# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2014-2016 Therp BV <http://therp.nl> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). """Abstract model to show each relation from two sides.""" from psycopg2.extensions import AsIs from openerp import _, api, fields, models from openerp.tools import drop_view_if_exists PADDING = 10 _RECORD_TYPES = [ ('a', 'Left partner to right partner'), ('b', 'Right partner to left partner'), ] class ResPartnerRelationAll(models.AbstractModel): """Abstract model to show each relation from two sides.""" _auto = False _log_access = False _name = 'res.partner.relation.all' _description = 'All (non-inverse + inverse) relations between partners' _order = ( 'this_partner_id, type_selection_id,' 'date_end desc, date_start desc' ) _additional_view_fields = [] """append to this list if you added fields to res_partner_relation that you need in this model and related fields are not adequate (ie for sorting) You must use the same name as in res_partner_relation. Don't overwrite this list in your declaration but append in _auto_init: def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None): self._additional_view_fields.append('my_field') return super(ResPartnerRelationAll, self)._auto_init( cr, context=context) my_field = fields... """ this_partner_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.partner', string='One Partner', required=True, ) other_partner_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.partner', string='Other Partner', required=True, ) type_selection_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.partner.relation.type.selection', string='Relation Type', required=True, ) relation_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.partner.relation', string='Relation', readonly=True, ) record_type = fields.Selection( selection=_RECORD_TYPES, string='Record Type', readonly=True, ) date_start = fields.Date('Starting date') date_end = fields.Date('Ending date') active = fields.Boolean( string='Active', help="Records with date_end in the past are inactive", ) any_partner_id = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='res.partner', string='Partner', compute=lambda self: None, search='_search_any_partner_id' ) def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None): drop_view_if_exists(cr, self._table) additional_view_fields = ','.join(self._additional_view_fields) additional_view_fields = (',' + additional_view_fields)\ if additional_view_fields else '' cr.execute( """\ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW %(table)s AS SELECT rel.id * %(padding)s AS id, rel.id AS relation_id, cast('a' AS CHAR(1)) AS record_type, rel.left_partner_id AS this_partner_id, rel.right_partner_id AS other_partner_id, rel.date_start, rel.date_end, (rel.date_end IS NULL OR rel.date_end >= current_date) AS active, rel.type_id * %(padding)s AS type_selection_id %(additional_view_fields)s FROM res_partner_relation rel UNION SELECT rel.id * %(padding)s + 1, rel.id, CAST('b' AS CHAR(1)), rel.right_partner_id, rel.left_partner_id, rel.date_start, rel.date_end, rel.date_end IS NULL OR rel.date_end >= current_date, CASE WHEN typ.is_symmetric THEN rel.type_id * %(padding)s ELSE rel.type_id * %(padding)s + 1 END %(additional_view_fields)s FROM res_partner_relation rel JOIN res_partner_relation_type typ ON (rel.type_id = typ.id) """, { 'table': AsIs(self._table), 'padding': PADDING, 'additional_view_fields': AsIs(additional_view_fields), } ) return super(ResPartnerRelationAll, self)._auto_init( cr, context=context ) @api.model def _search_any_partner_id(self, operator, value): """Search relation with partner, no matter on which side.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use return [ '|', ('this_partner_id', operator, value), ('other_partner_id', operator, value), ] @api.multi def name_get(self): return { this.id: '%s %s %s' % ( this.this_partner_id.name, this.type_selection_id.display_name, this.other_partner_id.name, ) for this in self } @api.onchange('type_selection_id') def onchange_type_selection_id(self): """Add domain on partners according to category and contact_type.""" def check_partner_domain(partner, partner_domain, side): """Check wether partner_domain results in empty selection for partner, or wrong selection of partner already selected. """ warning = {} if partner: test_domain = [('id', '=', partner.id)] + partner_domain else: test_domain = partner_domain partner_model = self.env['res.partner'] partners_found = partner_model.search(test_domain, limit=1) if not partners_found: warning['title'] = _('Error!') if partner: warning['message'] = ( _('%s partner incompatible with relation type.') % side.title() ) else: warning['message'] = ( _('No %s partner available for relation type.') % side ) return warning this_partner_domain = [] other_partner_domain = [] if self.type_selection_id.contact_type_this: this_partner_domain.append(( 'is_company', '=', self.type_selection_id.contact_type_this == 'c' )) if self.type_selection_id.partner_category_this: this_partner_domain.append(( 'category_id', 'in', self.type_selection_id.partner_category_this.ids )) if self.type_selection_id.contact_type_other: other_partner_domain.append(( 'is_company', '=', self.type_selection_id.contact_type_other == 'c' )) if self.type_selection_id.partner_category_other: other_partner_domain.append(( 'category_id', 'in', self.type_selection_id.partner_category_other.ids )) result = {'domain': { 'this_partner_id': this_partner_domain, 'other_partner_id': other_partner_domain, }} # Check wether domain results in no choice or wrong choice of partners: warning = {} if this_partner_domain: warning = check_partner_domain( self.this_partner_id, this_partner_domain, _('this') ) if not warning and other_partner_domain: warning = check_partner_domain( self.other_partner_id, other_partner_domain, _('other') ) if warning: result['warning'] = warning return result @api.onchange( 'this_partner_id', 'other_partner_id', ) def onchange_partner_id(self): """Set domain on type_selection_id based on partner(s) selected.""" def check_type_selection_domain(type_selection_domain): """If type_selection_id already selected, check wether it is compatible with the computed type_selection_domain. An empty selection can practically only occur in a practically empty database, and will not lead to problems. Therefore not tested. """ warning = {} if not (type_selection_domain and self.type_selection_id): return warning test_domain = ( [('id', '=', self.type_selection_id.id)] + type_selection_domain ) type_model = self.env['res.partner.relation.type.selection'] types_found = type_model.search(test_domain, limit=1) if not types_found: warning['title'] = _('Error!') warning['message'] = _( 'Relation type incompatible with selected partner(s).' ) return warning type_selection_domain = [] if self.this_partner_id: type_selection_domain += [ '|', ('contact_type_this', '=', False), ('contact_type_this', '=', self.this_partner_id.get_partner_type()), '|', ('partner_category_this', '=', False), ('partner_category_this', 'in', self.this_partner_id.category_id.ids), ] if self.other_partner_id: type_selection_domain += [ '|', ('contact_type_other', '=', False), ('contact_type_other', '=', self.other_partner_id.get_partner_type()), '|', ('partner_category_other', '=', False), ('partner_category_other', 'in', self.other_partner_id.category_id.ids), ] result = {'domain': { 'type_selection_id': type_selection_domain, }} # Check wether domain results in no choice or wrong choice for # type_selection_id: warning = check_type_selection_domain(type_selection_domain) if warning: result['warning'] = warning return result @api.model def _correct_vals(self, vals): """Fill left and right partner from this and other partner.""" vals = vals.copy() if 'this_partner_id' in vals: vals['left_partner_id'] = vals['this_partner_id'] del vals['this_partner_id'] if 'other_partner_id' in vals: vals['right_partner_id'] = vals['other_partner_id'] del vals['other_partner_id'] if 'type_selection_id' not in vals: return vals selection = self.type_selection_id.browse(vals['type_selection_id']) type_id = selection.type_id.id is_inverse = selection.is_inverse vals['type_id'] = type_id del vals['type_selection_id'] # Need to switch right and left partner if we are in reverse id: if 'left_partner_id' in vals or 'right_partner_id' in vals: if is_inverse: left_partner_id = False right_partner_id = False if 'left_partner_id' in vals: right_partner_id = vals['left_partner_id'] del vals['left_partner_id'] if 'right_partner_id' in vals: left_partner_id = vals['right_partner_id'] del vals['right_partner_id'] if left_partner_id: vals['left_partner_id'] = left_partner_id if right_partner_id: vals['right_partner_id'] = right_partner_id return vals @api.multi def write(self, vals): """divert non-problematic writes to underlying table""" vals = self._correct_vals(vals) for rec in self: rec.relation_id.write(vals) return True @api.model def create(self, vals): """Divert non-problematic creates to underlying table. Create a res.partner.relation but return the converted id. """ is_inverse = False if 'type_selection_id' in vals: selection = self.type_selection_id.browse( vals['type_selection_id'] ) is_inverse = selection.is_inverse vals = self._correct_vals(vals) res = self.relation_id.create(vals) return_id = res.id * PADDING + (is_inverse and 1 or 0) return self.browse(return_id) @api.multi def unlink(self): """divert non-problematic creates to underlying table""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ for rec in self: rec.relation_id.unlink() return True