# Copyright 2014-2016 Akretion (Alexis de Lattre # ) # Copyright 2014 Lorenzo Battistini # Copyright 2017 Eficent Business and IT Consulting Services, S.L. # # Copyright 2018 Aitor Bouzas # Copyright 2016-2020 Tecnativa - Pedro M. Baeza # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError import requests import tempfile import io import zipfile import os import logging import csv logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CityZipGeonamesImport(models.TransientModel): _name = 'city.zip.geonames.import' _description = 'Import City Zips from Geonames' _rec_name = 'country_id' country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country', required=True) code_row_index = fields.Integer( related='country_id.geonames_state_code_column', readonly=True) name_row_index = fields.Integer( related='country_id.geonames_state_name_column') letter_case = fields.Selection([ ('unchanged', 'Unchanged'), ('title', 'Title Case'), ('upper', 'Upper Case'), ], string='Letter Case', default='unchanged', help="Converts retreived city and state names to Title Case " "(upper case on each first letter of a word) or Upper Case " "(all letters upper case).") @api.model def transform_city_name(self, city, country): """Override it for transforming city name (if needed) :param city: Original city name :param country: Country record :return: Transformed city name """ res = city if self.letter_case == 'title': res = city.title() elif self.letter_case == 'upper': res = city.upper() return res @api.model def _domain_search_city_zip(self, row, city_id=False): domain = [('name', '=', row[1])] if city_id: domain += [('city_id', '=', city_id)] return domain @api.model def select_state(self, row, country): code = row[self.code_row_index or 4] return self.env['res.country.state'].search( [('country_id', '=', country.id), ('code', '=', code)], limit=1, ) @api.model def select_city(self, row, country, state_id): # This has to be done by SQL for performance reasons avoiding # left join with ir_translation on the translatable field "name" self.env.cr.execute( "SELECT id, name FROM res_city " "WHERE name = %s AND country_id = %s AND state_id = %s LIMIT 1", (self.transform_city_name(row[2], country), country.id, state_id)) row = self.env.cr.fetchone() return (row[0], row[1]) if row else (False, False) @api.model def select_zip(self, row, country, state_id): city_id, _ = self.select_city(row, country, state_id) return self.env['res.city.zip'].search(self._domain_search_city_zip( row, city_id)) @api.model def prepare_state(self, row, country): return { 'name': row[self.name_row_index or 3], 'code': row[self.code_row_index or 4], 'country_id': country.id, } @api.model def prepare_city(self, row, country, state_id): vals = { 'name': self.transform_city_name(row[2], country), 'state_id': state_id, 'country_id': country.id, } return vals @api.model def prepare_zip(self, row, city_id): vals = { 'name': row[1], 'city_id': city_id, } return vals @api.model def get_and_parse_csv(self): country_code = self.country_id.code config_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param( 'geonames.url', default='http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/%s.zip') url = config_url % country_code logger.info('Starting to download %s' % url) res_request = requests.get(url) if res_request.status_code != requests.codes.ok: raise UserError( _('Got an error %d when trying to download the file %s.') % (res_request.status_code, url)) f_geonames = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(res_request.content)) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='odoo') f_geonames.extract('%s.txt' % country_code, tempdir) data_file = open(os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.txt' % country_code), 'r', encoding='utf-8') data_file.seek(0) reader = csv.reader(data_file, delimiter=' ') parsed_csv = [row for i, row in enumerate(reader)] data_file.close() logger.info('The geonames zipfile has been decompressed') return parsed_csv def _create_states(self, parsed_csv, search_states, max_import): # States state_vals_list = [] state_dict = {} for i, row in enumerate(parsed_csv): if max_import and i == max_import: break state = self.select_state( row, self.country_id) if search_states else False if not state: state_vals = self.prepare_state(row, self.country_id) if state_vals not in state_vals_list: state_vals_list.append(state_vals) else: state_dict[state.code] = state.id created_states = self.env['res.country.state'].create(state_vals_list) for i, vals in enumerate(state_vals_list): state_dict[vals['code']] = created_states[i].id return state_dict def _create_cities(self, parsed_csv, search_cities, max_import, state_dict): # Cities city_vals_list = [] city_dict = {} for i, row in enumerate(parsed_csv): if max_import and i == max_import: break state_id = state_dict[row[self.code_row_index or 4]] city_id, city_name = self.select_city( row, self.country_id, state_id) if search_cities else False if not city_id: city_vals = self.prepare_city( row, self.country_id, state_id) if city_vals not in city_vals_list: city_vals_list.append(city_vals) else: city_dict[(city_name, state_id)] = city_id ctx = dict(self.env.context) ctx.pop('lang', None) # make sure no translation is added created_cities = self.env['res.city'].with_context( ctx).create(city_vals_list) for i, vals in enumerate(city_vals_list): city_dict[(vals['name'], vals['state_id'])] = created_cities[i].id return city_dict @api.multi def run_import(self): self.ensure_one() parsed_csv = self.get_and_parse_csv() return self._process_csv(parsed_csv) def _process_csv(self, parsed_csv): state_model = self.env['res.country.state'] zip_model = self.env['res.city.zip'] res_city_model = self.env['res.city'] # Store current record list old_zips = set(zip_model.search( [('city_id.country_id', '=', self.country_id.id)]).ids) search_zips = len(old_zips) > 0 old_cities = set(res_city_model.search( [('country_id', '=', self.country_id.id)]).ids) search_cities = len(old_cities) > 0 current_states = state_model.search( [('country_id', '=', self.country_id.id)]) search_states = len(current_states) > 0 max_import = self.env.context.get('max_import', 0) logger.info('Starting to create the cities and/or city zip entries') # Pre-create states and cities state_dict = self._create_states(parsed_csv, search_states, max_import) city_dict = self._create_cities(parsed_csv, search_cities, max_import, state_dict) # Zips zip_vals_list = [] for i, row in enumerate(parsed_csv): if max_import and i == max_import: break # Don't search if there aren't any records zip_code = False state_id = state_dict[row[self.code_row_index or 4]] if search_zips: zip_code = self.select_zip(row, self.country_id, state_id) if not zip_code: city_id = city_dict[( self.transform_city_name(row[2], self.country_id), state_id, )] zip_vals = self.prepare_zip(row, city_id) if zip_vals not in zip_vals_list: zip_vals_list.append(zip_vals) else: old_zips.remove(zip_code.id) self.env['res.city.zip'].create(zip_vals_list) if not max_import: if old_zips: logger.info('removing city zip entries') self.env['res.city.zip'].browse(list(old_zips)).unlink() logger.info('%d city zip entries deleted for country %s' % (len(old_zips), self.country_id.name)) old_cities -= set(city_dict.values()) if old_cities: logger.info('removing city entries') self.env['res.city'].browse(list(old_cities)).unlink() logger.info('%d res.city entries deleted for country %s' % (len(old_cities), self.country_id.name)) logger.info( 'The wizard to create cities and/or city zip entries from ' 'geonames has been successfully completed.') return True