from odoo import api, models, fields
class IrActionsServer(models.Model): _inherit = "ir.actions.server"
state = fields.Selection( selection_add=[("report_label", "Print self-adhesive labels")] ) label_template = fields.Char( "Label QWeb Template", help="The QWeb template key to render the labels", states={ "report_label": [("required", True)] } ) label_paperformat_id = fields.Many2one( "report.paperformat.label", "Label Paper Format", states={ "report_label": [("required", True)] } )
@api.multi def report_label_associated_view(self): """ View the associated qweb templates """ self.ensure_one() action = self.env.ref('base.action_ui_view', raise_if_not_found=False) if not action or len(self.label_template.split('.')) < 2: return False res = action.read()[0] res['domain'] = [ ('type', '=', 'qweb'), '|', ('name', 'ilike', self.label_template.split('.')[1]), ('key', '=', self.label_template), ] return res
@api.model def run_action_report_label_multi(self, action, eval_context=None): """ Show report label wizard """ context = dict(self.env.context) context.update({ "label_template": action.label_template, "label_paperformat_id": action.label_paperformat_id.id, "res_model_id": action.model_id.id, }) return { "name": action.name, "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": "report.label.wizard", "context": str(context), "view_mode": "form", "target": "new", }