# Copyright 2016 Nicolas Bessi, Camptocamp SA
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).

from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError

class BetterZip(models.Model):
    '''City/locations completion object'''

    _name = "res.better.zip"
    _description = __doc__
    _order = "name asc"

    name = fields.Char('ZIP')
    code = fields.Char(
        'City Code',
        help="The official code for the city"
    city = fields.Char('City', required=True)
    city_id = fields.Many2one(
    state_id = fields.Many2one(
    country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country')
    enforce_cities = fields.Boolean(
    latitude = fields.Float()
    longitude = fields.Float()

    @api.depends('name', 'city', 'state_id', 'country_id')
    def name_get(self):
        result = []
        for rec in self:
            name = []
            if rec.name:
                name.append('%(name)s' % {'name': rec.name})
            name.append('%(name)s' % {'name': rec.city})
            if rec.state_id:
                name.append('%(name)s' % {'name': rec.state_id.name})
            if rec.country_id:
                name.append('%(name)s' % {'name': rec.country_id.name})
            result.append((rec.id, ", ".join(name)))
        return result

    def _onchange_country_id(self):
        if self.state_id.country_id != self.country_id:
            self.state_id = False
        if self.city_id.country_id != self.country_id:
            self.city_id = False
        if self.country_id:
            domain = [('country_id', '=', self.country_id.id)]
            domain = []
        return {
            'domain': {
                'state_id': domain,
                'city_id': domain,

    def _onchange_city_id(self):
        if self.city_id:
            self.city = self.city_id.name
            self.country_id = self.city_id.country_id
            self.state_id = self.city_id.state_id

    def _onchange_state_id(self):
        if self.state_id:
            self.country_id = self.state_id.country_id

    @api.constrains('state_id', 'country_id', 'city_id')
    def constrains_country(self):
        for rec in self:
            if rec.state_id and rec.state_id.country_id != \
                raise ValidationError(_(
                    "The country of the state differs from the country in "
                    "location %s") % rec.name)
            if rec.city_id and rec.city_id.country_id \
                    != rec.country_id:
                raise ValidationError(_(
                    "The country of the city differs from the country in "
                    "location %s") % rec.name)
            if rec.city_id and rec.city_id.state_id \
                    != rec.state_id:
                raise ValidationError(_(
                    "The state of the city differs from the state in "
                    "location %s") % rec.name)