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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Camptocamp SA (
# All Right Reserved
# Author : Nicolas Bessi (Camptocamp), Thanks to Laurent Lauden for his code adaptation
# Active directory Donor: M. Benadiba (Informatique
# Contribution : Joel Grand-Guillaume
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# TODO Find why company parameter are cached
import re
import unicodedata
import netsvc
import ldap
import ldap.modlist
except ImportError:
print('python ldap not installed please install it in order to use this module')
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
from tools.translate import _
logger = netsvc.Logger()
class LdapConnMApper(object):
"""LdapConnMApper: push specific fields from the Terp Partner_contacts to the
LDAP schema inetOrgPerson. Ldap bind options are stored in company.
def __init__(self, cursor, uid, osv_obj, context=None):
"""Initialize connexion to ldap by using parameter set in the current user company"""
logger.notifyChannel("MY TOPIC", netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
_('Initalize LDAP CONN'))
self.USER_DN = ''
self.CONTACT_DN = ''
self.LDAP_SERVER = ''
self.PASS = ''
self.OU = ''
self.connexion = ''
self.ACTIVDIR = False
# Reading ldap pref
user = osv_obj.pool.get('res.users').browse(cursor, uid, uid, context=context)
company = osv_obj.pool.get('').browse(cursor,
self.USER_DN = company.base_dn
self.CONTACT_DN = company.contact_dn
self.LDAP_SERVER = company.ldap_server
self.PASS = company.passwd
self.PORT = company.ldap_port
self.OU = company.ounit
self.ACTIVDIR = company.is_activedir
mand = (self.USER_DN, self.CONTACT_DN, self.LDAP_SERVER, self.PASS, self.OU)
if company.ldap_active:
for param in mand:
if not param:
raise orm.except_orm(_('Warning !'),
_('An LDAP parameter is missing for company %s') % (,))
def get_connexion(self):
"""create a new ldap connexion"""
logger.notifyChannel("LDAP Address", netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
_('connecting to server ldap %s') % (self.LDAP_SERVER,))
if self.PORT:
self.connexion =, self.PORT)
self.connexion =
self.connexion.simple_bind_s(self.USER_DN, self.PASS)
return self.connexion
class LDAPAddress(orm.Model):
"""Override the CRUD of the objet in order to dynamically bind to ldap"""
_inherit = 'res.partner.address'
ldapMapper = None
def init(self, cr):
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel(_('LDAP address init'),
_('try to ALTER TABLE res_partner_address RENAME '
'column name to lastname ;'))
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE res_partner_address RENAME column name to lastname ;')
except Exception:
logger.notifyChannel(_('LDAP address init'),
_('Warning ! impossible to rename column name'
' into lastname, this is probabely aleready'
' done or does not exist'))
def _compute_name(self, firstname, lastname):
firstname = firstname or u''
lastname = lastname or u''
firstname = (u' ' + firstname).rstrip()
return u"%s%s" % (lastname, firstname)
def _name_get_fnc(self, cursor, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
"""Get the name (lastname + firstname), otherwise ''"""
if not ids:
return []
reads =, uid, ids, ['lastname', 'firstname'])
res = []
for record in reads:
# We want to have " firstname" or ""
name = self._compute_name(record['firstname'], record['lastname'])
res.append((record['id'], name))
return dict(res)
# TODO get the new version of name search not vulnerable to sql injections
# def name_search(self, cursor, user, name, args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=100):
# if not context: context = {}
# prep_name = '.*%s.*' %(name)
# cursor.execute(("select id from res_partner_address where"
# " (to_ascii(convert( lastname, 'UTF8', 'LATIN1'),'LATIN-1') ~* '%s'"
# " or to_ascii(convert( firstname, 'UTF8', 'LATIN1'),'LATIN-1') ~* '%s')"
# " limit %s") % (prep_name, prep_name, limit))
# res = cursor.fetchall()
# if res:
# res = [x[0] for x in res]
# else:
# res = []
# # search in partner name to know if we are searching partner...
# partner_obj=self.pool.get('res.partner')
# part_len = len(res)-limit
# if part_len > 0:
# partner_res =, user, [('name', 'ilike', name)],
# limit=part_len, context=context)
# for p in partner_res:
# addresses = partner_obj.browse(cursor, user, p).address
# # Take each contact and add it to
# for add in addresses:
# res.append(
# return self.name_get(cursor, user, res, context)
_columns = {
'firstname': fields.char('First name', size=256),
'lastname': fields.char('Last name', size=256),
'name': fields.function(_name_get_fnc, method=True,
type="char", size=512,
store=True, string='Contact Name',
help='Name generated from the first name and last name',
'private_phone': fields.char('Private phone', size=128),
def create(self, cursor, uid, vals, context=None):
self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
ids = None
self.validate_entries(vals, cursor, uid, ids)
tmp_id = super(LDAPAddress, self).create(cursor, uid,
vals, context)
if self.ldaplinkactive(cursor, uid, context):
self.saveLdapContact(tmp_id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
return tmp_id
def write(self, cursor, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
context = context or {}
self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
if not isinstance(ids, list):
ids = [ids]
if ids:
self.validate_entries(vals, cursor, uid, ids)
if context.get('init_mode'):
success = True
success = super(LDAPAddress, self).write(cursor, uid, ids,
vals, context)
if self.ldaplinkactive(cursor, uid, context):
for address_id in ids:
self.updateLdapContact(address_id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
return success
def unlink(self, cursor, uid, ids, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
if ids:
self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
if not isinstance(ids, list):
ids = [ids]
if self.ldaplinkactive(cursor, uid, context):
for id in ids:
self.removeLdapContact(id, cursor, uid)
return super(LDAPAddress, self).unlink(cursor, uid, ids)
def validate_entries(self, vals, cursor, uid, ids):
"""Validate data of an address based on the inetOrgPerson schema"""
for val in vals:
if isinstance(vals[val], basestring):
vals[val] = unicode(vals[val].decode('utf8'))
except UnicodeError:
logger.notifyChannel('LDAP encode', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
'cannot unicode ' + vals[val])
if ids is not None:
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
if len(ids) == 1:
self.addNeededFields(ids[0], vals, cursor, uid)
email = vals.get('email', False)
phone = vals.get('phone', False)
fax = vals.get('fax', False)
mobile = vals.get('mobile', False)
private_phone = vals.get('private_phone', False)
if email:
if re.match("^.+\\@(\\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$",
email) is None:
raise orm.except_orm(_('Warning !'),
_('Please enter a valid e-mail'))
phones = (('phone', phone), ('fax', fax), ('mobile', mobile),
('private_phone', private_phone))
for phone_tuple in phones:
phone_number = phone_tuple[1]
if phone_number:
if not phone_number.startswith('+'):
raise orm.except_orm(_('Warning !'),
_('Please enter a valid phone number in %s'
' international format (i.e. leading +)') % phone_tuple[0])
def getVals(self, att_name, key, vals, dico, uid, ids, cursor, context=None):
"""map to values to dict"""
if context is None:
context = {}
# We explicitely test False value
if vals.get(key, False) is not False:
dico[att_name] = vals[key]
if context.get('init_mode'):
return False
tmp =, uid, ids, [key], context={})
if tmp.get(key, False):
dico[att_name] = tmp[key]
def _un_unicodize_buf(self, in_buf):
if isinstance(in_buf, unicode):
return in_buf.encode()
except Exception:
return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", in_buf).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return in_buf
def unUnicodize(self, indict):
"""remove unicode data of modlist as unicode is not supported
by python-ldap librairy till version 2.7"""
for key in indict:
if not isinstance(indict[key], list):
indict[key] = self._un_unicodize_buf(indict[key])
nonutfArray = []
for val in indict[key]:
indict[key] = nonutfArray
def addNeededFields(self, id, vals, cursor, uid):
previousvalue = self.browse(cursor, uid, [id])[0]
if not vals.get('partner_id'):
vals['partner_id'] =
values_to_check = ('email', 'phone', 'fax', 'mobile', 'firstname',
'lastname', 'private_phone', 'street', 'street2')
for val in values_to_check:
if not vals.get(val):
vals[val] = previousvalue[val]
def mappLdapObject(self, id, vals, cursor, uid, context):
"""Mapp ResPArtner adress to moddlist"""
self.addNeededFields(id, vals, cursor, uid)
conn = self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
part_name = partner_obj.browse(cursor, uid, vals['partner_id']).name
vals['partner'] = part_name
name = self._compute_name(vals.get('firstname'), vals.get('lastname'))
if name:
cn = name
cn = part_name
if not vals.get('lastname'):
vals['lastname'] = part_name
contact_obj = {'objectclass': ['inetOrgPerson'],
'uid': ['terp_'+str(id)],
'ou': [conn.OU],
'cn': [cn],
'sn': [vals['lastname']]}
if not vals.get('street'):
vals['street'] = u''
if not vals.get('street2'):
vals['street2'] = u''
street_key = 'street'
if self.getconn(cursor, uid, {}).ACTIVDIR:
# ENTERING THE M$ Realm and it is weird
# We manage the address
street_key = 'streetAddress'
contact_obj[street_key] = vals['street'] + "\r\n" + vals['street2']
# we modifiy the class
contact_obj['objectclass'] = ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'user']
# we handle the country
if vals.get('country_id'):
country = self.browse(cursor, uid, id).country_id
if country:
vals['country_id'] =
vals['c'] = country.code
vals['country_id'] = False
vals['c'] = False
if vals.get('country_id', False):
self.getVals('co', 'country_id', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('c', 'c', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
# we compute the display name
vals['display'] = '%s %s' % (vals['partner'], contact_obj['cn'][0])
# we get the title
if self.browse(cursor, uid, id).function:
contact_obj['description'] = self.browse(cursor, uid, id)
# we replace carriage return
if vals.get('comment', False):
vals['comment'] = vals['comment'].replace("\n", "\r\n")
# Active directory specific fields
self.getVals('company', 'partner', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('info', 'comment', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('displayName', 'partner', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
# Web site management
if self.browse(cursor, uid, id)
vals['website'] = self.browse(cursor, uid, id)
self.getVals('wWWHomePage', 'website', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('title', 'title', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
contact_obj[street_key] = vals['street'] + u"\n" + vals['street2']
self.getVals('o', 'partner', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
# Common attributes
self.getVals('givenName', 'firstname', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('mail', 'email', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('telephoneNumber', 'phone', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('l', 'city', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('facsimileTelephoneNumber', 'fax', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('mobile', 'mobile', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('homePhone', 'private_phone', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('postalCode', 'zip', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
return contact_obj
def saveLdapContact(self, id, vals, cursor, uid, context=None):
"""save openerp adress to ldap"""
contact_obj = self.mappLdapObject(id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
conn = self.connectToLdap(cursor, uid, context=context)
if self.getconn(cursor, uid, context).ACTIVDIR:
conn.connexion.add_s("CN=%s,OU=%s,%s" % (contact_obj['cn'][0], conn.OU, conn.CONTACT_DN),
conn.connexion.add_s("uid=terp_%s,OU=%s,%s" % (str(id), conn.OU, conn.CONTACT_DN),
except Exception:
def updateLdapContact(self, id, vals, cursor, uid, context):
"""update an existing contact with the data of OpenERP"""
conn = self.connectToLdap(cursor, uid, context={})
old_contatc_obj = self.getLdapContact(conn, id)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
self.saveLdapContact(id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
contact_obj = self.mappLdapObject(id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
if conn.ACTIVDIR:
modlist = []
for key, val in contact_obj.items():
if key in ('cn', 'uid', 'objectclass'):
if isinstance(val, list):
val = val[0]
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, key, val))
modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(old_contatc_obj[1], contact_obj)
conn.connexion.modify_s(old_contatc_obj[0], modlist)
except Exception:
def removeLdapContact(self, id, cursor, uid):
"""Remove a contact from ldap"""
conn = self.connectToLdap(cursor, uid, context={})
to_delete = None
to_delete = self.getLdapContact(conn, id)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
logger.notifyChannel("Warning", netsvc.LOG_INFO,
_("'no object to delete in ldap' %s") % (id))
except Exception:
if to_delete:
except Exception:
def getLdapContact(self, conn, id):
result = conn.connexion.search_ext_s("ou=%s,%s" % (conn.OU, conn.CONTACT_DN),
if not result:
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
return result[0]
def ldaplinkactive(self, cursor, uid, context=None):
"""Check if ldap is activated for this company"""
user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cursor, uid, uid, context=context)
company = self.pool.get('').browse(cursor, uid,, context=context)
return company.ldap_active
def getconn(self, cursor, uid, context=None):
if not self.ldapMapper:
self.ldapMapper = LdapConnMApper(cursor, uid, self)
return self.ldapMapper
def connectToLdap(self, cursor, uid, context=None):
"""Reinitialize ldap connection"""
# getting ldap pref
if not self.ldapMapper:
self.getconn(cursor, uid, context)
return self.ldapMapper