# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL http://tiny.be
# © 2010-2012 ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH
#             http://www.camptocamp.at
# © 2015 Antiun Ingenieria, SL (Madrid, Spain)
#        http://www.antiun.com
#        Antonio Espinosa <antonioea@antiun.com>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).

from odoo import api, models, fields, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError

class ResPartner(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'res.partner'

    id_numbers = fields.One2many(
        string="Identification Numbers",

    def _compute_identification(self, field_name, category_code):
        """ Compute a field that indicates a certain ID type.

        Use this on a field that represents a certain ID type. It will compute
        the desired field as that ID(s).

        This ID can be worked with as if it were a Char field, but it will
        be relating back to a ``res.partner.id_number`` instead.


            .. code-block:: python

            social_security = fields.Char(
                compute=lambda s: s._compute_identification(
                    'social_security', 'SSN',
                inverse=lambda s: s._inverse_identification(
                    'social_security', 'SSN',
                search=lambda s, *a: s._search_identification(
                    'SSN', *a

            field_name (str): Name of field to set.
            category_code (str): Category code of the Identification type.
        for record in self:
            id_numbers = record.id_numbers.filtered(
                lambda r: r.category_id.code == category_code
            if not id_numbers:
            value = id_numbers[0].name
            record[field_name] = value

    def _inverse_identification(self, field_name, category_code):
        """ Inverse for an identification field.

        This method will create a new record, or modify the existing one
        in order to allow for the associated field to work like a Char.

        If a category does not exist of the correct code, it will be created
        using `category_code` as both the `name` and `code` values.

        If the value of the target field is unset, the associated ID will
        be deactivated in order to preserve history.


            .. code-block:: python

            social_security = fields.Char(
                compute=lambda s: s._compute_identification(
                    'social_security', 'SSN',
                inverse=lambda s: s._inverse_identification(
                    'social_security', 'SSN',
                search=lambda s, *a: s._search_identification(
                    'SSN', *a

            field_name (str): Name of field to set.
            category_code (str): Category code of the Identification type.
        for record in self:
            id_number = record.id_numbers.filtered(
                lambda r: r.category_id.code == category_code
            record_len = len(id_number)
            # Record for category is not existent.
            if record_len == 0:
                name = record[field_name]
                if not name:
                    # No value to set
                category = self.env['res.partner.id_category'].search([
                    ('code', '=', category_code),
                if not category:
                    category = self.env['res.partner.id_category'].create({
                        'code': category_code,
                        'name': category_code,
                    'partner_id': record.id,
                    'category_id': category.id,
                    'name': name,
            # There was an identification record singleton found.
            elif record_len == 1:
                value = record[field_name]
                if value:
                    id_number.name = value
                    id_number.active = False
            # Guard against writing wrong records.
                raise ValidationError(_(
                    'This %s has multiple IDs of this type (%s), so a write '
                    'via the %s field is not possible. In order to fix this, '
                    'please use the IDs tab.',
                ) % (
                    record._name, category_code, field_name,

    def _search_identification(self, category_code, operator, value):
        """ Search method for an identification field.


            .. code-block:: python

            social_security = fields.Char(
                compute=lambda s: s._compute_identification(
                    'social_security', 'SSN',
                inverse=lambda s: s._inverse_identification(
                    'social_security', 'SSN',
                search=lambda s, *a: s._search_identification(
                    'SSN', *a

            category_code (str): Category code of the Identification type.
            operator (str): Operator of domain.
            value (str): Value to search for.

            list: Domain to search with.
        id_numbers = self.env['res.partner.id_number'].search([
            ('name', operator, value),
            ('category_id.code', '=', category_code),
        return [
            ('id_numbers.id', 'in', id_numbers.ids),