* [IMP] partner_identification: Add field computation and inverses
* Add methods to allow for computation and inverse of an ID field of a specific category type
* [IMP] partner_identification: Add search option
* [IMP] improve module description
* [IMP] Remove useless comments
* [FIX] Complete incomplete sentence
* [IMP] Replace field 'state' by 'status' in res_partner_id_number
* [IMP] Add new field 'Place of Issuance'
* [FIX] Readme formatting
* [IMP] status is now a selection field
* [IMP] use method to provide the default value for validation_code
* [IMP] Add help texts
* [FIX] Add missing constrains on category_id in res_partner.id_number
The number must be validated also when we change the category
This module has now been refactored to be more consistent with what base_address_city offers to the location management.
Added dependency to contacts so that I could change the menu location for cities / zip management.
Now, every res.city record has a relation One2many to res.city.zip (old res.better.zip). This way, every zip has a realted city too.
Zips can be searched through city code, zip or city name (same as before).
Modified tests and deleted not needed tests.
Added sql contraints so that zips and cities are unique within it's country / state / city.
* [IMP] base_location: Add lat & long to `better.zip`
* Add latitude and longitude columns to `better.zip`
* [IMP] base_location_geonames_import: Add lat/long
* Add support for latitude & longitude to genomes importer
* Added Icon.
* Improve module description and extracted to README.rst.
* Pass country instead of country_id for advance comparisons.
* Allow to transform city name.
* Some code style.
* Do not remove all entries of a country, but only not found.
* Include hooks for transforming some things.
* Include spanish translation.