# Copyright 2021 Tecnativa - Víctor Martínez # Copyright 2021 Tecnativa - Pedro M. Baeza # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from openupgradelib import openupgrade from odoo.tools import parse_version @openupgrade.migrate() def migrate(env, version): if parse_version(version) == parse_version(""): openupgrade.logged_query( env.cr, """ INSERT INTO base_comment_template_res_partner_rel (res_partner_id, base_comment_template_id) SELECT SPLIT_PART(ip.res_id, ',', 2)::int AS res_partner_id, SPLIT_PART(ip.value_reference, ',', 2)::int AS base_comment_template_id FROM ir_property ip JOIN ir_model_fields imf ON ip.fields_id = imf.id JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id = SPLIT_PART(ip.res_id, ',', 2)::int JOIN base_comment_template bct ON bct.id = SPLIT_PART(ip.value_reference, ',', 2)::int WHERE imf.name = 'property_comment_template_id' AND imf.model = 'res.partner' AND ip.res_id IS NOT NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """, )