# Copyright 2016 Nicolas Bessi, Camptocamp SA # Copyright 2018 Tecnativa - Pedro M. Baeza # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" zip_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="res.city.zip", string="ZIP Location", index=True, compute="_compute_zip_id", readonly=False, store=True, domain="[('city_id', '=?', city_id), " "('city_id.country_id', '=?', country_id), " "('city_id.state_id', '=?', state_id)]", ) city_id = fields.Many2one( index=True, # add index for performance compute="_compute_city_id", readonly=False, store=True, ) city = fields.Char(compute="_compute_city", readonly=False, store=True) zip = fields.Char(compute="_compute_zip", readonly=False, store=True) country_id = fields.Many2one( compute="_compute_country_id", readonly=False, store=True ) state_id = fields.Many2one(compute="_compute_state_id", readonly=False, store=True) @api.depends("state_id", "country_id") def _compute_zip_id(self): """Empty the zip auto-completion field if data mismatch when on UI.""" for record in self.filtered("zip_id"): for field in ["state_id", "country_id"]: if ( record[field] and record[field] != record._origin[field] and record[field] != record.zip_id.city_id[field] ): record.zip_id = False @api.depends("zip_id") def _compute_city_id(self): if hasattr(super(), "_compute_city_id"): super()._compute_city_id() # pragma: no cover for record in self: if record.zip_id: record.city_id = record.zip_id.city_id elif not record.country_enforce_cities: record.city_id = False @api.depends("zip_id") def _compute_city(self): if hasattr(super(), "_compute_city"): super()._compute_city() # pragma: no cover for record in self: if record.zip_id: record.city = record.zip_id.city_id.name @api.depends("zip_id") def _compute_zip(self): if hasattr(super(), "_compute_zip"): super()._compute_zip() # pragma: no cover for record in self: if record.zip_id: record.zip = record.zip_id.name @api.depends("zip_id", "state_id") def _compute_country_id(self): if hasattr(super(), "_compute_country_id"): super()._compute_country_id() # pragma: no cover for record in self: if record.zip_id.city_id.country_id: record.country_id = record.zip_id.city_id.country_id elif record.state_id: record.country_id = record.state_id.country_id @api.depends("zip_id") def _compute_state_id(self): if hasattr(super(), "_compute_state_id"): super()._compute_state_id() # pragma: no cover for record in self: state = record.zip_id.city_id.state_id if state and record.state_id != state: record.state_id = record.zip_id.city_id.state_id @api.constrains("zip_id", "country_id", "city_id", "state_id") def _check_zip(self): if self.env.context.get("skip_check_zip"): return for rec in self: if not rec.zip_id: continue if rec.zip_id.city_id.state_id != rec.state_id: raise ValidationError( _("The state of the partner %s differs from that in " "location %s") % (rec.name, rec.zip_id.name) ) if rec.zip_id.city_id.country_id != rec.country_id: raise ValidationError( _( "The country of the partner %s differs from that in " "location %s" ) % (rec.name, rec.zip_id.name) ) if rec.zip_id.city_id != rec.city_id: raise ValidationError( _("The city of partner %s differs from that in " "location %s") % (rec.name, rec.zip_id.name) )