# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2017 Therp BV <http://therp.nl> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import inspect from openerp.models import MetaModel def post_load_hook(): """We try to be smart here: If the crm module is to be loaded too (or is already loaded), we remove our own models again in order not to clash with the CRM ones: https://github.com/OCA/partner-contact/issues/283 """ for frame, filename, lineno, funcname, line, index in inspect.stack(): # walk up the stack until we're in load_module_graph if 'graph' in frame.f_locals: graph = frame.f_locals['graph'] package = frame.f_locals['package'] if any(p.name == 'crm' for p in graph): # so crm is installed, then we need to remove your model # from the list of models to be registered # TODO: this could be smarter and only ditch models that need # to be ditched (if crm is in their mro) MetaModel.module_to_models['base_partner_merge'] = [] # and in this case, we also don't want to load our xml files package.data['data'].remove('views/base_partner_merge.xml') break