.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-AGPL--3-blue.png :target: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl :alt: License: AGPL-3 ========================== Partner Contact Department ========================== This module extends the functionality of the address book to support departments. Department is a drop-down field in partner forms, and it refers to contact department in its own company. Configuration ============= To configure departments, you need to: * Go to *Contacts > Configuration > Departments*. Usage ===== To use this module, you need to: * Go to any partner's form. * You will find the new *Department* field below *Job Position*. .. image:: https://odoo-community.org/website/image/ir.attachment/5784_f2813bd/datas :alt: Try me on Runbot :target: https://runbot.odoo-community.org/runbot/134/11.0 Bug Tracker =========== Bugs are tracked on `GitHub Issues `_. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback. Credits ======= Images ------ * Odoo Community Association: `Icon `_. Contributors ------------ * Pedro M. Baeza * Antonio Espinosa * Rafael Blasco * Jairo Llopis * Vicent Cubells * David Vidal Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues. Maintainer ---------- .. image:: https://odoo-community.org/logo.png :alt: Odoo Community Association :target: https://odoo-community.org This module is maintained by the OCA. OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use. To contribute to this module, please visit https://odoo-community.org.