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from odoo import models, fields, api
from ast import literal_eval
# import datetime
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ResPartner(models.Model):
""" Inherits partner, adds Gogocarto fields in the partner form, and functions"""
_inherit = 'res.partner'
in_gogocarto = fields.Boolean('In gogocarto')
def _get_gogocarto_domain(self): # To OVERRIDE in sub_modules to customize the partner selection
return [('in_gogocarto','=',True)
,('partner_longitude', '!=', float())
,('partner_latitude', '!=', float())
def _get_last_update(self):
return self.write_date.strftime("%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S")
def _get_industry_label(self):
if self.industry_id:
return ''
def _get_category_id(self):
categories_list = ''
for category in self.category_id :
if categories_list != '':
categories_list = categories_list + ', '
categories_list = categories_list +
return categories_list
#region Public method for JSON Serialization
def gogocarto_serialization(self):
element = {}
self._add_simple_node(element, "name")
self._add_simple_node(element, "partner_longitude")
self._add_simple_node(element, "partner_latitude")
# to detect the changes in the export compared to the previous one, so that Gogocarto does not import all the data at each synchronization.
self._add_computed_node(element, "last_update", self._get_last_update)
return self.add_fields(element, self._get_export_fields())
def add_fields(self, element, export_fields): # To OVERRIDE in sub_modules to customize the fields content
for field in export_fields:
if == "industry_id":
self._add_computed_node(element, "industry_id", self._get_industry_id_label)
elif == "category_id":
_logger.warning("STEPHAN - Ajout des catégories")
self._add_computed_node(element, "category_id", self._get_category_id)
_logger.warning("STEPHAN - Retours des éléments")
return element
#region Private method to JSON Serialization
def _get_export_fields(self):
ICPSudo = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
export_field_ids = literal_eval(ICPSudo.get_param('gogocarto_export_api.export_gogocarto_fields'))
export_fields = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([('model_id', '=', 'res.partner'),('id','in', export_field_ids)])
return export_fields
# Method to add simple fields, for which there is no process needed
def _add_simple_node(self, element, fieldName):
if getattr(self, fieldName):
element[fieldName] = self[fieldName]
# Method to add complex fileds, for which we need a dedicated method to get the value
def _add_computed_node(self, element, fieldLabel, specificMethod):
element[fieldLabel] = specificMethod()
#region Public method to debug JSON Serialization
def debug_field_exported(self):
_logger.debug("List of field exported for gogoCarto:")
for field in self._get_export_fields():