@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,child_ids:0
msgid "Children"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,code:0
msgid "Code"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_res_country
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter
#: field:res.partner.nuts,country_id:0
msgid "Country"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,create_uid:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,create_date:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,display_name:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,display_name:0
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
#, python-format
msgid "Downloaded file is not a valid XML file"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
#, python-format
msgid "Got an error %d when trying to download the file %s."
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
#, python-format
msgid "Got an error when trying to download the file: %s."
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter
msgid "Group By"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,id:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
msgid "Import NUTS 2013"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_action
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form
msgid "Import NUTS 2013 from RAMON"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_nuts_import
msgid "Import NUTS items from European RAMON service"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,__last_update:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,__last_update:0
msgid "Last Modified on"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,write_uid:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,write_date:0
#: field:res.partner.nuts,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter
#: field:res.partner.nuts,level:0
msgid "Level"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
msgid "Level for the state NUTS category."
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
msgid "NUTS"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_res_partner_nuts
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_form
msgid "NUTS Item"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_action
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_tree
msgid "NUTS Items"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts
#: field:res.partner,nuts1_id:0
msgid "NUTS L1"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts
#: field:res.partner,nuts2_id:0
msgid "NUTS L2"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts
#: field:res.partner,nuts3_id:0
msgid "NUTS L3"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts
#: field:res.partner,nuts4_id:0
msgid "NUTS L4"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,name:0
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,parent_left:0
msgid "Parent Left"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,parent_right:0
msgid "Parent Right"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent id"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_res_partner
msgid "Partner"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts
msgid "Salesperson"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter
msgid "Search NUTS"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:res.partner.nuts,state_id:0
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
msgid "State level"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form
msgid "This wizard will download the lastest version of\n"
" NUTS 2013 from Europe RAMON metadata service.\n"
" Updating or creating new NUTS entries if not\n"
" found already in the system, and DELETING MISSING\n"
" ENTRIES from new downloaded file."
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
#, python-format
msgid "Value not found for mandatory field %s"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.actions.todo,note:base_location_nuts.config_wizard_nuts
msgid "You can import NUTS from RAMON european service."
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_action
msgid "You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
msgstr ""


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
# Translators:
# Rudolf Schnapka <>, 2015,2017
msgid ""
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-21 16:57+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-25 00:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rudolf Schnapka <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"Language-Team: German ("
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
@ -225,7 +226,11 @@ msgid ""
" Updating or creating new NUTS entries if not\n"
" found already in the system, and DELETING MISSING\n"
" ENTRIES from new downloaded file."
msgstr "Dieser Assisten lädt die neueste Version des NUTS vom Europäischen RAMON Metadatendienst herunter. NUTS-Einträge werden aktualisiert oder angelegt, wenn sie nicht bereits im System vorhanden sind und werden GELÖSCHT, wenn sie in der neuen Datei fehlen."
msgstr ""
"Dieser Assisten lädt die neueste Version des NUTS vom Europäischen RAMON "
"Metadatendienst herunter. NUTS-Einträge werden aktualisiert oder angelegt, "
"wenn sie nicht bereits im System vorhanden sind und werden GELÖSCHT, wenn "
"sie in der neuen Datei fehlen."
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
@ -243,5 +248,9 @@ msgstr "Sie können NUTS vom Europäischen RAMON-Dienst importieren"
msgid ""
"You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
msgstr "Sie müssen den Import-Assistenten wählen, um NUTS-Elemente aus NUTS in Odoo zu importieren:\nVerkauf -> Konfiguration -> Adressbuch Lokalisierung -> Importiere NUTS 2013"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS "
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen den Import-Assistenten wählen, um NUTS-Elemente aus NUTS in Odoo "
"zu importieren:\n"
"Verkauf -> Konfiguration -> Adressbuch Lokalisierung -> Importiere NUTS 2013"


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
# Translators:
# Oihane Crucelaegui <>, 2016
msgid ""
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-25 11:58+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-14 09:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oihane Crucelaegui <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish ("
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
@ -225,7 +226,13 @@ msgid ""
" Updating or creating new NUTS entries if not\n"
" found already in the system, and DELETING MISSING\n"
" ENTRIES from new downloaded file."
msgstr "Este asistente descargará la última version de\n NUTS 2013 desde el servicio de metadatos europeo RAMON.\n Actualizando o creando nuevas regiones NUTS si no\n las encuentra en el sistema, y BORRANDO LAS QUE NO ENCUENTRE\n en el nuevo fichero descargado."
msgstr ""
"Este asistente descargará la última version de\n"
" NUTS 2013 desde el servicio de metadatos europeo RAMON.\n"
" Actualizando o creando nuevas regiones NUTS si no\n"
" las encuentra en el sistema, y BORRANDO LAS QUE NO "
" en el nuevo fichero descargado."
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
@ -243,5 +250,10 @@ msgstr "Usted puede importar NUTS desde el servicion europeo RAMON."
msgid ""
"You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
msgstr "Debes clicar en el asistente de importación para crear las\n las regiones NUTS en la base de datos de Odoo, en el menú:\n Ventas > Configuración > Libreta de direcciones > Localización > Importar NUTS 2013"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS "
msgstr ""
"Debes clicar en el asistente de importación para crear las\n"
" las regiones NUTS en la base de datos de Odoo, en el menú:\n"
" Ventas > Configuración > Libreta de direcciones > Localización > "
"Importar NUTS 2013"


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
# Translators:
# Esther Martín Menéndez <>, 2017
msgid ""
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-21 16:57+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-23 15:56+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Esther Martín Menéndez <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque (\n"
"Language-Team: Basque ("
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: eu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
@ -243,5 +244,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS "
msgstr ""


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-02-26 01:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-25 17:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: OCA Transbot <>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish (\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish ("
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: fi\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
@ -49,6 +50,11 @@ msgstr "Luonut"
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Luotu"
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,display_name:0 field:res.partner.nuts,display_name:0
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
#, python-format
@ -98,6 +104,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import NUTS items from European RAMON service"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,__last_update:0 field:res.partner.nuts,__last_update:0
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last Modified on"
msgstr "Viimeksi päivittänyt"
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,write_uid:0 field:res.partner.nuts,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
@ -232,5 +244,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS "
msgstr ""


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
# Translators:
# Paolo Valier, 2016
msgid ""
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-13 00:57+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-03-13 17:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Paolo Valier\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (\n"
"Language-Team: Italian ("
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: it\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
@ -50,6 +51,11 @@ msgstr "Creato da"
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Creato il"
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,display_name:0 field:res.partner.nuts,display_name:0
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
#, python-format
@ -99,6 +105,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import NUTS items from European RAMON service"
msgstr ""
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,__last_update:0 field:res.partner.nuts,__last_update:0
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last Modified on"
msgstr "Ultimo aggiornamento il"
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: field:nuts.import,write_uid:0 field:res.partner.nuts,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
@ -233,5 +245,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS "
msgstr ""


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * base_location_nuts
# Translators:
# Matjaž Mozetič <>, 2015-2016
msgid ""
@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-07 07:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-07 07:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Matjaž Mozetič <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian (\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian ("
"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n"
"%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form
@ -225,7 +227,12 @@ msgid ""
" Updating or creating new NUTS entries if not\n"
" found already in the system, and DELETING MISSING\n"
" ENTRIES from new downloaded file."
msgstr "Ta čarovnik bo prenesel zadnjo verzijo\n NUTS 2013 iz evropske RAMON metadata storitve.\n Posodabljanje ali ustvarjanje novih NUTS vnosov, če\n niso že v sistemu in BRISANJE MANJKAJOČIH\n VNOSOV iz prenesene datoteke."
msgstr ""
"Ta čarovnik bo prenesel zadnjo verzijo\n"
" NUTS 2013 iz evropske RAMON metadata storitve.\n"
" Posodabljanje ali ustvarjanje novih NUTS vnosov, če\n"
" niso že v sistemu in BRISANJE MANJKAJOČIH\n"
" VNOSOV iz prenesene datoteke."
#. module: base_location_nuts
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/
@ -243,5 +250,9 @@ msgstr "Uvozite lahko NUTS iz RAMON evropske storitve."
msgid ""
"You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n"
" in Odoo database in:\n"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013"
msgstr "Kliknite na čarovnik za uvoz za naselitev NUTS postavk\n v Odoo podatkovno bazo v:\n Prodaja > Nastavitve > Imenik > Lokalizacija > Uvoz NUTS 2013"
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS "
msgstr ""
"Kliknite na čarovnik za uvoz za naselitev NUTS postavk\n"
" v Odoo podatkovno bazo v:\n"
" Prodaja > Nastavitve > Imenik > Lokalizacija > Uvoz NUTS 2013"