A new feature has been introduced in Odoo v10 in the *base* module: when you enter an email address in the form view of a partner, Odoo will send a query to `gravatar.com `_ to get a picture corresponding to the email address. `Gravatar `_, which stands for *Globally Recognized Avatar*, is a website where any user can open an account and register a correspondance between his email address and a picture. That way, his picture/avatar will be automatically set on all websites that are connected to gravatar.com: he won't have to manually configure his picture/avatar on every website. In Odoo, when you enter an email address in the form view of a partner (i.e. triggered via the *onchange* on the *email* field) and this partner doesn't have any image yet in Odoo, Odoo will automatically send an HTTPS query to `www.gravatar.com `_ with an MD5 hash of the email of the partner. If it receives an answer from gravatar.com in the form of a picture within the 5 seconds timeout, it will set this picture on the *image* field of the partner in Odoo. Some people may consider it as a cool feature to easily get picture on partners with no effort. But other people may consider this as an annoying feature that adds unnecessary network trafic or, worse, as a leak of information. With this feature, gravatar.com is notified of all the email addresses added in the Odoo database, so it may be considered as a leak of information to a third party company (gravatar.com is operated by `Automattic Inc. `_, an American company). The problem is that there is no way to disable this feature via a configuration parameter of Odoo. This module brings a solution to this problem: once installed, it disables the feature.