odoo.define('kpi_dashboard.DashboardController', function (require) { "use strict"; var BasicController = require('web.BasicController'); var core = require('web.core'); var qweb = core.qweb; var _t = core._t; var DashboardController = BasicController.extend({ custom_events: _.extend({}, BasicController.prototype.custom_events, { addDashboard: '_addDashboard', refresh_on_fly: '_refreshOnFly', }), _refreshOnFly: function (event) { var self = this; this._rpc({ model: this.modelName, method: 'read_dashboard_on_fly', args: [[this.renderer.state.res_id]], context: _.extend( {}, this.model.get(this.handle, {raw: true}).getContext(), {bin_size: true} ), }).then(function (data) { _.each(data, function (item) { // We will follow the same logic used on Bus Notifications self.renderer._onNotification([[ "kpi_dashboard_" + self.renderer.state.res_id, item ]]) }); }); }, renderPager: function ($node, options) { options = _.extend({}, options, { validate: this.canBeDiscarded.bind(this), }); this._super($node, options); }, _pushState: function (state) { state = state || {}; var env = this.model.get(this.handle, {env: true}); state.id = env.currentId; this._super(state); }, _addDashboard: function () { var self = this; var action = self.initialState.specialData.action_id; var name = self.initialState.specialData.name; if (! action) { self.do_warn(_t("First you must create the Menu")); } return self._rpc({ route: '/board/add_to_dashboard', params: { action_id: action, context_to_save: {'res_id': self.initialState.res_id}, domain: [('id', '=', self.initialState.res_id)], view_mode: 'dashboard', name: name, }, }) .then(function (r) { if (r) { self.do_notify( _.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' added to dashboard"), name), _t('Please refresh your browser for the changes to take effect.') ); } else { self.do_warn(_t("Could not add KPI dashboard to dashboard")); } }); }, _updateButtons: function () { // HOOK Function this.$buttons.on( 'click', '.o_dashboard_button_add', this._addDashboard.bind(this)); }, renderButtons: function ($node) { if (! $node) { return; } this.$buttons = $('
'); this.$buttons.append(qweb.render( "kpi_dashboard.buttons", {widget: this})); this._updateButtons(); this.$buttons.appendTo($node); }, }); return DashboardController; });