# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 Akretion (http://www.akretion.com) # @author: Alexis de Lattre # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Py3oPdfOptions(models.Model): _name = 'py3o.pdf.options' _description = 'Define PDF export options for Libreoffice' name = fields.Char(required=True) # GENERAL TAB # UseLosslessCompression (bool) image_compression = fields.Selection([ ('lossless', 'Lossless Compression'), ('jpeg', 'JPEG Compression'), ], string='Image Compression', default='jpeg') # Quality (int) image_jpeg_quality = fields.Integer( string='Image JPEG Quality', default=90, help="Enter a percentage between 0 and 100.") # ReduceImageResolution (bool) and MaxImageResolution (int) image_reduce_resolution = fields.Selection([ ('none', 'Disable'), ('75', '75 DPI'), ('150', '150 DPI'), ('300', '300 DPI'), ('600', '600 DPI'), ('1200', '1200 DPI'), ], string='Reduce Image Resolution', default='300') watermark = fields.Boolean('Sign With Watermark') # Watermark (string) watermark_text = fields.Char('WaterMark Text') # UseTaggedPDF (bool) tagged_pdf = fields.Boolean('Tagged PDF (add document structure)') # SelectPdfVersion (int) # 0 = PDF 1.4 (default selection). # 1 = PDF/A-1 (ISO 19005-1:2005) pdfa = fields.Boolean( 'Archive PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1)', help="If you enable this option, you will not be able to " "password-protect the document or apply other security settings.") # ExportFormFields (bool) pdf_form = fields.Boolean('Create PDF Form', default=True) # FormsType (int) pdf_form_format = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'FDF'), ('1', 'PDF'), ('2', 'HTML'), ('3', 'XML'), ], string='Submit Format', default='0') # AllowDuplicateFieldNames (bool) pdf_form_allow_duplicate = fields.Boolean('Allow Duplicate Field Names') # ExportBookmarks (bool) export_bookmarks = fields.Boolean('Export Bookmarks', default=True) # ExportPlaceholders (bool) export_placeholders = fields.Boolean('Export Placeholders', default=True) # ExportNotes (bool) export_comments = fields.Boolean('Export Comments') # ExportHiddenSlides (bool) ?? export_hidden_slides = fields.Boolean( 'Export Automatically Insered Blank Pages') # Doesn't make sense to have the option "View PDF after export" ! :) # INITIAL VIEW TAB # InitialView (int) initial_view = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'Page Only'), ('1', 'Bookmarks and Page'), ('2', 'Thumbnails and Page'), ], string='Panes', default='0') # InitialPage (int) initial_page = fields.Integer(string='Initial Page', default=1) # Magnification (int) magnification = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'Default'), ('1', 'Fit in Window'), ('2', 'Fit Width'), ('3', 'Fit Visible'), ('4', 'Zoom'), ], string='Magnification', default='0') # Zoom (int) zoom = fields.Integer( string='Zoom Factor', default=100, help='Possible values: from 50 to 1600') # PageLayout (int) page_layout = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'Default'), ('1', 'Single Page'), ('2', 'Continuous'), ('3', 'Continuous Facing'), ], string='Page Layout', default='0') # USER INTERFACE TAB # ResizeWindowToInitialPage (bool) resize_windows_initial_page = fields.Boolean( string='Resize Windows to Initial Page') # CenterWindow (bool) center_window = fields.Boolean(string='Center Window on Screen') # OpenInFullScreenMode (bool) open_fullscreen = fields.Boolean(string='Open in Full Screen Mode') # DisplayPDFDocumentTitle (bool) display_document_title = fields.Boolean(string='Display Document Title') # HideViewerMenubar (bool) hide_menubar = fields.Boolean(string='Hide Menubar') # HideViewerToolbar (bool) hide_toolbar = fields.Boolean(string='Hide Toolbar') # HideViewerWindowControls (bool) hide_window_controls = fields.Boolean(string='Hide Windows Controls') # OpenBookmarkLevels (int) -1 = all (default) from 1 to 10 open_bookmark_levels = fields.Selection([ ('-1', 'All Levels'), ('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3'), ('4', '4'), ('5', '5'), ('6', '6'), ('7', '7'), ('8', '8'), ('9', '9'), ('10', '10'), ], default='-1', string='Visible Bookmark Levels') # LINKS TAB # ExportBookmarksToPDFDestination (bool) export_bookmarks_named_dest = fields.Boolean( string='Export Bookmarks as Named Destinations') # ConvertOOoTargetToPDFTarget (bool) convert_doc_ref_to_pdf_target = fields.Boolean( string='Convert Document References to PDF Targets') # ExportLinksRelativeFsys (bool) export_filesystem_urls = fields.Boolean( string='Export URLs Relative to Filesystem') # PDFViewSelection -> mnDefaultLinkAction (int) cross_doc_link_action = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'Default'), ('1', 'Open with PDF Reader Application'), ('2', 'Open with Internet Browser'), ], string='Cross-document Links', default='0') # SECURITY TAB # EncryptFile (bool) encrypt = fields.Boolean('Encrypt') # DocumentOpenPassword (char) document_password = fields.Char(string='Document Password') # RestrictPermissions (bool) restrict_permissions = fields.Boolean('Restrict Permissions') # PermissionPassword (char) permission_password = fields.Char(string='Permission Password') # TODO PreparedPasswords + PreparedPermissionPassword # I don't see those fields in the LO interface ! # But they are used in the LO code... # Printing (int) printing = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'Not Permitted'), ('1', 'Low Resolution (150 dpi)'), ('2', 'High Resolution'), ], string='Printing', default='2') # Changes (int) changes = fields.Selection([ ('0', 'Not Permitted'), ('1', 'Inserting, Deleting and Rotating Pages'), ('2', 'Filling in Form Fields'), ('3', 'Commenting, Filling in Form Fields'), ('4', 'Any Except Extracting Pages'), ], string='Changes', default='4') # EnableCopyingOfContent (bool) content_copying_allowed = fields.Boolean( string='Enable Copying of Content', default=True) # EnableTextAccessForAccessibilityTools (bool) text_access_accessibility_tools_allowed = fields.Boolean( string='Enable Text Access for Accessibility Tools', default=True) # DIGITAL SIGNATURE TAB # This will be possible but not easy # Because the certificate parameter is a pointer to a certificate # already registered in LO # On Linux LO reuses the Mozilla certificate store (on Windows the # one from Windows) # But there seems to be some possibilities to send this certificate via API # It seems you can add temporary certificates during runtime: # https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1security_1_1XCertificateContainer.html # Here is an API to retrieve the known certificates: # https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1xml_1_1crypto_1_1XSecurityEnvironment.html # Thanks to 'samuel_m' on libreoffice-dev IRC chan for pointing me to this @api.constrains( 'image_jpeg_quality', 'initial_page', 'pdfa', 'cross_doc_link_action', 'magnification', 'zoom') def check_pdf_options(self): for opt in self: if opt.image_jpeg_quality > 100 or opt.image_jpeg_quality < 1: raise ValidationError(_( "The parameter Image JPEG Quality must be between 1 %%" " and 100 %% (current value: %s %%)") % opt.image_jpeg_quality) if opt.initial_page < 1: raise ValidationError(_( "The initial page parameter must be strictly positive " "(current value: %d)") % opt.initial_page) if opt.pdfa and opt.cross_doc_link_action == '1': raise ValidationError(_( "The PDF/A option is not compatible with " "'Cross-document Links' = " "'Open with PDF Reader Application'.")) if opt.magnification == '4' and (opt.zoom < 50 or opt.zoom > 1600): raise ValidationError(_( "The value of the zoom factor must be between 50 and 1600 " "(current value: %d)") % opt.zoom) @api.onchange('encrypt') def encrypt_change(self): if not self.encrypt: self.document_password = False @api.onchange('restrict_permissions') def restrict_permissions_change(self): if not self.restrict_permissions: self.permission_password = False @api.onchange('pdfa') def pdfa_change(self): if self.pdfa: self.pdf_form = False self.encrypt = False self.restrict_permissions = False def odoo2libreoffice_options(self): self.ensure_one() options = {} # GENERAL TAB if self.image_compression == 'lossless': options['UseLosslessCompression'] = True else: options['UseLosslessCompression'] = False options['Quality'] = self.image_jpeg_quality if self.image_reduce_resolution != 'none': options['ReduceImageResolution'] = True options['MaxImageResolution'] = int(self.image_reduce_resolution) else: options['ReduceImageResolution'] = False if self.watermark and self.watermark_text: options['Watermark'] = self.watermark_text if self.pdfa: options['SelectPdfVersion'] = 1 options['UseTaggedPDF'] = self.tagged_pdf else: options['SelectPdfVersion'] = 0 if self.pdf_form and self.pdf_form_format and not self.pdfa: options['ExportFormFields'] = True options['FormsType'] = int(self.pdf_form_format) options['AllowDuplicateFieldNames'] = self.pdf_form_allow_duplicate else: options['ExportFormFields'] = False options.update({ 'ExportBookmarks': self.export_bookmarks, 'ExportPlaceholders': self.export_placeholders, 'ExportNotes': self.export_comments, 'ExportHiddenSlides': self.export_hidden_slides, }) # INITIAL VIEW TAB options.update({ 'InitialView': int(self.initial_view), 'InitialPage': self.initial_page, 'Magnification': int(self.magnification), 'PageLayout': int(self.page_layout), }) if self.magnification == '4': options['Zoom'] = self.zoom # USER INTERFACE TAB options.update({ 'ResizeWindowToInitialPage': self.resize_windows_initial_page, 'CenterWindow': self.center_window, 'OpenInFullScreenMode': self.open_fullscreen, 'DisplayPDFDocumentTitle': self.display_document_title, 'HideViewerMenubar': self.hide_menubar, 'HideViewerToolbar': self.hide_toolbar, 'HideViewerWindowControls': self.hide_window_controls, }) if self.open_bookmark_levels: options['OpenBookmarkLevels'] = int(self.open_bookmark_levels) # LINKS TAB options.update({ 'ExportBookmarksToPDFDestination': self.export_bookmarks_named_dest, 'ConvertOOoTargetToPDFTarget': self.convert_doc_ref_to_pdf_target, 'ExportLinksRelativeFsys': self.export_filesystem_urls, 'PDFViewSelection': int(self.cross_doc_link_action), }) # SECURITY TAB if not self.pdfa: if self.encrypt and self.document_password: options['EncryptFile'] = True options['DocumentOpenPassword'] = self.document_password if self.restrict_permissions and self.permission_password: options.update({ 'RestrictPermissions': True, 'PermissionPassword': self.permission_password, 'Printing': int(self.printing), 'Changes': int(self.changes), 'EnableCopyingOfContent': self.content_copying_allowed, 'EnableTextAccessForAccessibilityTools': self.text_access_accessibility_tools_allowed, }) logger.debug( 'Py3o PDF options ID %s converted to %s', self.id, options) return options