# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2009-2018 Noviat. # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from datetime import datetime import re from types import CodeType from xlsxwriter.utility import xl_rowcol_to_cell from odoo import api, fields, _ from odoo.addons.report_xlsx.report.report_xlsx import ReportXlsx from odoo.exceptions import UserError class AbstractReportXlsx(ReportXlsx): def create(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None): if context.get('xlsx_export'): self.env = api.Environment(cr, uid, context) return self.create_xlsx_report(ids, data, None) else: return super(AbstractReportXlsx, self).create( cr, uid, ids, data, context=context) def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, objects): self._define_formats(workbook) for ws_params in self._get_ws_params(workbook, data, objects): ws_name = ws_params.get('ws_name') ws_name = self._check_ws_name(ws_name) ws = workbook.add_worksheet(ws_name) generate_ws_method = getattr( self, ws_params['generate_ws_method']) generate_ws_method(workbook, ws, ws_params, data, objects) def _check_ws_name(self, name, sanitize=True): pattern = re.compile(r'[/\\*\[\]:?]') # invalid characters: /\*[]:? max_chars = 31 if sanitize: # we could drop these two lines since a similar # sanitize is done in tools.misc PatchedXlsxWorkbook name = pattern.sub('', name) name = name[:max_chars] else: if len(name) > max_chars: raise UserError(_( "Programming Error." "\nExcel Sheet name '%s' should not exceed %s characters." ) % (name, max_chars)) special_chars = pattern.findall(name) if special_chars: raise UserError(_( "Programming Error." "\nExcel Sheet name '%s' contains unsupported special " "characters: '%s'." ) % (name, special_chars)) return name def _get_ws_params(self, workbook, data, objects): """ Return list of dictionaries with parameters for the worksheets. Keywords: - 'generate_ws_method': mandatory - 'ws_name': name of the worksheet - 'title': title of the worksheet - 'wanted_list': list of column names - 'col_specs': cf. XXX The 'generate_ws_method' must be present in your report and contain the logic to generate the content of the worksheet. """ return [] def _define_formats(self, workbook): """ This section contains a number of pre-defined formats. It is recommended to use these in order to have a consistent look & feel between your XLSX reports. """ # predefined worksheet headers/footers hf_params = { 'font_size': 8, 'font_style': 'I', # B: Bold, I: Italic, U: Underline } self.xls_headers = { 'standard': '' } report_date = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp( self.env.user, datetime.now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') self.xls_footers = { 'standard': ( '&L&%(font_size)s&%(font_style)s' + report_date + '&R&%(font_size)s&%(font_style)s&P / &N' ) % hf_params, } border_grey = '#D3D3D3' border = {'border': True, 'border_color': border_grey} theader = dict(border, bold=True) bg_yellow = '#FFFFCC' bg_blue = '#CCFFFF' num_format = '#,##0.00' num_format_conditional = '{0};[Red]-{0};{0}'.format(num_format) pct_format = '#,##0.00%' pct_format_conditional = '{0};[Red]-{0};{0}'.format(pct_format) int_format = '#,##0' int_format_conditional = '{0};[Red]-{0};{0}'.format(int_format) date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD' theader_yellow = dict(theader, bg_color=bg_yellow) theader_blue = dict(theader, bg_color=bg_blue) # format for worksheet title self.format_ws_title = workbook.add_format( {'bold': True, 'font_size': 14}) # no border formats self.format_left = workbook.add_format({'align': 'left'}) self.format_center = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center'}) self.format_right = workbook.add_format({'align': 'right'}) self.format_amount = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'num_format': num_format}) self.format_amount_conditional = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'num_format': num_format_conditional}) self.format_percent = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'num_format': pct_format}) self.format_percent_conditional = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'num_format': pct_format_conditional}) self.format_integer = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'num_format': int_format}) self.format_integer_conditional = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'num_format': int_format_conditional}) self.format_date = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'left', 'num_format': date_format}) self.format_left_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'left', 'bold': True}) self.format_center_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'center', 'bold': True}) self.format_right_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True}) self.format_amount_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True, 'num_format': num_format}) self.format_amount_bold_conditional = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True, 'num_format': num_format_conditional}) self.format_percent_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True, 'num_format': pct_format}) self.format_percent_bold_conditional = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True, 'num_format': pct_format_conditional}) self.format_integer_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True, 'num_format': int_format}) self.format_integer_bold_conditional = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'right', 'bold': True, 'num_format': int_format_conditional}) self.format_date_bold = workbook.add_format( {'align': 'left', 'bold': True, 'num_format': date_format}) # formats for worksheet table column headers self.format_theader_yellow = workbook.add_format(theader_yellow) self.format_theader_yellow_center = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, align='center')) self.format_theader_yellow_right = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, align='right')) self.format_theader_yellow_amount = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, num_format=num_format)) self.format_theader_yellow_amount_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, num_format=num_format_conditional)) self.format_theader_yellow_percent = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, num_format=pct_format)) self.format_theader_yellow_percent_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, num_format=pct_format_conditional)) self.format_theader_yellow_integer = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, num_format=int_format)) self.format_theader_yellow_integer_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_yellow, num_format=int_format_conditional)) self.format_theader_blue = workbook.add_format(theader_blue) self.format_theader_blue_center = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, align='center')) self.format_theader_blue_right = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, align='right')) self.format_theader_blue_amount = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, num_format=num_format)) self.format_theader_blue_amount_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, num_format=num_format_conditional)) self.format_theader_blue_percent = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, num_format=pct_format)) self.format_theader_blue_percent_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, num_format=pct_format_conditional)) self.format_theader_blue_integer = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, num_format=int_format)) self.format_theader_blue_integer_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(theader_blue, num_format=int_format_conditional)) # formats for worksheet table cells self.format_tleft = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='left')) self.format_tcenter = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='center')) self.format_tright = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='right')) self.format_tamount = workbook.add_format( dict(border, num_format=num_format)) self.format_tamount_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(border, num_format=num_format_conditional)) self.format_tpercent = workbook.add_format( dict(border, num_format=pct_format)) self.format_tpercent_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(border, num_format=pct_format_conditional)) self.format_tinteger = workbook.add_format( dict(border, num_format=int_format)) self.format_tinteger_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(border, num_format=int_format_conditional)) self.format_tdate = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='left', num_format=date_format)) self.format_tleft_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='left', bold=True)) self.format_tcenter_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='center', bold=True)) self.format_tright_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='right', bold=True)) self.format_tamount_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, bold=True, num_format=num_format)) self.format_tamount_bold_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(border, bold=True, num_format=num_format_conditional)) self.format_tpercent_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, bold=True, num_format=pct_format)) self.format_tpercent_bold_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(border, bold=True, num_format=pct_format_conditional)) self.format_tinteger_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, bold=True, num_format=int_format)) self.format_tinteger_bold_conditional = workbook.add_format( dict(border, bold=True, num_format=int_format_conditional)) self.format_tdate_bold = workbook.add_format( dict(border, align='left', bold=True, num_format=date_format)) def _set_column_width(self, ws, ws_params): """ Set width for all columns included in the 'wanted_list'. """ col_specs = ws_params.get('col_specs') wl = ws_params.get('wanted_list') or [] for pos, col in enumerate(wl): if col not in col_specs: raise UserError(_( "%s - Programming Error: " "the '%' column is not defined the worksheet " "column specifications.") % (__name__, col)) ws.set_column(pos, pos, col_specs[col]['width']) def _write_ws_title(self, ws, row_pos, ws_params, merge_range=False): """ Helper function to ensure consistent title formats troughout all worksheets. Requires 'title' keyword in ws_params. """ title = ws_params.get('title') if not title: raise UserError(_( "%s - Programming Error: " "the 'title' parameter is mandatory " "when calling the '_write_ws_title' method.") % __name__) if merge_range: wl = ws_params.get('wanted_list') if wl and len(wl) > 1: ws.merge_range( row_pos, 0, row_pos, len(wl) - 1, title, self.format_ws_title) else: ws.write_string(row_pos, 0, title, self.format_ws_title) return row_pos + 2 def _write_line(self, ws, row_pos, ws_params, col_specs_section=None, render_space=None, default_format=None): """ Write a line with all columns included in the 'wanted_list'. Use the entry defined by the col_specs_section. An empty cell will be written if no col_specs_section entry for a column. """ col_specs = ws_params.get('col_specs') wl = ws_params.get('wanted_list') or [] pos = 0 for col in wl: if col not in col_specs: raise UserError(_( "%s - Programming Error: " "the '%' column is not defined the worksheet " "column specifications.") % (__name__, col)) colspan = col_specs[col].get('colspan') or 1 cell_spec = col_specs[col].get(col_specs_section) or {} if not cell_spec: cell_value = None cell_type = 'blank' cell_format = default_format else: cell_value = cell_spec.get('value') if isinstance(cell_value, CodeType): cell_value = self._eval(cell_value, render_space) cell_type = cell_spec.get('type') cell_format = cell_spec.get('format') or default_format if not cell_type: if isinstance(cell_value, basestring): cell_type = 'string' elif isinstance(cell_value, (int, float)): cell_type = 'number' elif isinstance(cell_value, bool): cell_type = 'boolean' elif isinstance(cell_value, datetime): cell_type = 'datetime' else: if not cell_value: cell_type = 'blank' else: msg = _( "%s, _write_line : programming error " "detected while processing " "col_specs_section %s, column %s" ) % (__name__, col_specs_section, col) if cell_value: msg += _(", cellvalue %s") raise UserError(msg) colspan = cell_spec.get('colspan') or colspan args_pos = [row_pos, pos] args_data = [cell_value] if cell_format: args_data.append(cell_format) if colspan > 1: args_pos += [row_pos, pos + colspan - 1] args = args_pos + args_data ws.merge_range(*args) else: ws_method = getattr(ws, 'write_%s' % cell_type) args = args_pos + args_data ws_method(*args) pos += colspan return row_pos + 1 @staticmethod def _render(code): return compile(code, '', 'eval') @staticmethod def _eval(val, render_space): if not render_space: render_space = {} if 'datetime' not in render_space: render_space['datetime'] = datetime # the use of eval is not a security thread as long as the # col_specs template is defined in a python module return eval(val, render_space) # pylint: disable=W0123 @staticmethod def _rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False): return xl_rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=row_abs, col_abs=col_abs)