# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.osv import expression class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" contact_type = fields.Selection( [ ("standalone", "Standalone Contact"), ("attached", "Attached to existing Contact"), ], compute="_compute_contact_type", store=True, index=True, default="standalone", ) contact_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Main Contact", domain=[("is_company", "=", False), ("contact_type", "=", "standalone")], ) other_contact_ids = fields.One2many( "res.partner", "contact_id", string="Others Positions", ) @api.depends("contact_id") def _compute_contact_type(self): for rec in self: rec.contact_type = "attached" if rec.contact_id else "standalone" def _basecontact_check_context(self, mode): """Remove "search_show_all_positions" for non-search mode. Keeping it in context can result in unexpected behaviour (ex: reading one2many might return wrong result - i.e with "attached contact" removed even if it"s directly linked to a company). Actually, is easier to override a dictionary value to indicate it should be ignored... """ if mode != "search" and "search_show_all_positions" in self.env.context: result = self.with_context(search_show_all_positions={"is_set": False}) else: result = self return result @api.model def search(self, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False): """Display only standalone contact matching ``args`` or having attached contact matching ``args``""" ctx = self.env.context if ( ctx.get("search_show_all_positions", {}).get("is_set") and not ctx["search_show_all_positions"]["set_value"] ): args = expression.normalize_domain(args) attached_contact_args = expression.AND( (args, [("contact_type", "=", "attached")]) ) attached_contacts = super(ResPartner, self).search(attached_contact_args) args = expression.OR( ( expression.AND(([("contact_type", "=", "standalone")], args)), [("other_contact_ids", "in", attached_contacts.ids)], ) ) return super(ResPartner, self).search( args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count ) @api.model def create(self, vals): """When creating, use a modified self to alter the context (see comment in _basecontact_check_context). Also, we need to ensure that the name on an attached contact is the same as the name on the contact it is attached to.""" modified_self = self._basecontact_check_context("create") if not vals.get("name") and vals.get("contact_id"): vals["name"] = modified_self.browse(vals["contact_id"]).name return super(ResPartner, modified_self).create(vals) def read(self, fields=None, load="_classic_read"): modified_self = self._basecontact_check_context("read") return super(ResPartner, modified_self).read(fields=fields, load=load) def write(self, vals): modified_self = self._basecontact_check_context("write") return super(ResPartner, modified_self).write(vals) def unlink(self): modified_self = self._basecontact_check_context("unlink") return super(ResPartner, modified_self).unlink() def _compute_commercial_partner(self): """Returns the partner that is considered the commercial entity of this partner. The commercial entity holds the master data for all commercial fields (see :py:meth:`~_commercial_fields`)""" result = super(ResPartner, self)._compute_commercial_partner() for partner in self: if partner.contact_type == "attached" and not partner.parent_id: partner.commercial_partner_id = partner.contact_id return result def _contact_fields(self): """Returns the list of contact fields that are synced from the parent when a partner is attached to him.""" return ["name", "title"] def _contact_sync_from_parent(self): """Handle sync of contact fields when a new parent contact entity is set, as if they were related fields """ self.ensure_one() if self.contact_id: contact_fields = self._contact_fields() sync_vals = self.contact_id._update_fields_values(contact_fields) self.write(sync_vals) def update_contact(self, vals): if self.env.context.get("__update_contact_lock"): return contact_fields = self._contact_fields() contact_vals = {field: vals[field] for field in contact_fields if field in vals} if contact_vals: self.with_context(__update_contact_lock=True).write(contact_vals) def _fields_sync(self, update_values): """Sync commercial fields and address fields from company and to children, contact fields from contact and to attached contact after create/update, just as if those were all modeled as fields.related to the parent """ self.ensure_one() super(ResPartner, self)._fields_sync(update_values) contact_fields = self._contact_fields() # 1. From UPSTREAM: sync from parent contact if update_values.get("contact_id"): self._contact_sync_from_parent() # 2. To DOWNSTREAM: sync contact fields to parent or related elif any(field in contact_fields for field in update_values): update_ids = self.other_contact_ids.filtered(lambda p: not p.is_company) if self.contact_id: update_ids |= self.contact_id update_ids.update_contact(update_values) @api.onchange("contact_id") def _onchange_contact_id(self): if self.contact_id: self.name = self.contact_id.name @api.onchange("contact_type") def _onchange_contact_type(self): if self.contact_type == "standalone": self.contact_id = False