OCA reporting engine fork for dev and update.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

260 lines
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  2. <template>
  3. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.Frame">
  4. <div class="oe_form_field_bi_editor">
  5. <div class="body">
  6. <div class="left">
  7. </div>
  8. <div class="right">
  9. </div>
  10. <div class="clear" />
  11. </div>
  12. <div class="footer">
  13. <div class="left" />
  14. <div class="right">
  15. <button class="clear-btn d-none"><span
  16. class="fa fa-eraser"
  17. /> Clear</button>
  18. </div>
  19. </div>
  20. </div>
  21. </t>
  22. <!-- Join Node Dialog -->
  23. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.JoinNodeDialog">
  24. <div class="oe_bi_view_editor_join_node_dialog">
  25. <ul class="list-group">
  26. <t t-foreach="choices" t-as="choice">
  27. <t t-if="choice.join_node !== -1 and choice.table_alias !== -1">
  28. <li
  29. class="list-group-item list-group-item-action text-primary"
  30. t-attf-data-index="#{choice.index}"
  31. >
  32. <b>Use the existing node</b>
  33. </li>
  34. </t>
  35. <t t-elif="choice.join_node !== -1">
  36. <li
  37. class="list-group-item list-group-item-action text-success"
  38. t-attf-data-index="#{choice.index}"
  39. >
  40. Use the field
  41. <b>
  42. <t t-esc="choice.model_name" />
  43. </b>
  44. <i class="fa fa-caret-right" />
  45. <b>
  46. <t t-esc="choice.description" />
  47. </b>
  48. <span class="badge">new</span>
  49. </li>
  50. </t>
  51. <t t-else="">
  52. <li
  53. class="list-group-item list-group-item-action"
  54. t-attf-data-index="#{choice.index}"
  55. >
  56. Use the field
  57. <b>
  58. <t t-esc="choice.model_name" />
  59. </b>
  60. <i class="fa fa-caret-right" />
  61. <b>
  62. <t t-esc="choice.description" />
  63. </b>
  64. </li>
  65. </t>
  66. </t>
  67. </ul>
  68. </div>
  69. </t>
  70. <!-- ModelList -->
  71. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.ModelList">
  72. <div>
  73. <div class="search-bar">
  74. <span class="fa fa-search" />
  75. <input type="text" class="search-bar" />
  76. </div>
  77. <div class="class-list">
  78. </div>
  79. </div>
  80. </t>
  81. <!-- ModelListItem -->
  82. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.ModelListItem">
  83. <div class="class-container">
  84. <div class="class" t-attf-title="#{model}" t-attf-data-id="#{id}">
  85. <t t-esc="name" />
  86. </div>
  87. </div>
  88. </t>
  89. <!-- ModelListFieldItem-->
  90. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.ModelListFieldItem">
  91. <div class="field" t-attf-title="#{name}" t-attf-data-id="#{name}">
  92. <t t-esc="description" />
  93. </div>
  94. </t>
  95. <!-- FieldList -->
  96. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.FieldList">
  97. <div>
  98. <table class="field-list">
  99. <thead>
  100. <tr>
  101. <th>Name</th>
  102. <th>Model</th>
  103. <th>Options</th>
  104. <th />
  105. </tr>
  106. </thead>
  107. <tbody>
  108. </tbody>
  109. </table>
  110. </div>
  111. </t>
  112. <!-- FieldContextMenu -->
  113. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.FieldList.FieldContextMenu">
  114. <ul class="context-menu d-none">
  115. <li>
  116. <div class="checkbox">
  117. <label>
  118. <input
  119. type="checkbox"
  120. data-for="column"
  121. class="checkbox-column"
  122. /> Column
  123. </label>
  124. </div>
  125. </li>
  126. <li>
  127. <div class="checkbox">
  128. <label>
  129. <input
  130. type="checkbox"
  131. data-for="row"
  132. class="checkbox-row"
  133. /> Row
  134. </label>
  135. </div>
  136. </li>
  137. <li>
  138. <div class="checkbox">
  139. <label>
  140. <input
  141. type="checkbox"
  142. data-for="measure"
  143. class="checkbox-measure"
  144. /> Measure
  145. </label>
  146. </div>
  147. </li>
  148. <li>
  149. <div class="checkbox">
  150. <label>
  151. <input
  152. type="checkbox"
  153. data-for="list"
  154. class="checkbox-list"
  155. /> List
  156. </label>
  157. </div>
  158. </li>
  159. </ul>
  160. </t>
  161. <!-- JoinContextMenu -->
  162. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.FieldList.JoinContextMenu">
  163. <ul class="context-menu d-none">
  164. <li>
  165. <div class="checkbox">
  166. <label>
  167. <input
  168. type="checkbox"
  169. data-for="join_left"
  170. class="checkbox-join-left"
  171. /> Join Left
  172. </label>
  173. </div>
  174. </li>
  175. </ul>
  176. </t>
  177. <!-- FieldListItem -->
  178. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.FieldListItem">
  179. <tr t-attf-data-id="#{field._id}" class="field-node">
  180. <td>
  181. <input
  182. t-attf-data-id="#{field._id}"
  183. t-attf-title="#{field.model_name} (#{field.model})"
  184. class="form-control input-sm"
  185. type="text"
  186. name="description"
  187. t-attf-value="#{field.description}"
  188. />
  189. </td>
  190. <td>
  191. <t t-esc="field.model_name" />
  192. </td>
  193. <td>
  194. <span
  195. data-for="column"
  196. t-attf-class="#{field.column and 'fa fa-columns' or 'fa fa-columns d-none'}"
  197. title='Column'
  198. />
  199. <span
  200. data-for="row"
  201. t-attf-class="#{field.row and 'fa fa-bars' or 'fa fa-bars d-none'}"
  202. title='Row'
  203. />
  204. <span
  205. data-for="measure"
  206. t-attf-class="#{field.measure and 'fa fa-bar-chart-o' or 'fa fa-bar-chart-o d-none'}"
  207. title='Measure'
  208. />
  209. <span
  210. data-for="list"
  211. t-attf-class="#{field.list and 'fa fa-list' or 'fa fa-list d-none'}"
  212. title='List'
  213. />
  214. </td>
  215. <td>
  216. <span
  217. t-attf-data-id="#{field._id}"
  218. class="delete-button fa fa-trash-o"
  219. />
  220. </td>
  221. </tr>
  222. </t>
  223. <t t-name="bi_view_editor.JoinListItem">
  224. <tr t-attf-data-id="#{field._id}" class="join-node">
  225. <td colspan="4">
  226. <input
  227. class="d-none"
  228. type="text"
  229. name="description"
  230. t-attf-value="#{field.description}"
  231. />
  232. <t t-if="field.join_node > field.table_alias">
  233. <b>
  234. <t t-esc="field.model_name" />
  235. </b>
  236. <i class="fa fa-caret-right" />
  237. <small>
  238. <t t-esc="field.description" />
  239. </small>
  240. </t>
  241. <t t-else="">
  242. <small>
  243. <t t-esc="field.description" />
  244. </small>
  245. <i class="fa fa-caret-left" />
  246. <b>
  247. <t t-esc="field.model_name" />
  248. </b>
  249. </t>
  250. <span
  251. t-attf-class="#{!field.join_left and 'd-none' or ''}"
  252. data-for="join_left"
  253. >
  254. <i>(join left)</i>
  255. </span>
  256. </td>
  257. </tr>
  258. </t>
  259. </template>