# Copyright 2013 XCG Consulting (http://odoo.consulting) # Copyright 2018 ACSONE SA/NV # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import logging import time from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.tools.misc import find_in_path from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from py3o.formats import Formats except ImportError: logger.debug('Cannot import py3o.formats') PY3O_CONVERSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER = "py3o.conversion_command" class IrActionsReport(models.Model): """ Inherit from ir.actions.report to allow customizing the template file. The user cam chose a template from a list. The list is configurable in the configuration tab, see py3o_template.py """ _inherit = 'ir.actions.report' @api.multi @api.constrains("py3o_filetype", "report_type") def _check_py3o_filetype(self): for report in self: if report.report_type == "py3o" and not report.py3o_filetype: raise ValidationError(_( "Field 'Output Format' is required for Py3O report")) @api.model def _get_py3o_filetypes(self): formats = Formats() names = formats.get_known_format_names() selections = [] for name in names: description = name if formats.get_format(name).native: description = description + " " + _("(Native)") selections.append((name, description)) return selections report_type = fields.Selection( selection_add=[("py3o", "py3o")] ) py3o_filetype = fields.Selection( selection="_get_py3o_filetypes", string="Output Format") is_py3o_native_format = fields.Boolean( compute='_compute_is_py3o_native_format' ) py3o_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'py3o.template', "Template") module = fields.Char( "Module", help="The implementer module that provides this report") py3o_template_fallback = fields.Char( "Fallback", size=128, help=( "If the user does not provide a template this will be used " "it should be a relative path to root of YOUR module " "or an absolute path on your server." )) report_type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('py3o', "Py3o")]) py3o_multi_in_one = fields.Boolean( string='Multiple Records in a Single Report', help="If you execute a report on several records, " "by default Odoo will generate a ZIP file that contains as many " "files as selected records. If you enable this option, Odoo will " "generate instead a single report for the selected records.") lo_bin_path = fields.Char( string="Path to the libreoffice runtime", compute="_compute_lo_bin_path" ) is_py3o_report_not_available = fields.Boolean( compute='_compute_py3o_report_not_available' ) msg_py3o_report_not_available = fields.Char( compute='_compute_py3o_report_not_available' ) @api.model def _register_hook(self): self._validate_reports() @api.model def _validate_reports(self): """Check if the existing py3o reports should work with the current installation. This method log a warning message into the logs for each report that should not work. """ for report in self.search([("report_type", "=", "py3o")]): if report.is_py3o_report_not_available: logger.warning(report.msg_py3o_report_not_available) @api.model def _get_lo_bin(self): lo_bin = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param( PY3O_CONVERSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER, 'libreoffice', ) try: lo_bin = find_in_path(lo_bin) except IOError: lo_bin = None return lo_bin @api.depends("report_type", "py3o_filetype") @api.multi def _compute_is_py3o_native_format(self): format = Formats() for rec in self: if not rec.report_type == "py3o": continue filetype = rec.py3o_filetype rec.is_py3o_native_format = format.get_format(filetype).native @api.multi def _compute_lo_bin_path(self): lo_bin = self._get_lo_bin() for rec in self: rec.lo_bin_path = lo_bin @api.depends("lo_bin_path", "is_py3o_native_format", "report_type") @api.multi def _compute_py3o_report_not_available(self): for rec in self: if not rec.report_type == "py3o": continue if not rec.is_py3o_native_format and not rec.lo_bin_path: rec.is_py3o_report_not_available = True rec.msg_py3o_report_not_available = _( "The libreoffice runtime is required to genereate the " "py3o report '%s' but is not found into the bin path. You " "must install the libreoffice runtime on the server. If " "the runtime is already installed and is not found by " "Odoo, you can provide the full path to the runtime by " "setting the key 'py3o.conversion_command' into the " "configuration parameters." ) % rec.name @api.model def get_from_report_name(self, report_name, report_type): return self.search( [("report_name", "=", report_name), ("report_type", "=", report_type)]) @api.multi def render_py3o(self, res_ids, data): self.ensure_one() if self.report_type != "py3o": raise RuntimeError( "py3o rendition is only available on py3o report.\n" "(current: '{}', expected 'py3o'".format(self.report_type)) return self.env['py3o.report'].create({ 'ir_actions_report_id': self.id }).create_report(res_ids, data) @api.multi def gen_report_download_filename(self, res_ids, data): """Override this function to change the name of the downloaded report """ self.ensure_one() report = self.get_from_report_name(self.report_name, self.report_type) if report.print_report_name and not len(res_ids) > 1: obj = self.env[self.model].browse(res_ids) return safe_eval(report.print_report_name, {'object': obj, 'time': time}) return "%s.%s" % (self.name, self.py3o_filetype) @api.multi def _get_attachments(self, res_ids): """ Return the report already generated for the given res_ids """ self.ensure_one() save_in_attachment = {} if res_ids: # Dispatch the records by ones having an attachment Model = self.env[self.model] record_ids = Model.browse(res_ids) if self.attachment: for record_id in record_ids: attachment_id = self.retrieve_attachment(record_id) if attachment_id: save_in_attachment[record_id.id] = attachment_id return save_in_attachment