@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ import logging
import time
from odoo import api , fields , models , _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.tools.misc import find_in_path
from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
try :
@ -14,6 +16,8 @@ try:
except ImportError :
logger . debug ( ' Cannot import py3o.formats ' )
PY3O_CONVERSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER = " py3o.conversion_command "
class IrActionsReport ( models . Model ) :
""" Inherit from ir.actions.report to allow customizing the template
@ -49,6 +53,9 @@ class IrActionsReport(models.Model):
py3o_filetype = fields . Selection (
selection = " _get_py3o_filetypes " ,
string = " Output Format " )
is_py3o_native_format = fields . Boolean (
compute = ' _compute_is_py3o_native_format '
py3o_template_id = fields . Many2one (
' py3o.template ' ,
" Template " )
@ -70,6 +77,77 @@ class IrActionsReport(models.Model):
" by default Odoo will generate a ZIP file that contains as many "
" files as selected records. If you enable this option, Odoo will "
" generate instead a single report for the selected records. " )
lo_bin_path = fields . Char (
string = " Path to the libreoffice runtime " ,
compute = " _compute_lo_bin_path "
is_py3o_report_not_available = fields . Boolean (
compute = ' _compute_py3o_report_not_available '
msg_py3o_report_not_available = fields . Char (
compute = ' _compute_py3o_report_not_available '
def _register_hook ( self ) :
self . _validate_reports ( )
def _validate_reports ( self ) :
""" Check if the existing py3o reports should work with the current
installation .
This method log a warning message into the logs for each report
that should not work .
for report in self . search ( [ ( " report_type " , " = " , " py3o " ) ] ) :
if report . is_py3o_report_not_available :
logger . warning ( report . msg_py3o_report_not_available )
def _get_lo_bin ( self ) :
lo_bin = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . get_param (
try :
lo_bin = find_in_path ( lo_bin )
except IOError :
lo_bin = None
return lo_bin
@api.depends ( " report_type " , " py3o_filetype " )
def _compute_is_py3o_native_format ( self ) :
format = Formats ( )
for rec in self :
if not rec . report_type == " py3o " :
filetype = rec . py3o_filetype
rec . is_py3o_native_format = format . get_format ( filetype ) . native
def _compute_lo_bin_path ( self ) :
lo_bin = self . _get_lo_bin ( )
for rec in self :
rec . lo_bin_path = lo_bin
@api.depends ( " lo_bin_path " , " is_py3o_native_format " , " report_type " )
def _compute_py3o_report_not_available ( self ) :
for rec in self :
if not rec . report_type == " py3o " :
if not rec . is_py3o_native_format and not rec . lo_bin_path :
rec . is_py3o_report_not_available = True
rec . msg_py3o_report_not_available = _ (
" The libreoffice runtime is required to genereate the "
" py3o report ' %s ' but is not found into the bin path. You "
" must install the libreoffice runtime on the server. If "
" the runtime is already installed and is not found by "
" Odoo, you can provide the full path to the runtime by "
" setting the key ' py3o.conversion_command ' into the "
" configuration parameters. "
) % rec . name
def get_from_report_name ( self , report_name , report_type ) :