This module is intended as a base engine for other modules to use it, so no direct result if you are a user. If you are a developer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To learn from an example, just check the `demo report`_ on GitHub for the model ```` or check it in interface from companies views. To develop with this module, you need to: * Create a module. * Make it depend on this one. * Follow `instructions to create reports`_ having in mind that the ``report_type`` field in your ```` record must be ``qweb-xml``. In case you want to create a `custom report`_, the instructions remain the same as for HTML reports, and the method that you must override is also called ``_get_report_values``, even when this time you are creating a XML report. You can make your custom report inherit ``report.report_xml.abstract``, name it in such way ``report.``. Also you can add a XSD file for report validation into ``xsd_schema`` field of your report (check `report definition`_) and have XSD automatic checking for free. You can customize rendering process and validation way via changing logic of ``generate_report`` and ``validate_report`` methods in your report class. You can visit ``http:///report/xml//`` to see your XML report online as a web page. For further information, please visit: * * .. _custom report: .. _instructions to create reports: .. _demo report: .. _report definition: