# Copyright 2016 Tecnativa - Pedro M. Baeza # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo.tests import common from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval class TestDeduplicateFilter(common.TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.partner_1 = self.env["res.partner"].create( { "name": "Partner 1", "email": "partner1@example.org", "is_company": True, "parent_id": False, } ) self.partner_1.copy() self.partner_2 = self.env["res.partner"].create( { "name": "Partner 2", "email": "partner2@example.org", "is_company": False, "parent_id": self.partner_1.id, } ) self.partner_2.copy() self.partner_3 = self.env["res.partner"].create( { "name": "Partner 3", "email": "partner3@example.org", "is_company": False, "parent_id": False, } ) self.partner_3.copy() self.wizard = self.env["base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard"].create( {"group_by_email": True} ) def test_deduplicate_exclude_is_company(self): self.wizard.exclude_is_company = True self.wizard.action_start_manual_process() matched_founds = 0 for line in self.wizard.line_ids: match_ids = safe_eval(line.aggr_ids) if self.partner_1.id in match_ids: self.assertTrue(False, "Partner with is company not excluded") if self.partner_2.id in match_ids: matched_founds += 1 if self.partner_3.id in match_ids: matched_founds += 1 self.assertEqual(matched_founds, 2) def test_deduplicate_exclude_not_parent(self): self.wizard.exclude_not_parent = True self.wizard.action_start_manual_process() matched_founds = 0 for line in self.wizard.line_ids: match_ids = safe_eval(line.aggr_ids) if self.partner_1.id in match_ids: self.assertTrue(False, "Partner without parent not excluded") if self.partner_3.id in match_ids: self.assertTrue(False, "Partner without parent not excluded") if self.partner_2.id in match_ids: matched_founds += 1 self.assertEqual(matched_founds, 1) def test_deduplicate_exclude_parent(self): self.wizard.exclude_parent = True self.wizard.action_start_manual_process() matched_founds = 0 for line in self.wizard.line_ids: match_ids = safe_eval(line.aggr_ids) if self.partner_2.id in match_ids: self.assertTrue(False, "Partner with parent not excluded") if self.partner_1.id in match_ids: matched_founds += 1 if self.partner_3.id in match_ids: matched_founds += 1 self.assertEqual(matched_founds, 2)