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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Camptocamp SA (
# All Right Reserved
# Author : Nicolas Bessi (Camptocamp), Thanks to Laurent Lauden for his code adaptation
# Active directory Donor: M. Benadiba (Informatique
# Contribution : Joel Grand-Guillaume
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# TODO Find why company parameter are cached
import re
import unicodedata
from openerp import netsvc
import ldap
import ldap.modlist
print('python ldap not installed please install it in order to use this module')
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
from import _
logger = netsvc.Logger()
class LdapConnMApper(object):
"""LdapConnMApper: push specific fields from the Terp Partner_contacts to the
LDAP schema inetOrgPerson. Ldap bind options are stored in company.r"""
def __init__(self, cursor, uid, osv_obj, context=None):
"""Initialize connexion to ldap by using parameter set in the current user compagny"""
logger.notifyChannel("MY TOPIC", netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
_('Initalize LDAP CONN'))
self.USER_DN = ''
self.CONTACT_DN = ''
self.LDAP_SERVER = ''
self.PASS = ''
self.OU = ''
self.connexion = ''
self.ACTIVDIR = False
# Reading ldap pref
user = osv_obj.pool.get('res.users').browse(cursor, uid, uid, context=context)
company = osv_obj.pool.get('').browse(cursor,
self.USER_DN = company.base_dn
self.CONTACT_DN = company.contact_dn
self.LDAP_SERVER = company.ldap_server
self.PASS = company.passwd
self.PORT = company.ldap_port
self.OU = company.ounit
self.ACTIVDIR = company.is_activedir
mand = (self.USER_DN, self.CONTACT_DN, self.LDAP_SERVER, self.PASS, self.OU)
if company.ldap_active:
for param in mand:
if not param:
raise orm.except_orm(_('Warning !'),
_('An LDAP parameter is missing for company %s') % (, ))
def get_connexion(self):
"""create a new ldap connexion"""
logger.notifyChannel("LDAP Address", netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
_('connecting to server ldap %s') % (self.LDAP_SERVER, ))
if self.PORT:
self.connexion =, self.PORT)
self.connexion =
self.connexion.simple_bind_s(self.USER_DN, self.PASS)
return self.connexion
class LDAPAddress(orm.Model):
"""Override the CRUD of the objet in order to dynamically bind to ldap"""
_inherit = 'res.partner.address'
ldapMapper = None
def init(self, cr):
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel(_('LDAP address init'),
_('try to ALTER TABLE res_partner_address RENAME '
'column name to lastname ;'))
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE res_partner_address RENAME column name to lastname ;')
except Exception:
logger.notifyChannel(_('LDAP address init'),
_('Warning ! impossible to rename column name'
' into lastname, this is probabely aleready'
' done or does not exist'))
def _compute_name(self, firstname, lastname):
firstname = firstname or u''
lastname = lastname or u''
firstname = (u' ' + firstname).rstrip()
return u"%s%s" % (lastname, firstname)
def _name_get_fnc(self, cursor, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
"""Get the name (lastname + firstname), otherwise ''"""
if not ids:
return []
reads =, uid, ids, ['lastname', 'firstname'])
res = []
for record in reads:
# We want to have " firstname" or ""
name = self._compute_name(record['firstname'], record['lastname'])
res.append((record['id'], name))
return dict(res)
# TODO get the new version of name search not vulnerable to sql injections
# def name_search(self, cursor, user, name, args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=100):
# if not context: context = {}
# prep_name = '.*%s.*' %(name)
# cursor.execute(("select id from res_partner_address where"
# " (to_ascii(convert( lastname, 'UTF8', 'LATIN1'),'LATIN-1') ~* '%s'"
# " or to_ascii(convert( firstname, 'UTF8', 'LATIN1'),'LATIN-1') ~* '%s')"
# " limit %s") % (prep_name, prep_name, limit))
# res = cursor.fetchall()
# if res:
# res = [x[0] for x in res]
# else:
# res = []
# # search in partner name to know if we are searching partner...
# partner_obj=self.pool.get('res.partner')
# part_len = len(res)-limit
# if part_len > 0:
# partner_res =, user, [('name', 'ilike', name)],
# limit=part_len, context=context)
# for p in partner_res:
# addresses = partner_obj.browse(cursor, user, p).address
# # Take each contact and add it to
# for add in addresses:
# res.append(
# return self.name_get(cursor, user, res, context)
_columns = {
'firstname': fields.char('First name', size=256),
'lastname': fields.char('Last name', size=256),
'name': fields.function(_name_get_fnc, method=True,
type="char", size=512,
store=True, string='Contact Name',
help='Name generated from the first name and last name',
'private_phone': fields.char('Private phone', size=128),
def create(self, cursor, uid, vals, context={}):
self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
ids = None
self.validate_entries(vals, cursor, uid, ids)
tmp_id = super(LDAPAddress, self).create(cursor, uid,
vals, context)
if self.ldaplinkactive(cursor, uid, context):
self.saveLdapContact(tmp_id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
return tmp_id
def write(self, cursor, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
context = context or {}
self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
if not isinstance(ids, list):
ids = [ids]
if ids:
self.validate_entries(vals, cursor, uid, ids)
if context.get('init_mode'):
success = True
success = super(LDAPAddress, self).write(cursor, uid, ids,
vals, context)
if self.ldaplinkactive(cursor, uid, context):
for address_id in ids:
self.updateLdapContact(address_id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
return success
def unlink(self, cursor, uid, ids, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
if ids:
self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
if not isinstance(ids, list):
ids = [ids]
if self.ldaplinkactive(cursor, uid, context):
for id in ids:
self.removeLdapContact(id, cursor, uid)
return super(LDAPAddress, self).unlink(cursor, uid, ids)
def validate_entries(self, vals, cursor, uid, ids):
"""Validate data of an address based on the inetOrgPerson schema"""
for val in vals:
if isinstance(vals[val], basestring):
vals[val] = unicode(vals[val].decode('utf8'))
except UnicodeError:
logger.notifyChannel('LDAP encode', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
'cannot unicode ' + vals[val])
if ids is not None:
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
if len(ids) == 1:
self.addNeededFields(ids[0], vals, cursor, uid)
email = vals.get('email', False)
phone = vals.get('phone', False)
fax = vals.get('fax', False)
mobile = vals.get('mobile', False)
private_phone = vals.get('private_phone', False)
if email:
if re.match("^.+\\@(\\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$",
email) is None:
raise orm.except_orm(_('Warning !'),
_('Please enter a valid e-mail'))
phones = (('phone', phone), ('fax', fax), ('mobile', mobile),
('private_phone', private_phone))
for phone_tuple in phones:
phone_number = phone_tuple[1]
if phone_number:
if not phone_number.startswith('+'):
raise orm.except_orm(_('Warning !'),
_('Please enter a valid phone number in %s'
' international format (i.e. leading +)') % phone_tuple[0])
def getVals(self, att_name, key, vals, dico, uid, ids, cursor, context=None):
"""map to values to dict"""
if not context:
context = {}
# We explicitly test False value
if vals.get(key, False) is not False:
dico[att_name] = vals[key]
if context.get('init_mode'):
return False
tmp =, uid, ids, [key], context={})
if tmp.get(key, False):
dico[att_name] = tmp[key]
def _un_unicodize_buf(self, in_buf):
if isinstance(in_buf, unicode):
return in_buf.encode()
except Exception:
return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", in_buf).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return in_buf
def unUnicodize(self, indict):
"""remove unicode data of modlist as unicode is not supported
by python-ldap library till version 2.7
for key in indict:
if not isinstance(indict[key], list):
indict[key] = self._un_unicodize_buf(indict[key])
nonutfArray = []
for val in indict[key]:
indict[key] = nonutfArray
def addNeededFields(self, id, vals, cursor, uid):
previousvalue = self.browse(cursor, uid, [id])[0]
if not vals.get('partner_id'):
vals['partner_id'] =
values_to_check = ('email', 'phone', 'fax', 'mobile', 'firstname',
'lastname', 'private_phone', 'street', 'street2')
for val in values_to_check:
if not vals.get(val):
vals[val] = previousvalue[val]
def mappLdapObject(self, id, vals, cursor, uid, context):
"""Mapp ResPArtner adress to moddlist"""
self.addNeededFields(id, vals, cursor, uid)
conn = self.getconn(cursor, uid, {})
partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
part_name = partner_obj.browse(cursor, uid, vals['partner_id']).name
vals['partner'] = part_name
name = self._compute_name(vals.get('firstname'), vals.get('lastname'))
if name:
cn = name
cn = part_name
if not vals.get('lastname'):
vals['lastname'] = part_name
contact_obj = {'objectclass': ['inetOrgPerson'],
'uid': ['terp_' + str(id)],
'ou': [conn.OU],
'cn': [cn],
'sn': [vals['lastname']]}
if not vals.get('street'):
vals['street'] = u''
if not vals.get('street2'):
vals['street2'] = u''
street_key = 'street'
if self.getconn(cursor, uid, {}).ACTIVDIR:
# ENTERING THE M$ Realm and it is weird
# We manage the address
street_key = 'streetAddress'
contact_obj[street_key] = vals['street'] + "\r\n" + vals['street2']
# we modifiy the class
contact_obj['objectclass'] = ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'user']
# we handle the country
if vals.get('country_id'):
country = self.browse(cursor, uid, id, context=context).country_id
if country:
vals['country_id'] =
vals['c'] = country.code
vals['country_id'] = False
vals['c'] = False
if vals.get('country_id', False):
self.getVals('co', 'country_id', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('c', 'c', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
# we compute the display name
vals['display'] = '%s %s' % (vals['partner'], contact_obj['cn'][0])
# we get the title
if self.browse(cursor, uid, id).function:
contact_obj['description'] = self.browse(cursor, uid, id)
# we replace carriage return
if vals.get('comment', False):
vals['comment'] = vals['comment'].replace("\n", "\r\n")
# Active directory specific fields
self.getVals('company', 'partner', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('info', 'comment', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('displayName', 'partner', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
# Web site management
if self.browse(cursor, uid, id)
vals['website'] = self.browse(cursor, uid, id)
self.getVals('wWWHomePage', 'website', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('title', 'title', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
contact_obj[street_key] = vals['street'] + u"\n" + vals['street2']
self.getVals('o', 'partner', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
# Common attributes
self.getVals('givenName', 'firstname', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('mail', 'email', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('telephoneNumber', 'phone', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('l', 'city', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('facsimileTelephoneNumber', 'fax', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('mobile', 'mobile', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('homePhone', 'private_phone', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
self.getVals('postalCode', 'zip', vals, contact_obj, uid, id, cursor, context)
return contact_obj
def saveLdapContact(self, id, vals, cursor, uid, context=None):
"""save openerp adress to ldap"""
contact_obj = self.mappLdapObject(id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
conn = self.connectToLdap(cursor, uid, context=context)
if self.getconn(cursor, uid, context).ACTIVDIR:
conn.connexion.add_s("CN=%s,OU=%s,%s" % (contact_obj['cn'][0], conn.OU, conn.CONTACT_DN),
conn.connexion.add_s("uid=terp_%s,OU=%s,%s" % (str(id), conn.OU, conn.CONTACT_DN),
except Exception:
def updateLdapContact(self, id, vals, cursor, uid, context):
"""update an existing contact with the data of OpenERP"""
conn = self.connectToLdap(cursor, uid, context={})
old_contatc_obj = self.getLdapContact(conn, id)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
self.saveLdapContact(id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
contact_obj = self.mappLdapObject(id, vals, cursor, uid, context)
if conn.ACTIVDIR:
modlist = []
for key, val in contact_obj.items():
if key in ('cn', 'uid', 'objectclass'):
if isinstance(val, list):
val = val[0]
modlist.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, key, val))
modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(old_contatc_obj[1], contact_obj)
conn.connexion.modify_s(old_contatc_obj[0], modlist)
except Exception:
def removeLdapContact(self, id, cursor, uid):
"""Remove a contact from ldap"""
conn = self.connectToLdap(cursor, uid, context={})
to_delete = None
to_delete = self.getLdapContact(conn, id)
except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
logger.notifyChannel("Warning", netsvc.LOG_INFO,
_("'no object to delete in ldap' %s") % (id))
except Exception:
if to_delete:
except Exception:
def getLdapContact(self, conn, id):
result = conn.connexion.search_ext_s("ou=%s, %s" % (conn.OU, conn.CONTACT_DN),
"(&(objectclass=*)(uid=terp_" + str(id) + "))")
if not result:
raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT
return result[0]
def ldaplinkactive(self, cursor, uid, context=None):
"""Check if ldap is activated for this company"""
user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cursor, uid, uid, context=context)
company = self.pool.get('').browse(cursor, uid,, context=context)
return company.ldap_active
def getconn(self, cursor, uid, context=None):
if not self.ldapMapper:
self.ldapMapper = LdapConnMApper(cursor, uid, self)
return self.ldapMapper
def connectToLdap(self, cursor, uid, context=None):
"""Reinitialize ldap connection"""
# getting ldap pref
if not self.ldapMapper:
self.getconn(cursor, uid, context)
return self.ldapMapper