Considering following name:
firstname = Francisco Javier
lastname = Garcia
second_lastname = Cabeza de Vaca
When duplicate:
firstname = de Vaca Francisco Javier (copy)
lastname = Garcia
second_lastname = Cabeza
It is inverted based on the 'name' and changed the order of the fields
But when we are duplicating a contact we don't need to recompute the names since that it should be duplicated as it
Display the recompute button only after saving the settings if the order hase changed. Once the recompute is done, the buttons desapears.
Bedore this change it was not possible to recompute the partner names order since the button was only displayed after changing the order value but before saving the changes. When clicked, an error message was displayed since the action will force the reload of the page before saving the values...
* Add index to first and last name in order to allow for quicker searches - fixing an incredibly slow update time with large dbs
[IMP] partner_firstname: Only run install function on update
* Remove yml data file for install and move method to init hook
* Bump version
- add missing authors
- use reduced license header
- move models in models directory
- adapt views
- show firstname, lastname only in edit mode
- use company_type in views instead of is_company
- adapt constraint on contacts
[PORT][9.0] partner_firstname - remove hack to be able to edit user view. Fixed in odoo/odoo#cf63d4d277ef1ba02ff4ebcdae8583332a1775b1
[PORT][9.0] partner_firstname - Format of string in
[PORT][9.0] Adapt tests to take new constraint raising IntegrityError
partner_firstname: Name is not mandatory if partner is an address
[FIX] Ensure default values are computed for res.users
Add test for shipping address with empty name
partner_firstname: fix user creation
User name field is required what is stoping to create a new user
Fix user form with firstname and lastname asking for a mandatory name