OCA reporting engine fork for dev and update.

20 lines
558 B

  1. # Configuration for known file extensions
  2. [*.{css,js,json,less,md,py,rst,sass,scss,xml,yaml,yml}]
  3. charset = utf-8
  4. end_of_line = lf
  5. indent_size = 4
  6. indent_style = space
  7. insert_final_newline = true
  8. trim_trailing_whitespace = true
  9. [*.{json,yml,yaml,rst,md}]
  10. indent_size = 2
  11. # Do not configure editor for libs and autogenerated content
  12. [{*/static/{lib,src/lib}/**,*/static/description/index.html,*/readme/../README.rst}]
  13. charset = unset
  14. end_of_line = unset
  15. indent_size = unset
  16. indent_style = unset
  17. insert_final_newline = false
  18. trim_trailing_whitespace = false