# Copyright (C) 2017 - Today: GRAP (http://www.grap.coop) # @author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import logging from datetime import datetime from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tools import pycompat, sql, table_columns from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_model import IrModel _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @api.model def _instanciate(self, model_data): """Return a class for the custom model given by parameters ``model_data``.""" # This monkey patch is meant to avoid create/search tables for those # materialized views. Doing "super" doesn't work. class CustomModel(models.Model): _name = pycompat.to_text(model_data["model"]) _description = model_data["name"] _module = False _custom = True _transient = bool(model_data["transient"]) __doc__ = model_data["info"] # START OF patch if model_data["model"].startswith(BiSQLView._model_prefix): CustomModel._auto = False CustomModel._abstract = True # END of patch return CustomModel IrModel._instanciate = _instanciate class BiSQLView(models.Model): _name = "bi.sql.view" _description = "BI SQL View" _order = "sequence" _inherit = ["sql.request.mixin"] _sql_prefix = "x_bi_sql_view_" _model_prefix = "x_bi_sql_view." _sql_request_groups_relation = "bi_sql_view_groups_rel" _sql_request_users_relation = "bi_sql_view_users_rel" _STATE_SQL_EDITOR = [ ("model_valid", "SQL View and Model Created"), ("ui_valid", "Views, Action and Menu Created"), ] technical_name = fields.Char( string="Technical Name", required=True, help="Suffix of the SQL view. SQL full name will be computed and" " prefixed by 'x_bi_sql_view_'. Syntax should follow: " "https://www.postgresql.org/" "docs/current/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS", ) view_name = fields.Char( string="View Name", compute="_compute_view_name", readonly=True, store=True, help="Full name of the SQL view", ) model_name = fields.Char( string="Model Name", compute="_compute_model_name", readonly=True, store=True, help="Full Qualified Name of the transient model that will" " be created.", ) is_materialized = fields.Boolean( string="Is Materialized View", default=True, readonly=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)], "sql_valid": [("readonly", False)]}, ) materialized_text = fields.Char(compute="_compute_materialized_text", store=True) size = fields.Char( string="Database Size", readonly=True, help="Size of the materialized view and its indexes", ) state = fields.Selection(selection_add=_STATE_SQL_EDITOR) view_order = fields.Char( string="View Order", required=True, readonly=False, states={"ui_valid": [("readonly", True)]}, default="pivot,graph,tree", help="Comma-separated text. Possible values:" ' "graph", "pivot" or "tree"', ) query = fields.Text( help="SQL Request that will be inserted as the view. Take care to :\n" " * set a name for all your selected fields, specially if you use" " SQL function (like EXTRACT, ...);\n" " * Do not use 'SELECT *' or 'SELECT table.*';\n" " * prefix the name of the selectable columns by 'x_';", default="SELECT\n" " my_field as x_my_field\n" "FROM my_table", ) domain_force = fields.Text( string="Extra Rule Definition", default="[]", readonly=True, help="Define here access restriction to data.\n" " Take care to use field name prefixed by 'x_'." " A global 'ir.rule' will be created." " A typical Multi Company rule is for exemple \n" " ['|', ('x_company_id','child_of', [user.company_id.id])," "('x_company_id','=',False)].", states={"draft": [("readonly", False)], "sql_valid": [("readonly", False)]}, ) computed_action_context = fields.Text( compute="_compute_computed_action_context", string="Computed Action Context" ) action_context = fields.Text( string="Action Context", default="{}", readonly=True, help="Define here a context that will be used" " by default, when creating the action.", states={ "draft": [("readonly", False)], "sql_valid": [("readonly", False)], "model_valid": [("readonly", False)], }, ) has_group_changed = fields.Boolean(copy=False) bi_sql_view_field_ids = fields.One2many( string="SQL Fields", comodel_name="bi.sql.view.field", inverse_name="bi_sql_view_id", ) model_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Model", comodel_name="ir.model", readonly=True ) tree_view_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Tree View", comodel_name="ir.ui.view", readonly=True ) graph_view_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Graph View", comodel_name="ir.ui.view", readonly=True ) pivot_view_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Pivot View", comodel_name="ir.ui.view", readonly=True ) search_view_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Search View", comodel_name="ir.ui.view", readonly=True ) action_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Action", comodel_name="ir.actions.act_window", readonly=True ) menu_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Menu", comodel_name="ir.ui.menu", readonly=True ) cron_id = fields.Many2one( string="Odoo Cron", comodel_name="ir.cron", readonly=True, help="Cron Task that will refresh the materialized view", ) rule_id = fields.Many2one(string="Odoo Rule", comodel_name="ir.rule", readonly=True) group_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="res.groups", readonly=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)], "sql_valid": [("readonly", False)]}, ) sequence = fields.Integer(string="sequence") # Constrains Section @api.constrains("is_materialized") def _check_index_materialized(self): for rec in self.filtered(lambda x: not x.is_materialized): if rec.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.is_index): raise UserError( _("You can not create indexes on non materialized views") ) @api.constrains("view_order") def _check_view_order(self): for rec in self: if rec.view_order: for vtype in rec.view_order.split(","): if vtype not in ("graph", "pivot", "tree"): raise UserError( _("Only graph, pivot or tree views are supported") ) # Compute Section @api.depends("bi_sql_view_field_ids.graph_type") def _compute_computed_action_context(self): for rec in self: action = { "pivot_measures": [], "pivot_row_groupby": [], "pivot_column_groupby": [], } for field in rec.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered( lambda x: x.graph_type == "measure" ): action["pivot_measures"].append(field.name) for field in rec.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered( lambda x: x.graph_type == "row" ): action["pivot_row_groupby"].append(field.name) for field in rec.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered( lambda x: x.graph_type == "col" ): action["pivot_column_groupby"].append(field.name) rec.computed_action_context = str(action) @api.depends("is_materialized") def _compute_materialized_text(self): for sql_view in self: sql_view.materialized_text = ( sql_view.is_materialized and "MATERIALIZED" or "" ) @api.depends("technical_name") def _compute_view_name(self): for sql_view in self: sql_view.view_name = "{}{}".format( sql_view._sql_prefix, sql_view.technical_name, ) @api.depends("technical_name") def _compute_model_name(self): for sql_view in self: sql_view.model_name = "{}{}".format( sql_view._model_prefix, sql_view.technical_name, ) @api.onchange("group_ids") def onchange_group_ids(self): if self.state not in ("draft", "sql_valid"): self.has_group_changed = True # Overload Section def write(self, vals): res = super(BiSQLView, self).write(vals) if vals.get("sequence", False): for rec in self.filtered(lambda x: x.menu_id): rec.menu_id.sequence = rec.sequence return res def unlink(self): if any(view.state not in ("draft", "sql_valid") for view in self): raise UserError( _( "You can only unlink draft views." "If you want to delete them, first set them to draft." ) ) self.cron_id.unlink() return super(BiSQLView, self).unlink() def copy(self, default=None): self.ensure_one() default = dict(default or {}) default.update( { "name": _("%s (Copy)") % self.name, "technical_name": "%s_copy" % self.technical_name, } ) return super(BiSQLView, self).copy(default=default) # Action Section def button_create_sql_view_and_model(self): for sql_view in self.filtered(lambda x: x.state == "sql_valid"): # Create ORM and access sql_view._create_model_and_fields() sql_view._create_model_access() # Create SQL View and indexes sql_view._create_view() sql_view._create_index() if sql_view.is_materialized: if not sql_view.cron_id: sql_view.cron_id = ( self.env["ir.cron"].create(sql_view._prepare_cron()).id ) else: sql_view.cron_id.active = True sql_view.state = "model_valid" def button_set_draft(self): for sql_view in self.filtered(lambda x: x.state != "draft"): sql_view.menu_id.unlink() sql_view.action_id.unlink() sql_view.tree_view_id.unlink() sql_view.graph_view_id.unlink() sql_view.pivot_view_id.unlink() sql_view.search_view_id.unlink() if sql_view.state in ("model_valid", "ui_valid"): # Drop SQL View (and indexes by cascade) if sql_view.is_materialized: sql_view._drop_view() if sql_view.cron_id: sql_view.cron_id.active = False # Drop ORM sql_view._drop_model_and_fields() sql_view.has_group_changed = False super(BiSQLView, sql_view).button_set_draft() return True def button_create_ui(self): self.tree_view_id = self.env["ir.ui.view"].create(self._prepare_tree_view()).id self.graph_view_id = ( self.env["ir.ui.view"].create(self._prepare_graph_view()).id ) self.pivot_view_id = ( self.env["ir.ui.view"].create(self._prepare_pivot_view()).id ) self.search_view_id = ( self.env["ir.ui.view"].create(self._prepare_search_view()).id ) self.action_id = ( self.env["ir.actions.act_window"].create(self._prepare_action()).id ) self.menu_id = self.env["ir.ui.menu"].create(self._prepare_menu()).id self.write({"state": "ui_valid"}) def button_update_model_access(self): self._drop_model_access() self._create_model_access() self.write({"has_group_changed": False}) def button_refresh_materialized_view(self): self._refresh_materialized_view() def button_open_view(self): return { "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": self.model_id.model, "search_view_id": self.search_view_id.id, "view_mode": self.action_id.view_mode, } # Prepare Function def _prepare_model(self): self.ensure_one() field_id = [] for field in self.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered( lambda x: x.field_description is not False ): field_id.append([0, False, field._prepare_model_field()]) return { "name": self.name, "model": self.model_name, "access_ids": [], "field_id": field_id, } def _prepare_model_access(self): self.ensure_one() res = [] for group in self.group_ids: res.append( { "name": _("%s Access %s") % (self.model_name, group.full_name), "model_id": self.model_id.id, "group_id": group.id, "perm_read": True, "perm_create": False, "perm_write": False, "perm_unlink": False, } ) return res def _prepare_cron(self): now = datetime.now() return { "name": _("Refresh Materialized View %s") % self.view_name, "user_id": SUPERUSER_ID, "model_id": self.env["ir.model"] .search([("model", "=", self._name)], limit=1) .id, "state": "code", "code": "model._refresh_materialized_view_cron(%s)" % self.ids, "numbercall": -1, "interval_number": 1, "interval_type": "days", "nextcall": datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day + 1), "active": True, } def _prepare_rule(self): self.ensure_one() return { "name": _("Access %s") % self.name, "model_id": self.model_id.id, "domain_force": self.domain_force, "global": True, } def _prepare_tree_view(self): self.ensure_one() return { "name": self.name, "type": "tree", "model": self.model_id.model, "arch": """""" """{}""" """""".format( "".join([x._prepare_tree_field() for x in self.bi_sql_view_field_ids]) ), } def _prepare_graph_view(self): self.ensure_one() return { "name": self.name, "type": "graph", "model": self.model_id.model, "arch": """""" """{}""" """""".format( "".join([x._prepare_graph_field() for x in self.bi_sql_view_field_ids]) ), } def _prepare_pivot_view(self): self.ensure_one() return { "name": self.name, "type": "pivot", "model": self.model_id.model, "arch": """""" """{}""" """""".format( "".join([x._prepare_pivot_field() for x in self.bi_sql_view_field_ids]) ), } def _prepare_search_view(self): self.ensure_one() return { "name": self.name, "type": "search", "model": self.model_id.model, "arch": """""" """{}""" """{}""" """""".format( "".join( [x._prepare_search_field() for x in self.bi_sql_view_field_ids] ), "".join( [ x._prepare_search_filter_field() for x in self.bi_sql_view_field_ids ] ), ), } def _prepare_action(self): self.ensure_one() view_mode = self.view_order first_view = view_mode.split(",")[0] if first_view == "tree": view_id = self.tree_view_id.id elif first_view == "pivot": view_id = self.pivot_view_id.id else: view_id = self.graph_view_id.id action = safe_eval(self.computed_action_context) for k, v in safe_eval(self.action_context).items(): action[k] = v return { "name": self._prepare_action_name(), "res_model": self.model_id.model, "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "view_mode": view_mode, "view_id": view_id, "search_view_id": self.search_view_id.id, "context": str(action), } def _prepare_action_name(self): self.ensure_one() if not self.is_materialized: return self.name return "{} ({})".format( self.name, datetime.utcnow().strftime(_("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC")), ) def _prepare_menu(self): self.ensure_one() return { "name": self.name, "parent_id": self.env.ref("bi_sql_editor.menu_bi_sql_editor").id, "action": "ir.actions.act_window,%s" % self.action_id.id, "sequence": self.sequence, } # Custom Section def _log_execute(self, req): _logger.info("Executing SQL Request %s ..." % req) self.env.cr.execute(req) def _drop_view(self): for sql_view in self: self._log_execute( "DROP %s VIEW IF EXISTS %s" % (sql_view.materialized_text, sql_view.view_name) ) sql_view.size = False def _create_view(self): for sql_view in self: sql_view._drop_view() try: self._log_execute(sql_view._prepare_request_for_execution()) sql_view._refresh_size() except ProgrammingError as e: raise UserError( _("SQL Error while creating %s VIEW %s :\n %s") % (sql_view.materialized_text, sql_view.view_name, str(e)) ) def _create_index(self): for sql_view in self: for sql_field in sql_view.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered( lambda x: x.is_index is True ): self._log_execute( "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s (%s);" % (sql_field.index_name, sql_view.view_name, sql_field.name) ) def _create_model_and_fields(self): for sql_view in self: # Create model sql_view.model_id = self.env["ir.model"].create(self._prepare_model()).id sql_view.rule_id = self.env["ir.rule"].create(self._prepare_rule()).id # Drop table, created by the ORM if sql.table_exists(self._cr, sql_view.view_name): req = "DROP TABLE %s" % sql_view.view_name self._log_execute(req) def _create_model_access(self): for sql_view in self: for item in sql_view._prepare_model_access(): self.env["ir.model.access"].create(item) def _drop_model_access(self): for sql_view in self: self.env["ir.model.access"].search( [("model_id", "=", sql_view.model_name)] ).unlink() def _drop_model_and_fields(self): for sql_view in self: if sql_view.rule_id: sql_view.rule_id.unlink() if sql_view.model_id: sql_view.model_id.with_context(_force_unlink=True).unlink() def _hook_executed_request(self): self.ensure_one() req = ( """ SELECT attnum, attname AS column, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) AS type FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = '%s'::regclass AND NOT attisdropped AND attnum > 0 ORDER BY attnum;""" % self.view_name ) self._log_execute(req) return self.env.cr.fetchall() def _prepare_request_check_execution(self): self.ensure_one() return "CREATE VIEW {} AS ({});".format(self.view_name, self.query) def _prepare_request_for_execution(self): self.ensure_one() query = ( """ SELECT CAST(row_number() OVER () as integer) AS id, CAST(Null as timestamp without time zone) as create_date, CAST(Null as integer) as create_uid, CAST(Null as timestamp without time zone) as write_date, CAST(Null as integer) as write_uid, my_query.* FROM (%s) as my_query """ % self.query ) return "CREATE {} VIEW {} AS ({});".format( self.materialized_text, self.view_name, query, ) def _check_execution(self): """Ensure that the query is valid, trying to execute it. a non materialized view is created for this check. A rollback is done at the end. After the execution, and before the rollback, an analysis of the database structure is done, to know fields type.""" self.ensure_one() sql_view_field_obj = self.env["bi.sql.view.field"] columns = super(BiSQLView, self)._check_execution() field_ids = [] for column in columns: existing_field = self.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered( lambda x: x.name == column[1] ) if existing_field: # Update existing field field_ids.append(existing_field.id) existing_field.write({"sequence": column[0], "sql_type": column[2]}) else: # Create a new one if name is prefixed by x_ if column[1][:2] == "x_": field_ids.append( sql_view_field_obj.create( { "sequence": column[0], "name": column[1], "sql_type": column[2], "bi_sql_view_id": self.id, } ).id ) # Drop obsolete view field self.bi_sql_view_field_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.id not in field_ids).unlink() if not self.bi_sql_view_field_ids: raise UserError( _("No Column was found.\n" "Columns name should be prefixed by 'x_'.") ) return columns @api.model def _refresh_materialized_view_cron(self, view_ids): sql_views = self.search( [ ("is_materialized", "=", True), ("state", "in", ["model_valid", "ui_valid"]), ("id", "in", view_ids), ] ) return sql_views._refresh_materialized_view() def _refresh_materialized_view(self): for sql_view in self.filtered(lambda x: x.is_materialized): req = "REFRESH {} VIEW {}".format( sql_view.materialized_text, sql_view.view_name, ) self._log_execute(req) sql_view._refresh_size() if sql_view.action_id: # Alter name of the action, to display last refresh # datetime of the materialized view sql_view.action_id.with_context( lang=self.env.user.lang ).name = sql_view._prepare_action_name() def _refresh_size(self): for sql_view in self: req = "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('%s'));" % ( sql_view.view_name ) self._log_execute(req) sql_view.size = self.env.cr.fetchone()[0] def check_manual_fields(self, model): # check the fields we need are defined on self, to stop it going # early on install / startup - particularly problematic during upgrade if "group_operator" in table_columns( self.env.cr, "bi_sql_view_field" ) and model._name.startswith(self._model_prefix): # Use SQL instead of ORM, as ORM might not be fully initialised - # we have no control over the order that fields are defined! # We are not concerned about user security rules. self.env.cr.execute( """ SELECT f.name, f.ttype, f.group_operator FROM bi_sql_view v LEFT JOIN bi_sql_view_field f ON f.bi_sql_view_id = v.id WHERE v.model_name = %s ; """, (model._name,), ) sql_fields = self.env.cr.fetchall() for sql_field in sql_fields: if ( sql_field[0] in model._fields and sql_field[1] in ("integer", "float") and sql_field[2] ): model._fields[sql_field[0]].group_operator = sql_field[2] def button_preview_sql_expression(self): self.button_validate_sql_expression() res = self._execute_sql_request() raise UserError("\n".join(map(lambda x: str(x), res[:100])))